30, worcestershire, UK.
19 twinks:
Zelrae - Undead Rogue. Stacks +agi like crazy for massive crits and damage. Has over 40% crit.
Yasueh - Undead Priest. Very heavy on the healing, almost 500hp Heals, 700+ crit. Patch's damage/healing -> spell power made a nice boost to the wand damage.
MÃno - Tauren Druid (needs weapon/glove enchants before I play him, as his healing sucks) should hit 3000hp unbuffed with mining and both fishing items.
Cierona - Blood Elf Holy Priest. Yep, after loving my twink priest to bits I just had to have one for my main. She overtook my warlock about a week ago (and the warlock's last 2 dings were had farming stuff for her). Buffs twinks on sight.
Old Main:
Pereith - Blood Elf Warlock. Mistress of twinking (ench with a lot of twink recipes, and eng with scopes, discombobulators, recombobulators, goggles etc.). As I've got her on a separate account from my twinks I can multibox boost them. Nothing beats clearing out Deadmines or WC, then kiting the boss back to the entrance for the drop, next to no XP gain, and a guaranteed top twink item after a few runs (plus all the loot is mats for twink guild bank items/helps level skills like first aid. Shame unwanted BoP blues DE into to completely worthless small glimmerings). Not looking forward to doing the '3 day grind' twice again to get furbolg medicine pouch for my future mage and lock twinks, although all the runecloth that drops keeps the bandage stock in the bank way up.
All on Eonar-EU / Misery Battlegroup.
Teamwork and cooperation. Learning how to play a new class, to improve my knowledge of it's strengths and weaknesses, to better my play on other classes. Multiboxing.
Trash talk, e-peen flexing, and people who feel they have to prove something.