Is it possible.....


Is it possible to get back a twink that I deleted (I don't know why)
If I paid a faction change for that character in 2012?
You'll need to submit a ticket and beg, and submit another ticket and beg again and again until you get a yes.
I tried to restore a 19 I deleted about 7 months ago, and was told it was too long for something that low level. :(
Good luck! Probably depends on the GM you get.
I think Blizzard only keeps levels 60+ or so for a time longer than a few months

Not sure on specifics

I got this response, but when you make a transaction I'm fairly confident that they make a copy of your account.
They keep the data of the purchase so they might still have the copy of that twink.

We'll see what happens :)
I was unable to find the character you are looking for among the deleted characters on your WoW accounts, it must have been deleted a long time ago. If you can give us more details about the character (class, approximate level, realm), we can check again if we can find it for you.

I send them some of the information tied with the purchase, I think this is do-able.
They are probably gonna tell you that the deletion of that toon is too long depending how long ago that was (my guess +6 months)
Nope, the character was deleted too long ago.
They couldn't retrieve the purchase files either as it had been a while back.
So if you want to pull this trick. Make sure you do it within 6 months of deletion/purchase.

It was worth the try.

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