Is 39 the next biggest thing?

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With all these 39 blues added in MoP, it seems that 39 twinks will be extremely easy to make (for several classes).

With little access to resilience and pvp power, it also seems that the 35~39 bracket will be one of the most balanced brackets out there.

Last but not least, 39 seems to suffer very little from GF'd gears.

i could be wrong but i am tempted to renew and make a new 39 twink myself!
Atleast this is what im hoping for, 39s are quite fun now, with the reduced burst.
I understand my perspective is a little skewed, but I was just thinking that I always had this opinion on the 39 bracket.
gonna lock xp on my warrior and gear up see you soon
yes 39 will be the next big thing. With Green Lens back into the picture, Revelosh gear becoming even more BiS than most BoA gear, majority of your BiS gear can be found in Scholo, and FCing/Damage/Healing has finally been balanced out; this bracket will shortly become the new popular bracket.

It's only a matter of time before people realize this.
I'm just finishing up my 29 druid, and my 39 hunter will be started to be geared soon.

Sergeant Rofan coming to rip y'all a new one.
I had a 39 back in like early WotLk back have since deleted him, I'm thinking about making another and I'm curious, how are 39 shamans and paladins in the bracket these days? Also which spec's are best for each of these?
Healing specs don't need to gear for hit anymore

Must admit I have not fiddled with any of my healers since 5.0.4. What has been replaced that guarantees Melee and Spell Hit for healers at 39 now. Link would be great.

Must admit I have not fiddled with any of my healers since 5.0.4. What has been replaced that guarantees Melee and Spell Hit for healers at 39 now. Link would be great.


All healing specs have 15% hit in pvp environments (arenas and bgs).
So I heard that 39s died out for a while because people started driving people away if they weren't fully twinked, and pro skill level... If that's true, will it happen again if 39s become a popular bracket again?
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