Is this what the bracket has come to ?

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LOL, The horde had 7 healers. Our team did not once help our FC, except for Myself (Twinkerbelle) and my mate (Killshot). Is this what the bracket has come to every game Horde have over 6 healers >.<
Nothing new to see here . . .
This is pretty damn common on both sides, you can start off by being the better person and getting off your 24 hpal. You're no better than those 7 healers on horde side, no sympathy from me.
Your a holy paladin, Just the other day i bet you were running around one shotting people.
Your a holy paladin, Just the other day i bet you were running around one shotting people.
Wrong, I`m Main set port, I play holy when my mate wants to FC which is hardly ever
Wrong, I`m Main set port, I play holy when my mate wants to FC which is hardly ever

Everytime I've seen your armory you've been holy... And since the account wide achieves its not possible to tell when a character was made but seeing your low hks and low quests completed I have come to the idea that you either made the toon after 5.0.4 seeing how OP hpals were or made it a week before it hearing how OP they were supposed to be.

Don't complain about the bracket when you are just as bad as the rest imo
Meh, complain about heals all you want, I like those tie, hard fought games.

95% of my games today looked like this:


Feels like the farming has gotten worse now.
Everytime I've seen your armory you've been holy... And since the account wide achieves its not possible to tell when a character was made but seeing your low hks and low quests completed I have come to the idea that you either made the toon after 5.0.4 seeing how OP hpals were or made it a week before it hearing how OP they were supposed to be.

Don't complain about the bracket when you are just as bad as the rest imo
Fine whatever I'm bad cuz I played Holy from the 7-9th of september and once the weekend b4 that. Other then that I have been prot since June, I have been on 2 servers on this toon. Aman'thul Horde, then Frostmourne Horde, Now alliance.
Oh Healers are OP?

Well Then healers are by far not the most damaging class the only reason it seems like they do a lot of damage is because the side getting toppled over either have no heals or do not know how to get on healers.

In my opinion it also depends on the capabilities of the DPS because a team of DPS that know how to CC and Burst at the right times can take out healers rather fast.

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