You guys are great! I feel so welcome here already!
Cheesestring, I do recognise your name, it's very original and something i haven't forgotten! Best of luck to you when I see you in one of our premades! (I LOVE premading...)
Jsu8, I looked at your protadin and I've gotta say it looks pretty good! You already have AGM, which is something I've decided not to get due to recent Vashj level 85 activity *frowny face*. Not to condescend, but if you don't want to farm for the foreman's leggings, you could get the mighty chain pants from the blacksmith in Ashenvale as a solid placeholder. Oh! and I recognised his name too! Is it inspired from DragonQuest?
Last but not least, R Prime, I looked up the MoP changes just the other night and I noticed the same thing! Naturally, I'm starting to consider the sword again.
If anyone could show anyone else they know this thread and ask them about their preferences on the weapon and if worrying about MoP is a big deal yet, I would really appreciate it! I've appreciated everything thus far! Thanks again!