Is it worth making a 19 guild? (US)

Scratch what I said in an earlier post, we'll be on Durotan Horde. Here is our recruitment thread:

Guild Recruitment + LFG[19]-nice-once-h-recruitment-37615/#post507064

I strongly support this as it is better for the bracket to have more guilds on multiple servers... bandwagoning to BH will only cause a potential A team or even an entire guild that could have been created on Durotan Horde to never exist.

Best of luck to you!
I would take your 70 Buddies and make your guild. It is good you have friends to help you make the guild and that are experienced. There are so many guilds that start up and then are disbanded quickly from lack of involvement. from my experience, new guilds try and recruit players that are already in the bracket and only allowing skilled players to play in their guild. Problem is, your only going to get average players at best, as most of the really skilled players are in top performing guilds. Occasionally you might land a re-roll or two but those are normally the guys that have ties throughout the bracket and eventually will leave. I suggest you take your buddies and build from there. Recruiting new twinks and teach them the ropes. It will take a lot of effort and time but I think it will pay off. Back in the day this type of guild building was the norm. Just my two cents.
A few people and I have use to play 19 twinks in BC on Earthen Ring, but we all quit. We are starting up again and making a guild there called <T M N T> (Teenage Mutant Ninja Twinks) corny name I know, made it when we were younger haha. If you can't find a place and want to come join us and help build it up again on this server, that would be awesome! But also, by what I hear, Wow Tawent is the best guild so far.

Nice guild name - Best guild was Static, so sad to see them move on - All ways great games against them
I would take your 70 Buddies and make your guild. It is good you have friends to help you make the guild and that are experienced. There are so many guilds that start up and then are disbanded quickly from lack of involvement. from my experience, new guilds try and recruit players that are already in the bracket and only allowing skilled players to play in their guild. Problem is, your only going to get average players at best, as most of the really skilled players are in top performing guilds. Occasionally you might land a re-roll or two but those are normally the guys that have ties throughout the bracket and eventually will leave. I suggest you take your buddies and build from there. Recruiting new twinks and teach them the ropes. It will take a lot of effort and time but I think it will pay off. Back in the day this type of guild building was the norm. Just my two cents.
Dude thats not 2 cents thats like 10 fucking dollars. Beautiful.
from my experience, new guilds try and recruit players that are already in the bracket and only allowing skilled players to play in their guild. Problem is, your only going to get average players at best, as most of the really skilled players are in top performing guilds. Occasionally you might land a re-roll or two but those are normally the guys that have ties throughout the bracket and eventually will leave. I suggest you take your buddies and build from there. Recruiting new twinks and teach them the ropes.

This is too true. In fact, me and a good friend of mine Kozi were just talking about this last night. He said to me "Man, you don't even need incredibly skilled players. Give me someone who has the ambition to be good, and I will make him excellent." I would like to share with you a template for creating a good player base: LS FTW, for example, has a process where we invite in any player who asks for an invite. They join the guild as a recruit, and are given about a month or so time to gear up, and learn the ropes. So you might say, "I don't want undergeared players joining WSG and giving my guild a bad name". That is why we have a guild rule that Recruits may not que for WSG; the punishment being a warning to guild kick. As a result, if these recruits run into any type of issue, they need only type their question into guild chat, or speak up in guild vent, where they have a fountain of knowledge to draw from in our vast skilled player base. We also hold arena nights at least once a week, because it is a shared belief of ours that it is arenas that develop important general skills (awareness, backstrafing, fake-casting) and class-specific skills (staying in combat as a priest against a rogue team, etc). LS FTW has always practiced and maintained a kind and synergetic atmosphere, one in which a higher-ranked member would not hesitate to run a recruit for gear, or offer their knowledge for that recruits improvement. As a result, we have peak activity of over 20 people online at night, and 10 during the day. The fact of the matter is, many of our best players started as back-peddaling noobs. Hope this will help... Good luck.
I strongly support this as it is better for the bracket to have more guilds on multiple servers... bandwagoning to BH will only cause a potential A team or even an entire guild that could have been created on Durotan Horde to never exist.

Best of luck to you!

The benefits of being on Bleeding Hollow is far superior than creating a guild on another server that will probebly not last. With the limitation of players in our bracket, migrating closer together is a great step in order to promote activity. Your message of dividing the community is illogical. I can understand how you do not like the fact that Bleeding Hollow is the most active server, but promoting destruction within our bracket is quite disgusting. Good luck with your guild but do not pretend you are an advocate for activity in our bracket.
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The benefits of being on Bleeding Hollow is far superior than creating a guild on another server that will probebly not last. With the limitation of players in our bracket, migrating closer together is a great step in order to promote activity. Your message of dividing the community is illogical. I can understand how you do not like the fact that Bleeding Hollow is the most active server, but promoting destruction within our bracket is quite disgusting. Good luck with your guild but do not pretend you are an advocate for activity in our bracket.

Okay your opinion is fine with me, now give me some actual arguments and/or actual reasoning as opposed to saying simply that what I have been saying (along with the support of others) is "illogical". Do so in a PM since this thread is in no way about Mocha and his ideas as to why having the bracket spread across multiple servers is more beneficial than sitting in the same stagnant pool of players on the same realm in the same guilds simply with different factions and/or guild names a throughout different weeks.

sprwhorganic is still on a random server the only true playa 2 not succumb to bleedin hollow
The benefits of being on Bleeding Hollow is far superior than creating a guild on another server that will probebly not last. With the limitation of players in our bracket, migrating closer together is a great step in order to promote activity. Your message of dividing the community is illogical. I can understand how you do not like the fact that Bleeding Hollow is the most active server, but promoting destruction within our bracket is quite disgusting. Good luck with your guild but do not pretend you are an advocate for activity in our bracket.

Highly opinionated. Personally I prefer guilds more spread out, I don't feel as though having everyone in one place makes sense. Have different guilds on different servers, give players an option of where they want to go. Another issue is an individuals ping on a certain server. I don't enjoy playing on West Coast servers because I have like 200 ms on them, but 30 on East and that definitely is a huge deal breaker for lots of people I know.

As for the whole comment claiming we "probably won't last", we'll be seeing you soon chief.

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