is it worth coming back?


so i haven't played wow in like 2-3 months and i keep getting the urge to come back but i lvl'd my 70 rogue out and would have to re lvl another one and was wondering if it's worth it to come back. i loved having ques pop all the time and loved BC. but my home server never did raids for gear and got tired of all the resi stacking healers and mages running around like idiots. so has it gotten better?
get tazic and ud b all right.
Transfer to a active guild and server get engineering 450 then you will be good to go ^^
Lythe said:
so i haven't played wow in like 2-3 months and i keep getting the urge to come back but i lvl'd my 70 rogue out and would have to re lvl another one and was wondering if it's worth it to come back. i loved having ques pop all the time and loved BC. but my home server never did raids for gear and got tired of all the resi stacking healers and mages running around like idiots. so has it gotten better?

Well, sounds like your server kind of sucks for 70 twinking, so since you have to relevel anyway just find a guild that will fund you and relevel there.
Mind if I ask, do you want a TBC guild? if so you can try Zendelin :) TBC raiding guild located on Boulderfist-eu alliance
Unless you're going to join a guild or have a good arena partner it's not worth it. Lvl 70 bracket is nowadays filled with backpedalers who can barely reach 1.5k @ 85 with fotm classes, but still they'll just slap you in the face with their dicks and you'll just have to live with it. Unless you're going fotm also aka mage or resi stacked healer.

70 lvl bracket used to be fun, now it's just filled with egoists with huge 'epeens' who just keep bragging here. Ta-zik! Roll engineering and discover your skill.

I haven't been playing since 4.1 so I'm not untirely sure if the queues have been fixed yet. In case of they haven't I wouldn't really bother starting again. But it's your take, maybe if you enjoy PvE then it might be fun. But if you're more like 'solo pvper' it's definitely not worth it.
Friyn said:
Unless you're going to join a guild or have a good arena partner it's not worth it. Lvl 70 bracket is nowadays filled with backpedalers who can barely reach 1.5k @ 85 with fotm classes, but still they'll just slap you in the face with their dicks and you'll just have to live with it. Unless you're going fotm also aka mage or resi stacked healer.

70 lvl bracket used to be fun, now it's just filled with egoists with huge 'epeens' who just keep bragging here. Ta-zik! Roll engineering and discover your skill.

I haven't been playing since 4.1 so I'm not untirely sure if the queues have been fixed yet. In case of they haven't I wouldn't really bother starting again. But it's your take, maybe if you enjoy PvE then it might be fun. But if you're more like 'solo pvper' it's definitely not worth it.

the ques are fixed
Friyn said:
Unless you're going to join a guild or have a good arena partner it's not worth it. Lvl 70 bracket is nowadays filled with backpedalers who can barely reach 1.5k @ 85 with fotm classes, but still they'll just slap you in the face with their dicks and you'll just have to live with it. Unless you're going fotm also aka mage or resi stacked healer.

70 lvl bracket used to be fun, now it's just filled with egoists with huge 'epeens' who just keep bragging here. Ta-zik! Roll engineering and discover your skill.

I haven't been playing since 4.1 so I'm not untirely sure if the queues have been fixed yet. In case of they haven't I wouldn't really bother starting again. But it's your take, maybe if you enjoy PvE then it might be fun. But if you're more like 'solo pvper' it's definitely not worth it.

when was 70 really that great. during lk it was just as unimportant and filled with people stroking was just a little harder to fully gear up

there was still plenty of op/fotm comps + the glove pyro rockets/other engineering goodies from lk
Friyn said:
Unless you're going to join a guild or have a good arena partner it's not worth it. Lvl 70 bracket is nowadays filled with backpedalers who can barely reach 1.5k @ 85 with fotm classes, but still they'll just slap you in the face with their dicks and you'll just have to live with it. Unless you're going fotm also aka mage or resi stacked healer.

70 lvl bracket used to be fun, now it's just filled with egoists with huge 'epeens' who just keep bragging here. Ta-zik! Roll engineering and discover your skill.

I haven't been playing since 4.1 so I'm not untirely sure if the queues have been fixed yet. In case of they haven't I wouldn't really bother starting again. But it's your take, maybe if you enjoy PvE then it might be fun. But if you're more like 'solo pvper' it's definitely not worth it.

So true, half the noobs on this forum have tazik because they need the 85 content to be able to compete with decent players at 70. Click on some armory profiles of people here and ull spot the retards who ruined the bracked using an item that made up for their lack of intellect and gamesense. Just go 85, u can stomp them there
So true, half the noobs on this forum have tazik because they need the 85 content to be able to compete with decent players at 70. Click on some armory profiles of people here and ull spot the retards who ruined the bracked using an item that made up for their lack of intellect and gamesense. Just go 85, u can stomp them there


Tazik still trolling you 8D?
Wittyscrub said:

Tazik still trolling you 8D?

Never did actually just quit before. Won some games on alt twinks against tazik noobs though, they just use it desperatly if were full health to get some pressure so no big deal, skill prevails
taziks hardly ruined the bracket. sorry you're bad and dumb and cant counter them.
Sanitarium said:
taziks hardly ruined the bracket. sorry you're bad and dumb and cant counter them.

Why u trolling? Counter 10k instant damage at any given time, not like a dps will die if a healer sits in 1 cc chain :pppppPPPpPpPpP Ur so bad and dumb
you always say tazik is 10k. thats a crit. against someone with no resil.

thats like saying your....idk, X ability hits for 5k when its really a crit against a no resil target. get sum skills, get sum resil, and win. and become a real twink and lvl engi instead of bitching
was outside opening my pool and couldnt point out your flawed logic & stupidity - thanks for that falkor
Falkor said:
you always say tazik is 10k. thats a crit. against someone with no resil.

thats like saying your....idk, X ability hits for 5k when its really a crit against a no resil target. get sum skills, get sum resil, and win. and become a real twink and lvl engi instead of bitching

It's 2v2, or 3v3, I don't twink to duel noobs in durotar.

Let's say 35% resi since u all claimed my 50% was too much.

Half the top bracket are mages, which will either be frost, and have 50+ crit on shatter, fire, which have at least 35 crit, or arcane, which idk about. Count that at least either them or their healer crits every 2 times they use it, which means it will be a 8.5k average. And IF they both do crit, it will be 10kish, if they dont 6kish. And assuming u cc the healer, not the dps, that will be 50ish % of their health gone solely to the shocker. If ur unable to do the other 50% first (Seeing that u best use the tazik to finnish someone, so they have no time to iceblock etc) ur even worse then I thought, and u should get back to tetris, maybe u understand that game.

RNG takes out skill, fact. Tazzik takes out skill, fact cy@
class is irrelevant when speaking about the damage a tazik does, you're still dumb & bad.
Sanitarium said:
class is irrelevant when speaking about the damage a tazik does, you're still dumb & bad.

Actually it scales with crit, shaman talents, and various effect like shatter.

Dont embarrass urself please

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