EU+US Is there any reason to twink 29 anymore?


I know this convo has been going on ad nauseam, but I still must be missing something... what is the purpose of playing a 29 twink with Exp turned off when you can just level to 20, twink the shit out of your character, then turn Exp back on right before your sub runs out? Most specs miss out on one, MAYBE two abilities, but you get to PvP with other vets, F2Ps, and levelers, which must vastly outnumber the amount of 29 Exp off twinks playing by themselves now...

Is it time to shelve the 29 life and go Vet? I like PvP... I actually want queue pops, haha.
[doublepost=1552742621,1552741574][/doublepost]And by abilities, I mean ones that actually matter, like interrupts or better heals... I know most specs have 4’ish actual abilities they generally earn between from level 21 to 29.
Was there any reason before this patch? I had 29s once but felt embarrassed to play them in the bracket after seeing 20s make wiser plays, objective mindset and overall kinder/healthier community. Excluding a handful of players I've qued with, the majority of 29s are clueless. I'd take a 20 I didn't know over a 29 I didn't know...

20s are missing some spells/abilities but when scaled up they sometimes shine brighter then the actual 29s with the extra spells/abilities. I haven't played a game yet since the patch but just knowing that there won't be 29 dolts in games makes me happy!

Vets FTW!
Was there any reason before this patch? I had 29s once but felt embarrassed to play them in the bracket after seeing 20s make wiser plays, objective mindset and overall kinder/healthier community. Excluding a handful of players I've qued with, the majority of 29s are clueless. I'd take a 20 I didn't know over a 29 I didn't know...

20s are missing some spells/abilities but when scaled up they sometimes shine brighter then the actual 29s with the extra spells/abilities. I haven't played a game yet since the patch but just knowing that there won't be 29 dolts in games makes me happy!

Vets FTW!
Yeaaah, see, your bias is pretty strong against 29s for whatever reason. There’s zero factual evidence that the majority of level 29 players are clueless, other than your personal anecdote. The concept of what they’re doing within the game is literally identical to F2P/Vet, except with less/no restrictions.

My experience being a current (maybe former?!) 29 player is that the ones I regularly played with or saw in BGs were VERY good, played objectives, dispelled, off-healed, peeled for healers, etc., so MY “bias” may be inaccurate too, because my experience in the bracket is exclusive to me.

I still don’t understand this “war” between F2P/Vet players and subbed players, but the bitterness definitely seems to fall on the side of the F2P/Vet side. I enjoy most people I’ve gotten to know within the game and respect the skill of a lot of people I play with, but there are shitty players in every nuance of this game; there’s no way around it.
Yeaaah, see, your bias is pretty strong against 29s for whatever reason. There’s zero factual evidence that the majority of level 29 players are clueless, other than your personal anecdote. The concept of what they’re doing within the game is literally identical to F2P/Vet, except with less/no restrictions.

My experience being a current (maybe former?!) 29 player is that the ones I regularly played with or saw in BGs were VERY good, played objectives, dispelled, off-healed, peeled for healers, etc., so MY “bias” may be inaccurate too, because my experience in the bracket is exclusive to me.

I still don’t understand this “war” between F2P/Vet players and subbed players, but the bitterness definitely seems to fall on the side of the F2P/Vet side. I enjoy most people I’ve gotten to know within the game and respect the skill of a lot of people I play with, but there are shitty players in every nuance of this game; there’s no way around it.

Basicly it stems from the fact that they only came to the bracket to farm f2ps because the levelers were gone. This thread does nothing but further that belief in everyone who holds it.
Look at every other bracket. There are threads about organizing war games and setting up specific nights to que and genuine efforts to keep their twinking community alive.

Haven't seen a single one of those from 29s. It's almost as if 29s has no real specific attraction as a bracket outside of farming pugs.

I mean look at this thread. "Why play 29s?"

I dunno. You tell us. What about 29s appeals to you over 39s or 19s? Why aren't you interested in working to preserve 29s instead of just finding a way to keep queing into levelers.

You'll convince me that 29s cared about 29s when they make an effort to try and save their bracket
29 random bg queues still pop, albeit less frequently. Queue times are much better in the evening when people are home from work or school. The games we get are much more competitive than the ones before the patch, so I don't mind the extra wait. We'll also be working to organize wargames as often as we can - yesterday we played a bunch of WSG, followed by some 3v3 and 2v2 wargames.

Of course our queue times will never compare to what f2p 20s have, but if you care about getting decent games vs other twinks then you might find it worthwhile to stick around on your 29.

