Is anyone getting any BG pops in the 70 bracket?


Got 1 game of AB yesterday in the 70 bracket finaly and heard there was a 30/30 av wtf. IS any1 albe to get any ques in the 70 bracket or what?
I was in que for 20 min random last night, then I got impatient and quit. The timer reflected average wait to be 1 min, but I'm assuming that's for exp on battlegrounds.
Daman said:
I was in que for 20 min random last night, then I got impatient and quit. The timer reflected average wait to be 1 min, but I'm assuming that's for exp on battlegrounds.

same for me locked bgs.
We had unavailable in 39 bracket at first - Then it started counting actual average minutes when the BGs were up. So I'm not sure thats the case.
they are supposed to be but, i think they are having issues or something not everyone is getting connected.
something i read somewhere that may be of interest:

some people think that characters on BC accounts are being queue'd into battlegrounds that essentially don't exist. if you ARE on a BC capped account, try locking your XP with one of the guys in Org or SW, it may not affect anything, but maybe that other guy was right.
I'm locked on tbc acc, my buddy is on wotlk but locked at 70, got into the same battleground. somethings up and i want to know why there's no queues. If some1 from the major battlegroups for 70 twinking like vindication could tell me if there's bgs over there then id know what's going on.
Ill give it a shot, and ill post the results.

edit- well turning exp off didnt impact the estimated time in que (which is 2 1/2 hours on frostmourne ally atm)

ill let the Que run for a bit.
ques are fucked up as attested to my whining in 49 section.

was queing for 2+ hours and never got a single pop from vindi as 49 xp off. so there are still some bugs to work out on blizzs end but i believe they're aware of them
Had two 70 AVs yesterday evening one was a full 40/40 too! I'm a level 70 Undead Rogue on a XP locked WotLK account in the Rampage battlegroup. AV has popped atleast once every evening since the completed full merge.
Stabatha said:
Had two 70 AVs yesterday evening one was a full 40/40 too! I'm a level 70 Undead Rogue on a XP locked WotLK account in the Rampage battlegroup. AV has popped atleast once every evening since the completed full merge.

What server time? When?? I haven't got a single queue for the last week....
Stabatha said:
Had two 70 AVs yesterday evening one was a full 40/40 too! I'm a level 70 Undead Rogue on a XP locked WotLK account in the Rampage battlegroup. AV has popped atleast once every evening since the completed full merge.

i'm on rampage too lol wtf, so the av was completely all 70s and twinks? If so SOMETHING IS GOING THE FUCK WRONG HERE lol.

Wait.... are you on eu or us?
Havent seen a que on Nightfall ally since 4.0 :( Me n like 5 other alliance have been queing every evening and have yet to see anything pop
Manaqt said:
Havent seen a que on Nightfall ally since 4.0 :( Me n like 5 other alliance have been queing every evening and have yet to see anything pop

that's so weird, i don't think the bgs are actually connected yet. or somethings bugged out.
U dont get any queue because all xp locked, bc capped and so on are in their own bracket, if u unlock your xp, u get queues all the time.

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