Instant Ghost wolf + earthbind will be so broken at 19

Tapdatxyz said:
Priests are still one of the best imo, ghost wolf can be dispelled.

Even as a shamy i dont approve this change, it will be seriusly OP, + i'll have to think about spec a bit... ghost wolf is the weakest of all 3 changes (as druids have instant and hunters work inside). Honsetly i hope they don't do this and fuck up 19s even more.
Vendigo said:
Even as a shamy i dont approve this change, it will be seriusly OP, + i'll have to think about spec a bit... ghost wolf is the weakest of all 3 changes (as druids have instant and hunters work inside). Honsetly i hope they don't do this and fuck up 19s even more.

Yea, well said, seems every patch they need to mess with things. Should just leave twinks as they are.
Vendigo said:
Even as a shamy i dont approve this change, it will be seriusly OP, + i'll have to think about spec a bit... ghost wolf is the weakest of all 3 changes (as druids have instant and hunters work inside). Honsetly i hope they don't do this and fuck up 19s even more.

Imo cheetah is easily the weakest one.
Shamans will always be mana dependant. This always happends when a new 19 changing patch hits. The same thing always happends too, good players learn to play around it, and the bad ones quit because they cant handle change. Look at the quality of players who left because they didnt know how to play without their uber 3000 hp. All the goodies are still here.
Diiesel said:
Shamans will always be mana dependant. This always happends when a new 19 changing patch hits. The same thing always happends too, good players learn to play around it, and the bad ones quit because they cant handle change. Look at the quality of players who left because they didnt know how to play without their uber 3000 hp. All the goodies are still here.

you're bad, shut up.
I am quite annoyed :p This info was released a day after I paid 4k for shadowfang on my rogue xD But oh well I'll stick to 3v3 skirmish.
Shiz/Nerfmurlocks said:
This post was deleted by Naturaltalnt

Your attitude is bad, take your EPeen off this site, its not needed here. I hope you keep it up and get yourself banned.
Shiz/Nerfmurlocks said:
This post was deleted by Naturaltalnt

I agree with diiesel 100%

Shaman's are going to be the top class in this situation. Damage, heals, slows, and now speed. It's clear the top end for classes.
this upate really screws any class that isnt a FC...or a hunter.

everyone says things about the ghost wolf/travel form...

what about a fully geared hunter with aspect of the cheetah? now that is something i'd just stop moving and fighting...seriously that isnt needed. they already could concussive shot me from a mile away
in the last 2 months, way prior to this news i have seen some killer twink shammies in the BGs lately on RUIN BG. one premade, i was playing against had 3 of them. they were flat out destroying...even hunters, and pulling off major healing. my rogue was constantly having to destroy their EBT and FT. their heals have little pushbacks, and on less than 10-15% mana some were able to heal to near full health 2-3 times. overall i was getting severely kited to death, if i got them down, they healed dropped a EBT and were able to escape if my sprint CD was blown. once they get palidans to blow their CDs, they now can kite one down. ghostwolf will be icing on the cake. as of now, there is a lot of QQ concerning twinked shammies in the 19 bracket. many players are surprized to see them and overall generic QQ i see is "WTF with the shammies? how did they get so OP in this bracket all of a sudden"

with ghostwolf it would be like trying to fight one in 29+ brackets and not having crippling poison. dead rogue, warrior, ???, etc.

travel form for druids will affect 19 and 29, however mana management will come into play with a additional form to shift into and if not careful they may not have enough for heals or to shift. plus they take more damage in travel form. surprizingly mages in 29 can be at times the best FC in that bracket even though druids have cat form and sprint, but with mounts? that may change in 29. mounts made it tough for my 39 druid to run the flag when blizz lowered requirement to 30.

cat form? hopefully blizz leaves that at 20+, if they move that down to 19 bracket....rogues will be out of a job, especially with no crippling poison
I'm sticking with my rogue as my main twink, but I might make a shaman or hunter to mess around on from time to time.
I find it funny, how the only reason people are QQ'n more about shamans is an upcoming patch. What happend to all the hunter complaints, but for some reason they find reasons to call shamans allready op, when its just the way they play their class. I find it hardly fair, that soon, if patchnotes read their goign to give Mages blink at 19, that you will mention how OP their frost nova is?

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