Look at every other bracket. There are threads about organizing war games and setting up specific nights to que and genuine efforts to keep their twinking community alive.

Haven't seen a single one of those from 29s. It's almost as if 29s has no real specific attraction as a bracket outside of farming pugs.

I mean look at this thread. "Why play 29s?"

I dunno. You tell us. What about 29s appeals to you over 39s or 19s? Why aren't you interested in working to preserve 29s instead of just finding a way to keep queing into levelers.

You'll convince me that 29s cared about 29s when they make an effort to try and save their bracket

Edited to include this: I've been working a lot to try to keep 29s alive in discord and in game, maybe making a thread here would be a good idea. You're absolutely right that many 29s only had interest in crushing random bgs all day and won't play the bracket anymore now that twinks are their only opponents, we knew that to be the case long before this patch when we'd try to organize wargames before. Lots online but very few willing to participate. At this point there are a decent number of people remaining who are dedicated to the bracket/interested in organized play, so we're going to do our best to build off what we have and keep 29 games happening.

Anyone interested in playing wargames (organized battlegrounds or arenas) should feel free to add my btag Plants#11596 in game and I'll shoot you a message whenever I'm putting something together.
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Basicly it stems from the fact that they only came to the bracket to farm f2ps because the levelers were gone. This thread does nothing but further that belief in everyone who holds it.
29s didn’t “come to a bracket” lol. The bracket is 20-29. There’s that bitterness again — it’s as if those that play the Free-to-play portion of the game insist that the game/pvp bracket was built for them, then people that have a subscription somehow muddied things up. It literally makes no sense, lol. The 20-29 PvP bracket is not the Free-to-play bracket that subscription-based players have the privilege of playing in.
Look at every other bracket. There are threads about organizing war games and setting up specific nights to que and genuine efforts to keep their twinking community alive.

Haven't seen a single one of those from 29s. It's almost as if 29s has no real specific attraction as a bracket outside of farming pugs.

I mean look at this thread. "Why play 29s?"

I dunno. You tell us. What about 29s appeals to you over 39s or 19s? Why aren't you interested in working to preserve 29s instead of just finding a way to keep queing into levelers.

You'll convince me that 29s cared about 29s when they make an effort to try and save their bracket
What appeals to me about the 20-29 bracket is it’s what I’ve always played. As I said, I’m interested in getting queues that pop, which is why at no point did I say that I’m specifically interested in playing against levelers... the fact that they’re going to compose a portion of the bracket now that Exp off is segmented is just a fact of the matter, not something I’m seeking to take advantage of.
29s didn’t “come to a bracket” lol. The bracket is 20-29. There’s that bitterness again — it’s as if those that play the Free-to-play portion of the game insist that the game/pvp bracket was built for them, then people that have a subscription somehow muddied things up. It literally makes no sense, lol. The 20-29 PvP bracket is not the Free-to-play bracket that subscription-based players have the privilege of playing in.

Gotta tell you man, you come off negative (I mean Steven Seagal? Not even 90s Seagal, but current Seagal) but I'll try to answer your post in a civil fashion.
The bracket was 20-24. Like 5% of the current 29 player base played 29s pre cata, lets be real, probably fewer. Most are leveled up 24s or new creations. 20-24 was the bracket in which all of this started and where most of us started this little feud. This bracket had never existed before cataclysm, there was no 20 twinks or 24 twinks before, it was a fresh bracket. A bunch of people started playing f2ps and had an entire bracket to themselves. A few people salty about not having levelers to pound on found out these people were in the xp off category of the bracket and made 24s, decked them out in enchant with no f2p able to stack enough hit rating to stand a chance.

I mean if you really like 29s go nuts. But don't act all high and mighty because technicly there was a 20-29 before there was a 20-24. We both know those arent the people playing 29s right now. Anyway it was a bracket that f2ps had all for themselves until others decided they shouldnt be allowed to. That is why f2ps act like its their bracket, because it was.
Gotta tell you man, you come off negative (I mean Steven Seagal? Not even 90s Seagal, but current Seagal) but I'll try to answer your post in a civil fashion.
The bracket was 20-24. Like 5% of the current 29 player base played 29s pre cata, lets be real, probably fewer. Most are leveled up 24s or new creations. 20-24 was the bracket in which all of this started and where most of us started this little feud. This bracket had never existed before cataclysm, there was no 20 twinks or 24 twinks before, it was a fresh bracket. A bunch of people started playing f2ps and had an entire bracket to themselves. A few people salty about not having levelers to pound on found out these people were in the xp off category of the bracket and made 24s, decked them out in enchant with no f2p able to stack enough hit rating to stand a chance.

