Is this bracket worth joining?

If 99% of F2Ps are complete pushovers, why play 24?

Welcome to the question I already answered like twice friend :) I suppose the same can be asked of you with that 24 rogue in your signature?

Because 19s are dead, I usually miss out on 29s scheduled nights, 39s are dead, I don't like and am too lazy to play any higher level twink brackets, and I hate end game at 90.

jk I play because crops need harvested.
To add my thoughts on this.... most 24's I've met are fairly nice people who do look for fights against 24's and heavily skilled F2P. Yeah some of us do get mad (myself included >.<). But The bracket is fun most of the time. Not right now. CTA brings out 24 premades from the depths of hell to farm our GY. Other than that, it's always been like this, albeit a little less worse back in cata because even a 20 Rogue with good gear could kick the crap out of a 24 hunter.

But I digress, come play with us in the 20-24 bracket! :D
> arguing with somebody who has 5,236 posts and 0 likes

Thanks for pretty much reiterating what I had already said. But yeah, it's quite clear that Drama doesn't care about anyone else's opinion. Continue on.
why play 24?

Theres a few reasons why i play 24, one of them being that for some reason i like the idea of going into gnomer a thousand times trying to get the right pair of bracers, rings or whatever. I did that at 29 aswell so i guess 24 kinda brings that feeling from those days back.

The hate from f2ps, emoting spamming, refusing to play etc also helps. I find it hillarious when people just stand still because theres 2-3 24s in a bg. I dont really play pugs that often, i play a little more when theres a call to arms but i prefere doing arena or dueling other 24s. Thats the main reason i play 24, to play against other 24s. I dont really care about f2ps, usually when im doing bgs im just playing 1 or 2 to see if theres a decent amount of 24s on horde and if not i'll just do something else.
Welcome to the question I already answered like twice friend :) I suppose the same can be asked of you with that 24 rogue in your signature?

Because 19s are dead, I usually miss out on 29s scheduled nights, 39s are dead, I don't like and am too lazy to play any higher level twink brackets, and I hate end game at 90.

jk I play because crops need harvested.

Makes sense I suppose. As long as 24s aren't graveyard farming I don't really mind you guys.

I stopped playing that 24 rogue ages ago though.
Apnea this is adorable

Anyways, you're going to get people who hate the bracket and you're going to get people who like the bracket. Try it out and see. Good luck either way (hugs)
It is very fun and all to 1 shot everything on a 24 but, it doesn't mean you should have an ego about it. Playing a trial is not gimping yourself, I like playing a trial to see the maximum amount of things I can get out of the game for free, and if your paying for this game you are actually gimping yourself, the end game content in it is so unbalanced, there is like no reason why anyone smart would pay for it atm.

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