
Howdy :)

Names Jamie ( Jaii Prefered ) From Coventry, England, Currently 15, 16 In October.

Currently rolling a 19 Warlock and loving it, Had a old 19 Healadin but leveling post 3.1 from the nerf - Is a 29 in progress ( Still - Im a pro slacker :/ )

Loving the site.


Hello All,

I'm just starting out on Medivh and will be joining up with you shortly. Got bored on Rampage and played against your guild (in Ruin of course) and was impressed with the unity and precision - quite sexah - ... so here I am joining the darkside. App was approved and pending transfer in the works.

New Character: Lawfulevil - BE dps Pally for 19 bracket (work in progress)

Transferred Character: Surl - UD 71 Prot Warrior

Looking forward to WSG madness with y'all.

Warmest Regards,

Randimus Prime.
hi guys, my name is jamie, and live in england, currently 23y/o, tbh im actually noob at WoW but i have found my 'niche' which is the 19 twink bracket. im currently on my 3rd rogue twink, all on different realms.

insecticide was my 1st, and then decided i wanted a horde rogue too, and i am currently makin a 3rd to join a commited twink guild in a different realm. non of my twink are the finished article just yet, but i will eventually get round to making them awesome!! lol

but anyways, just thought i drop a hello to you all, and hope to have many chats with you all and meet some nice people. :D
Twinkytoes said:
Welcome R Prime, and we will rape in WSG together xD

Twinkytoes - thanks man.

To All - my main is Surl on this server (71 UD prot warrior). If you ever see me online don't be shy about asking for an instance run or help with a quest. Send me a PM or IG mail if you want scheduled runs (I play Wed and Sun nights mostly).

Looking forward to getting geared up and playing with y'all.


Im new so I figure I'll be civil and introduce myself :).

I'm a 19 year old Dutchman currently working on a twink on Stormreaver EU (Sepharine the Hunter). I've twinked allot in the past but this is the first 'serious' twink - First one where I got the fishing hat and 1 and a half AGM.

I'm looking forward to getting more competative when it comes to twinking and hopefully find me some nice premades, if not in this battlegroup then in another :).
Heya! I'm not new here, but some of you don't know me.

My name is Matthew, and i have been playing wow and twinking almost forever, since the beginning of WoW Time, but not very long in Beta :( Before it was closed.

So im here to give my post and will love to take questions from anyone for almost any subject. :D Just ask ill be happy to help!




~The man, myth, legend.
Hi, im Duane and i live in New Jersey. I started playing wow about a month after is went live but only recently decided to make twinks. ive found the forums shortly after deciding to go twink and it has been a great help. i have 2 twinks (not fully geared) but enough to hold my own in wsg and have a bank alt with enough boe gear and what not to make a few more minus quest bop gear. TY to all those who posted guides and making WOW fun again.
Hai Guys, I am canihascookie! And yes, I already got one :p! I am xx years old and yes I play (insert video game here) too. I've been playing (insert video game here) for x amount of (insert time), I have been (insert thing people do in video games here) for x amount of years. And over all I am here to met (insert adjective here) people and over all have a (insert adjective here) time with the (insert adjective here) people that live here.

All n all, I am here to say hi and over all have a (insert adjective) time!
i'm Rob and i'm not in my teens anymore =). I'm a network engineer for a local ISP in Ohio.

i've been playing wow since it first came out. i guess i get bored easily so i have a huge list of toons. 80 mage, 74 druid, 70 hunter, 70 shaman, 70 rogue, 70 lock, 64 war, 64 dk, 54 priest, 42 pally. those are mostly stuck on elune pve server.

i moved my lock and priest over to boulderfist to try a pvp server and help some friends, but the game wasn't holding my interest very well. pve wise.

i've got into making 19 twinks and it's really brought a new level of enjoyment to the game. i have three 19's on boulderfist but i will probably be leaving them there. Recea, Recia, Reccea.

i'm basically starting new with dk's to support me. i've created a rogue and hunter on medivh. my apps have been approved as well so i just need an invite. medivh toons are Røß, Røßdk, Røßørc.
Hello world!

My name is Josh, I've had a few twinks in the past pre bc (mage 39, warrior 29) but ive since decided to ease back into it by starting in the 19 bracket.

Currently im working on my druid (skylon) and my hunter (deranger) both of which need some work. They are both on Maiev and horde :D
Just sayin hey!

Hey everyone! I'm ßur the 19 twink priest from " The Underbog " and the guild < Wheres the Cream Filling > just introducing my self :D Hope to make some great friends here!


I'm new here but I read a lot in the last month, very good site

now I have a good rogue twink thanks also at you

many thanks

noobzig hakkar eu
im Ryan and im 11 i only have 1 twink called minitwink....... an 80 shammy, and thats basically it... i also live in AUSTRALIA!!!
Holyambush, Dmghuntard, Slayerx, Touye, Slipz, Feisto

Well, i dont play anymore, since i'm in the USA to study atm, but been playing in the major guilds of EU and playing with some pretty nice persons. Only here to keep the small amount of twinking that still affects me, alive..
Shapey said:
Hi all Im a 19 druid twink on Chamber of Aspects. Still in progress started a few days ago:)

Lol, saw you today on a trial account >.< Looking good ;)

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