Guild Master
Zuty said:Yeah, I dropped WAY to much gold on him (got two daggers of Agi, had like +1 Agi) and chanted them both with +15 Agi. Got goggles on her with +8 Agi and like 2/2 Monkey legs (might have been 3Agi/1Stam, can't remember) with Nethercleft. Then someone tells me I could have gotten Wingblade, I was devistated. I did a ton of BGs on her and was mainly a FRer. But I would like to give it a go again (at either 10 or 14) as a different class. If clothies don't last long, I will try Pally, Shaman, or Warrior. (If they are any good)
14 is good for a pally, possibly for heals/FC, and warrior might be good at 10 for Haste/AP, you could still get 78% haste in 3.1.