Is there any hope for removal Tazik shocker?


Idk , Kinda sick of having some fun in arena Outplayed some kronix/whatever priest he plays with

rolling 16-0 and then sup 70 mage/discpriest

hai hai oh hai der nova -> Ams deep

No problem switch shaman coldsnap deep Double tazik + 5k ice lances on 700+ resilience

Is there any hope for Tazik removal?
I doubt it.
Yh Taylor I had some fun with kronix last night outplaying you and vap, fair you beat us 2 times both when i went afk but yh, so why announce you wins, + if ur shammy has 700 resil Tazik will make no significant difference to your winning or losing. Btw stop calling ur self the best DK cuz ur bad
Yh Taylor I had some fun with kronix last night outplaying you and vap, fair you beat us 2 times both when i went afk but yh, so why announce you wins, + if ur shammy has 700 resil Tazik will make no significant difference to your winning or losing. Btw stop calling ur self the best DK cuz ur bad

Arenas won 730

Arenas played 1,202

ANYHOW, how does it not make a difference, I run with 722 resil yet I'm getting crit for 4k+ frostbolts etc..

It's ok though I forgive you for being yet another random ignorant full pve rogue.

If there was no tazik/synapse most of you 2.2 scrubs ( if u can even get that high ) wouldn't break the 1800's

raging about what, im simply saying taylor thinks hes pro wins a few games and has to make a post about it, yes im just another random rogue who cares, are u supposed to be the don of the forum lol + lol you are supposed to be best shammy, you cant lose a mage, + if ur on 700 resil tazik will hit you like 2k max
thats why it hit him for 4k+s in a deep on hexlol , its okay tho mr , Full BiS rogue stuck on 2.1 with tazik haha

you didnt outplay me and yoda at all , it takes you About 1blind on vapriest and i'm dead enjoyed farming you with hexlol tho Shaman/dk > Priest Dk
And fact that you cant SwD my Hc's radiobox is just hella cute

Stop flaming, else this'll become another locked thread in the most e-peening, ego-tastic of twink brackets.

And on topic, Dont recall ever losing an arena match due to enemy tazik, and only been killed a handful of times in Battlegrounds with it, usually combined with a 7k ice lance, or somthing.

Edit; Eeek, Hammer time already?

Editedit; Yes, i've got tazik, dont judge me.
Radiobox said:
Love it how you have to make a topic announcing your wins.

We played crap yeah, made a shit-ton of mistakes so gg really, playing with kronix entirely for fun.

Im playing with djsprings he sucks so hard im trying to teach that bad mage how to play but we're like broes so we're having fun. but still 45-2 hurr hurr (1dc) hurr hurr
hold up, a post was made on a forums to brag about/moan about 70? bringing into contemplation that taziks/synapse's roll about everywhere nowadays? you guys really have nothing better to do that document a pervious arena game. which will never change anything. there will never be "The best *insert class* is *insert name*" for the time being, about 90% of the bracket today, began playing 70 when cata rolled out and the brutal gear could be bought for free. on top of that, we now hit what level 80's use to hit on each other, the only difference is that we dont have the same HP, infact about half hp less. The bottom line is, nearly every class is the same now, by that i mean does the same amount and type of damage, just in a different way and in a not so different space of time. fact.

Over the last few months, and certainly before i leveled my shaman up, all twink info's 70 forum has been used for is flexing for epeen and raging at each other because u dont want to be caught logging on to each others realms flaming each other.

how about we end it here? the last "flaming post", and instead use these forums for more constructive way to help the bracket become more competitive ect, perhaps by posting what days other guild want/are prepared to do rated bg's on?

tbh amen to what i said above.

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