Is there any hope for removal Tazik shocker?

hold up, a post was made on a forums to brag about/moan about 70? bringing into contemplation that taziks/synapse's roll about everywhere nowadays? you guys really have nothing better to do that document a pervious arena game. which will never change anything. there will never be "The best *insert class* is *insert name*" for the time being, about 90% of the bracket today, began playing 70 when cata rolled out and the brutal gear could be bought for free. on top of that, we now hit what level 80's use to hit on each other, the only difference is that we dont have the same HP, infact about half hp less. The bottom line is, nearly every class is the same now, by that i mean does the same amount and type of damage, just in a different way and in a not so different space of time. fact.

Over the last few months, and certainly before i leveled my shaman up, all twink info's 70 forum has been used for is flexing for epeen and raging at each other because u dont want to be caught logging on to each others realms flaming each other.

how about we end it here? the last "flaming post", and instead use these forums for more constructive way to help the bracket become more competitive ect, perhaps by posting what days other guild want/are prepared to do rated bg's on?

tbh amen to what i said above.
hold up, a post was made on a forums to brag about/moan about 70? bringing into contemplation that taziks/synapse's roll about everywhere nowadays? you guys really have nothing better to do that document a pervious arena game. which will never change anything. there will never be "The best *insert class* is *insert name*" for the time being, about 90% of the bracket today, began playing 70 when cata rolled out and the brutal gear could be bought for free. on top of that, we now hit what level 80's use to hit on each other, the only difference is that we dont have the same HP, infact about half hp less. The bottom line is, nearly every class is the same now, by that i mean does the same amount and type of damage, just in a different way and in a not so different space of time. fact.

Over the last few months, and certainly before i leveled my shaman up, all twink info's 70 forum has been used for is flexing for epeen and raging at each other because u dont want to be caught logging on to each others realms flaming each other.

how about we end it here? the last "flaming post", and instead use these forums for more constructive way to help the bracket become more competitive ect, perhaps by posting what days other guild want/are prepared to do rated bg's on?

tbh amen to what i said above.

my friend played on a ptr and he said that tazik and synapse and all the other op tinkers is changed to a req of 500 engi.
They should make it so all the cata tinkers should req level 75 or higher... they really need to fix lower level pvp but as blizzard posted before they will try to fix low level pvp once max level is fixed.
They should make it so all the cata tinkers should req level 75 or higher... they really need to fix lower level pvp but as blizzard posted before they will try to fix low level pvp once max level is fixed.

Dont mind the tinkers, have to say though, 1 Second frostbolt followed by a FoF'd ice lance, 10k+7k, But priests/mages/rogues with tinkers, zzz.

Edit; 2 gigs of downloads to go, and raid is just about to start, will get to the ptr when possible, derp. <.>
Can you verify the damage output on the PTR? I have been planning on leveling engineering on my 70, but I don't want to spend the time to get taziks if they are just going to nerf the output.
Can you verify the damage output on the PTR? I have been planning on leveling engineering on my 70, but I don't want to spend the time to get taziks if they are just going to nerf the output.

Will try and get a screenie later today, Teleported to Toshley's station and tazik'd one of those ravagers for a 7.8k crit, give or take.

Tooltip still reads as "4800 damage", so, dont think they've changed the damage.
would be nice to be able to play arena's without tazik or synapse, then people can stop bragging about their wins when all they're actually doing is popping double tazik or synapse and then just trucking through heals
would be nice to be able to play arena's without tazik or synapse, then people can stop bragging about their wins when all they're actually doing is popping double tazik or synapse and then just trucking through heals

And have even more people roll mages as their classes aren't 'balanced' without tazik, and brag about 1-hitting warriors/hunters @ <1500 rating? Eek.

And it'll be as it already is, Rogues, Mages, And Priests bragging about their rating. Too much e-peen'ing (Is dat a word) in this bracket.
Yeah as Esotra pointed out. The classes that would gain most from a removal of tazik shocker/Springs is mages and rogues. Because they will be the only classes with reliable burst which is extremely easy to set up to global anyone.

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