
Is there a trick to the Diplomat? Specifically the furbolgs.. I thought the mobs stopped giving rep after revered =/ Or do you spend literally hours camping the one or two "Chiefs"?

I'm working on the Explorer title in the more traditional way.. closer to 2k deaths than 200 =p You will need a warlock though
For diplomat you camp 1 chief in winterspring and kill the guy from the epic trinket q (use a booster which is exalted) hes called something like Xandavious, killed him hundreds of times, yet I don't remember hsi name:p

I obviously need more minions to assist me >< I need someone who is exalted but hasn't done the trinket quest? Or can he still be summoned after that point?
[quote name='Panzerfaust']Can u please wait till I can duel wield next week?[/QUOTE]

A blue post said next month ;)
Grrr - Finally I got my magelo working so I can register on this website (which I wanted to do couple months ago...) with having proof that I exist! Err, anyways. Hello!

Nice website by the way.

Oh and Bon, why you slacking with GoC topic?
Sup, I found some videos on youtube and just came upon this site. I got a lvl 1 troll/hunter twink going (not a huntard) still pretty new to WoW altogether but the lvl 1 is keeping me distracted from my soon to be 85 lol (girlfriend HATES it but atleast she plays <_<)
Hey, forgot to do this when I first started the site, anyways, my lvl 1s name is Squeakyjack, and Lext I hope to have alot of AP and for my guild to get big like it used to be recently wiped it because it was very inactive it had 70 members before lol thanks all
Dontattack said:
Wow I just found out about this site a few weeks ago. I had no clue there were so many lv 1 twinks. This is so cool.

Um, dude, say your sig, how do I get ambassador on a level 1? It is obviously crazy hard, but I like long grinds =D
DøraTwinked said:
Um, dude, say your sig, how do I get ambassador on a level 1? It is obviously crazy hard, but I like long grinds =D

Back around december there was a bug with the mobs outside SM giving city tabard rep, it has since been fixed tho.
I stumbled across this site just recently while searching for gear suggestions for my 70 hunter. I didn't even notice there was a 1-9 bracket board, and I had no idea there were so many other level 1 twinks out there. I tend to dislike wow pvp (hunter is in a strict 70 raiding guild), so I've never considered gearing up my level 1. Entrepreneur just recently hit 2000 achievement points and I'm now looking forward to getting many more. :)

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