Invitation to Thirk

Zuty said:
Yeah, I dropped WAY to much gold on him (got two daggers of Agi, had like +1 Agi) and chanted them both with +15 Agi. Got goggles on her with +8 Agi and like 2/2 Monkey legs (might have been 3Agi/1Stam, can't remember) with Nethercleft. Then someone tells me I could have gotten Wingblade, I was devistated. I did a ton of BGs on her and was mainly a FRer. But I would like to give it a go again (at either 10 or 14) as a different class. If clothies don't last long, I will try Pally, Shaman, or Warrior. (If they are any good)


14 is good for a pally, possibly for heals/FC, and warrior might be good at 10 for Haste/AP, you could still get 78% haste in 3.1.
I've always loved FCing and Healing more than doing DMG, so I will mess around on CharDev with a 14 Pally and see what I can get.

Stormfist said:
I am a warlock, I can imagine it being quite frustrating to bads who don't play with a partner who can dispell their only useful spell that also happens to be on diminishing returns rendering it unspammable and broken by the racial of argueably the most populated race in the game... ?

And as a warlock, mages don't annoy me at any level. ;)

90 % of10's are overrated novelties. Caster 10's cant even be rated.

Heard of a few 10's who are apparently insane, but i'd put that down the players rather than the toons tbh. In years of twinking in EU's most competitive BG's and most competitive guilds, i've never seen a level 10 who could make a significant difference to a BG, or beat an equally skilled player of the same class at 19. Apparently the good 10's are out there, but the vast majority of them are shite. Stats speak for themselves, if YOU [anyone] make a 10, there's the highest probability that YOU will be shite.

Hmm, i've just realized that i really don't like 10's! Ah well...


he has 101% crit chance. it's mostly about the toons, not the players.
Heró said:
10s and 14s are going to be over after 3.1 imo

With 225/225 14's still stand a chance. I beat a few 'decent' rogues without the prof buffs on the PTR. Not so sure about 10's =/.
lvl 10 casters

i could see how haste lvl 10 casters such as locks and mages for CC could be useful, but think how many times you are going to miss or be resisted?? it wouldnt be worth it imo
koncussion said:
i could see how haste lvl 10 casters such as locks and mages for CC could be useful, but think how many times you are going to miss or be resisted?? it wouldnt be worth it imo

10 Hit to boots is 26% and more than enough to almost never miss.

Then 26% haste putting fear down to 1 second cast.

Stack SP where possible.

Fear -> DoTs -> Fear -> DoTs -> Follow up into a Soul Drain Execute (DoT the opponent up as much as possible and then finish up with a Soul Drain). Perfect Glasscannon for 1v1's, with the use of Magic Dust your opponent will never touch you. Keep kiting until DR resets.

Stunlock; Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> Magic Dust -> Fear -> Fear -> Fear - Up to 65 Seconds

Magic Dust doesn't share DR with Fear so Fear DR will reset and you can repeat this, DoT them up during the Fears and finish with a Soul Drain. Teaming up with a rogue could prove invaluable because then you'd have constant DPS and constant locking. Fear -> Fear (10) -> Fear (5) -> Gouge (4-5.5) -> Magic Dust (10-30) -> Fear (10) -> Fear (5) -> Fear (2.5) Gouge (4-5.5) -> Magic Dust (10-30). You'll need 2 people to repeat it infinitely because Magic Dust has a 60 second cooldown.
from my experience, if you're a level 10 in WSG you are going to cast spells on others as if they were level 10 too.

i don't know if this is exactly how it works, but if you're level 10 it's much better against a level 19 in WSG than to be against a level 19 in world PVP

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