Is the 19 community really THAT big?

I mean yeah one would assume, from all the posts on the forums and stuff that it is indeed a pretty diverse, well populated bracket, however from my own personal experiance dating back to playing the 19 bracket years ago vs the 19 bracket right now, I would have to say it seems to have shrunk and degraded quite a bit.

One example: So I was playing my pally earlier, ya know, for about 3 hours, and I started to notice..hey! We seem to be losing every match horribly! Then I started to try to put together the puzzle and figure out why we were not only losing, but why we were getting 3 capped. Well turns out, we were playing the same players each and every game. Good job waw tawent players, ya had me going there for a while.

Also, I have noticed on the forums and stuff that there is only a few major guilds premading atm. Waw tawent of course, and a few alliance ones like machine gun clicks. So here is my take on the 19 bracket how it is as of the moment: We play against waw tawent in pugs, and if we are good enough to find a guild and put together a premade team, then we play against waw tawent in a premade. Do ya see the irony there? Either way it seems as tho we are fighting the same players, so this is why Im wondering how big the auctual community is at the moment.

I have always loved twinking, I quit for a while and focused on pvping with my 85's, got bored, and decided to try my luck at 19's again. I am saddened, it seems like I wasted my time, I auctually feel like I had more fun gearing up my twinks and fiddling around with chardevs to make them perfect than playing them once they were finished.
Not to big anymore, hence everyone kinda knows eachother haha. But i havent been active for like 2months.
Well from another perspective. Depending on luck. Sometimes it's that way on a horde toon. You play for several hours and realize you haven't won a game. Then come to realize you've been playing against the same 4-5 maybe 6 guys from beantown bullies.

I agree the bracket isn't what it used to be. However neither is any other twink bracket. But I still enjoy it more so than my 85s. Hope you choose to hang in there and play your 19s!
Well from another perspective. Depending on luck. Sometimes it's that way on a horde toon. You play for several hours and realize you haven't won a game. Then come to realize you've been playing against the same 4-5 maybe 6 guys from beantown bullies.

I agree the bracket isn't what it used to be. However neither is any other twink bracket. But I still enjoy it more so than my 85s. Hope you choose to hang in there and play your 19s!

Yeah, it could go both ways I suppose, it just seems more crowded now than it used to be. I remember when there were many different guilds premading and not just 2 or 3. There has always been a huge number of hunters in the bracket since day one, but at least in the past it seemed to be a more equal experiance because of a smaller amount of guilds queueing up together for pugs.
its cuz cata fkd up wow twinkin
Skullcrusher horde side slowly has a group building. I had 10-12 guys and realized I'd rather have 5 legit guys than 10 guys with half being shitty players. If your interested in a group to join other than the massive bleeding hollow migration skullcrusher would love to have you!
Skullcrusher horde side slowly has a group building. I had 10-12 guys and realized I'd rather have 5 legit guys than 10 guys with half being shitty players. If your interested in a group to join other than the massive bleeding hollow migration skullcrusher would love to have you!

I support this.
Skullcrusher horde side slowly has a group building. I had 10-12 guys and realized I'd rather have 5 legit guys than 10 guys with half being shitty players. If your interested in a group to join other than the massive bleeding hollow migration skullcrusher would love to have you!

I would sure give it a shot but I dont have the money to xfer a character with my boa's=(
Well from another perspective. Depending on luck. Sometimes it's that way on a horde toon. You play for several hours and realize you haven't won a game. Then come to realize you've been playing against the same 4-5 maybe 6 guys from beantown bullies.

I agree the bracket isn't what it used to be. However neither is any other twink bracket. But I still enjoy it more so than my 85s. Hope you choose to hang in there and play your 19s!

i smell something fishy, anyhow quit bitching and form a guild and practice. you will continue to get rolled until you organize and get something going.
Ehm! roll a class that can carry ppl! Or you get someone to carry you:) then you will have alot more fun
Browntown, how is anything in my post fishy? And in no way am I bitching. I'm giving another perspective.
The 19 bracket is bigger than every bracket, but 20-24, 70-74, and 85.

I wouldn't say the bracket is necessarily large though. It's big enough to work with.
Yeah sorry if my post sounded liek I was hating on 19's, because I will always love the bracket. Early this morning I decided to play a game at like 4 in the morning before I went to bed, and both teams were completely pug with only one hunter per side, it was amazing. I now understand why im always targeted on site while trying to cross mid lol, pallies have insane burst imo. The efc had like 3 healers and we still killed him because of that 850 templars verdict at the right second=p
Yeah sorry if my post sounded liek I was hating on 19's, because I will always love the bracket. Early this morning I decided to play a game at like 4 in the morning before I went to bed, and both teams were completely pug with only one hunter per side, it was amazing. I now understand why im always targeted on site while trying to cross mid lol, pallies have insane burst imo. The efc had like 3 healers and we still killed him because of that 850 templars verdict at the right second=p

You think you have problems getting targeted

I got hunters with /target hotbot macros who speed pot to get to me and when I jump outa stealth I usually get gangbanged

Oh the joy
atleast you dont play against frenchies all day like horde do eu /sigh
You think you have problems getting targeted

I got hunters with /target hotbot macros who speed pot to get to me and when I jump outa stealth I usually get gangbanged

Oh the joy

Yeah I hate to admit it but I found myself going for you as well a few times, not that I needed to...our hunters prolly didnt need my help.

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