I mean if you really like 29s go nuts. But don't act all high and mighty because technicly there was a 20-29 before there was a 20-24. We both know those arent the people playing 29s right now. Anyway it was a bracket that f2ps had all for themselves until others decided they shouldnt be allowed to. That is why f2ps act like its their bracket, because it was.
Level 20 F2Ps had their own bracket that no one else had access to? It was strictly them?
Gotta tell you man, you come off negative (I mean Steven Seagal? Not even 90s Seagal, but current Seagal) but I'll try to answer your post in a civil fashion.
The bracket was 20-24. Like 5% of the current 29 player base played 29s pre cata, lets be real, probably fewer. Most are leveled up 24s or new creations. 20-24 was the bracket in which all of this started and where most of us started this little feud. This bracket had never existed before cataclysm, there was no 20 twinks or 24 twinks before, it was a fresh bracket. A bunch of people started playing f2ps and had an entire bracket to themselves. A few people salty about not having levelers to pound on found out these people were in the xp off category of the bracket and made 24s, decked them out in enchant with no f2p able to stack enough hit rating to stand a chance.

I mean if you really like 29s go nuts. But don't act all high and mighty because technicly there was a 20-29 before there was a 20-24. We both know those arent the people playing 29s right now. Anyway it was a bracket that f2ps had all for themselves until others decided they shouldnt be allowed to. That is why f2ps act like its their bracket, because it was.
Nice modded comment, btw. Calling someone a c u next Tuesday doesn’t make you seem like a salty little boy at all...

This entire whinefest literally started simply because I asked if there is any reason to play a level 29 character in PvP anymore seeing as massive, sweeping changes have occurred. I enjoy this bracket — always have. My point has been made about bitterness and pouncing on people that choose to give Blizz $15/mo. It’s non-sensical and the sense of entitlement is beyond bizarre.
Look at every other bracket. There are threads about organizing war games and setting up specific nights to que and genuine efforts to keep their twinking community alive.

Haven't seen a single one of those from 29s. It's almost as if 29s has no real specific attraction as a bracket outside of farming pugs.

I mean look at this thread. "Why play 29s?"

I dunno. You tell us. What about 29s appeals to you over 39s or 19s? Why aren't you interested in working to preserve 29s instead of just finding a way to keep queing into levelers.

You'll convince me that 29s cared about 29s when they make an effort to try and save their bracket
Yes some people probably rolled 29 because they wanted to farm scrubs. But more than anything it attracted people because of how active it was after bfa release and how fast the ques were. I don't get how you 20's think it's fine to sit here and call out an entire community like this. The reason as to why many people are making 20's is to get faster ques as we don't wanna spend 1 + hour in que for a 15 minute games. and there are people organizing wargames almost every day trough bnet and discord chats so I don't get how you can sit here and say that no 29's are doing anything to keep the bracket alive.
Nice modded comment, btw. Calling someone a c u next Tuesday doesn’t make you seem like a salty little boy at all...

This entire whinefest literally started simply because I asked if there is any reason to play a level 29 character in PvP anymore seeing as massive, sweeping changes have occurred. I enjoy this bracket — always have. My point has been made about bitterness and pouncing on people that choose to give Blizz $15/mo. It’s non-sensical and the sense of entitlement is beyond bizarre.

You're the one whining, why are complaining about that part of this thread? Anyway, I am simply here because you came of as ignorant and then when presented with facts instead chose a different tone, a cuntier tone if you will.

Is there a reason to play 29s? probably not, very few people did before f2ps came here, the 2 people I remember advertising it back in MoP are both long gone. I doubt you have always enjoyed it, I think you have enjoyed it when it was lush with levelers to pound and was nowhere to be found in cata, mop or wod but I could be wrong. My point is that f2ps act like its their bracket because they came from a different bracket, their bracket. Of the hundreds of f2ps i have gotten to know over the last 8 years I think maybe 20-30 have not kept a paid account on the side at some point during their escapades. I dont know if I would call it a sense of entitlement but a sense of bewilderment about why they couldnt be left alone. There was 19, there was 39s, there was plenty of options . But you came to 24s because of the fresh smell of grass.

Look. If you want to play 29s go nuts, if you want to play vet go nuts. But dont go pointing at shit and tell me its flowers.

That would be 24.

Some people had 29 since vanilla/BC... not everyone just showed up when the brackets switched back.

