Is there an easier way to help my wife with twinking?


New Member
So I made a level 10 guardian druid and ran through a few instances and already with just base Heirloom gear I was doing more dps than most - however the whole Idea what to help my wife level her shaman up.... We sit next to each other both are chromied to WOD and hit find random dungeon (WOD) - we never had our queue pop together, so I'm not sure what I"m doing wrong... is there an easier way to help level up someone else? We both picked shadowmoon (not "Random" and were not grouped and got in a group together, but she only got ~5% of her level at 30, so that wasn't worth it... I feel like I'm missing something here..
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The best way would be to make your way to a busy area, major city or something and ask using /say near people to see if they'd be willing to invite you and your wife to a group. This can take a while as most people don't respond anymore. Guess it would depend on your server. or find a friend or community with a sub who can. then you will have a proper group and can spam all day. otherwise, its a dice roll whether or not you get in a dungeon together. alternatively, you could try pick a less popular timeline. Perhaps pandaria is slower? higher chance you end up together.
But if we are in the same "group" they get the no experience bonus, right? (sorry still trying to figure out how it works)
Oh sorry, I misread. You're trying to fast level your wife. I thought you were helping her gear a twink. You've got the correct method, just once you get in a dungeon together, you continue spamming more dungeons without leaving the dungeon group. You can either ask everyone in the group to leave so it's just you and your wife left or bring along whoever wants the easy xp.

I think you can teleport out and change your chromie time though. I am not entirely sure it won't drop you from the party. Worth a test. Maybe try to queue up in pandaria initially to get grouped together. once the dungeon is complete, tele out(don't leave instance group) change chromie to a faster popping expansion and continue queuing from there. Just don't leave the RDF group once you're together.

Kind of a pain, but that's all we can do for now that I know of. Perhaps someone else knows more.
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