
Hi started seriously twinking a level 1 rogue at the start of March this year, I had dabbled a bit in the past but not seriously. So far I'm on 910 AP so still got a way to go. Would have more but got distracted by Rift for a few months. I'm on Khadgar (EU). If there are any others on the server here send me a PM.
Hi, I started level 1 twinking nearly 2 years ago but only just got both my agms a few months back :)

I play on frostmourne US. If anyone else plays here let me know!

Btw, how are all the lvl 1s getting like 2k ap in thier sigs..?
Ap=achievement points
Cassandara is my level 1 Mage on Moon Guard. Cassandara loves himself a bit too much, gets crushed by twink rogues, and likes long walks on the beach.
Oh Hai,

I been working off and on on Cantara for about five months or so now. I started a guild called <the Lonliest Number> on Ravenholdt (US) however, it wasn't active and I left it (putting an alt as a place holder) to get the 10% to rep guild bonus.

Been finding twinking completely pointless which makes it even more fun! Getting up at three AM to do the Grand Master achievement, paying off people to help me with explorer, and spending hard earned money on a riding mount.

I'm looking forward to Hallow's End, where I should be able to break the 1500 AP bubble and get my name on the board!

I'm Enone on Argent Dawn EU, guild leader of Cupcake Club which is a lvl 1 twink guild.

My dreams? Collect loads of achivements I guess, since I believe I got the best gear possible for my LvL already.



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