Correct. it was all in my posted, including how those people are severly outnumbered by the same mouthbreathers that rolled 24s with 5 extra levels.
You're the one whining, why are complaining about that part of this thread? Anyway, I am simply here because you came of as ignorant and then when presented with facts instead chose a different tone, a cuntier tone if you will.

Is there a reason to play 29s? probably not, very few people did before f2ps came here, the 2 people I remember advertising it back in MoP are both long gone. I doubt you have always enjoyed it, I think you have enjoyed it when it was lush with levelers to pound and was nowhere to be found in cata, mop or wod but I could be wrong. My point is that f2ps act like its their bracket because they came from a different bracket, their bracket. Of the hundreds of f2ps i have gotten to know over the last 8 years I think maybe 20-30 have not kept a paid account on the side at some point during their escapades. I dont know if I would call it a sense of entitlement but a sense of bewilderment about why they couldnt be left alone. There was 19, there was 39s, there was plenty of options . But you came to 24s because of the fresh smell of grass.

Look. If you want to play 29s go nuts, if you want to play vet go nuts. But dont go pointing at shit and tell me its flowers.

Correct. it was all in my posted, including how those people are severly outnumbered by the same mouthbreathers that rolled 24s with 5 extra levels.
I do think it's ignorant to say that nobody played 29's before the f2p's came, to my knowledge 29's were very popular back in vanilla.
I do think it's ignorant to say that nobody played 29's before the f2p's came, to my knowledge 29's were very popular back in vanilla.
Then they should continue no problem?

LMAO at this whole thread and the title, it's just so great.
I do think it's ignorant to say that nobody played 29's before the f2p's came, to my knowledge 29's were very popular back in vanilla.

Jesus christ. Can you tell the moon from the sun, up from down? Yikes guess Ill get to work on you too then. 29s was popular up until cata with the split. Very few people played 25-29, I remember Karmaz and Willix working like animals trying to scramble people for wargames because nobody played it anymore. It was dead.

Yes some people probably rolled 29 because they wanted to farm scrubs. But more than anything it attracted people because of how active it was after bfa release and how fast the ques were. I don't get how you 20's think it's fine to sit here and call out an entire community like this. The reason as to why many people are making 20's is to get faster ques as we don't wanna spend 1 + hour in que for a 15 minute games. and there are people organizing wargames almost every day trough bnet and discord chats so I don't get how you can sit here and say that no 29's are doing anything to keep the bracket alive.

You didnt have to roll a 29 to get the pops though did you? Could get pops on a f2p or a vet aswell, and I know what your thinking, but Goesid how am I gonna pound levelers on a f2p? Ye, its not what youre used to but I promise its possible even without drums and flasks and pots and whatever else you needed to keep up with the half geared warlock across the basin.

Look youre welcome to prove me wrong, I would welcome it, but I have been around. I remember how much time they spent trying to make 29 games happen in MoP and how everybody said no lets pound f2ps instead, they have their own bracket with pops, its free real estate.

Then they should continue no problem?

LMAO at this whole thread and the title, it's just so great.

Boy have I missed this.
Jesus christ. Can you tell the moon from the sun, up from down? Yikes guess Ill get to work on you too then. 29s was popular up until cata with the split. Very few people played 25-29, I remember Karmaz and Willix working like animals trying to scramble people for wargames because nobody played it anymore. It was dead.

You didnt have to roll a 29 to get the pops though did you? Could get pops on a f2p or a vet aswell, and I know what your thinking, but Goesid how am I gonna pound levelers on a f2p? Ye, its not what youre used to but I promise its possible even without drums and flasks and pots and whatever else you needed to keep up with the half geared warlock across the basin.

Look youre welcome to prove me wrong, I would welcome it, but I have been around. I remember how much time they spent trying to make 29 games happen in MoP and how everybody said no lets pound f2ps instead, its free real estate.

Boy have I missed this.
the thing is that yeah sure people could've made 20's instead of 29. but then I ask you: what level do people play in most brackets?
Answer: in most brackets they play the highest level possible.
And I also hate the attitude you are showing here, you make it sound like f2p/vet's own the bracket. please get off your high horse man, it's not cool.
the thing is that yeah sure people could've made 20's instead of 29. but then I ask you: what level do people play in most brackets?
Answer: in most brackets they play the highest level possible.
And I also hate the attitude you are showing here, you make it sound like f2p/vet's own the bracket. please get off your high horse man, it's not cool.

But the f2p bracket was never any other bracket.

Ofcourse I do, Im not gonna bring a knife to a gun fight. You can now own your 20-29 xp off bracket, I give it a few weeks.

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