Information About the Bracket For a Newcomer

Thank you for the very informative reply. If Sanctuary isn't the best guild, then which guilds are? Also, after reading your information about the classes, I'm leaning towards a warlock or mage because they seem to be somewhere in the middle of overpowered and underpowered.

Both are middle of the line. Frost mages can 2 shot people quite frequently, fire if they get the right crits can as well and idk about arcane that well. Locks are just like a mage except slightly less mobility and slightly less burst but way better survivability.

As for guilds I'll just say this.. Being the "best" guild for a 24 isn't a very prestigious award. It basically means which group of people can faceroll against f2ps better since GvG premades happen once every year if that while 24 premade vs 24 premade rarely even happens to test which are really better. Like I said in this bracket there are alot of false epeen and 24s rarely face other 24s because the majority of the 24s in this bracket play for the easiness.

As for guilds there are:

Sua sponta- self proclaimed "best guild". No1 has been able to put up or shut up so the leader continues to brag about being the best. Imho they aren't but idc enough to really do or say anything. Was going to face RT this last month but it didn't happen.

Raw talent (they change their name alot so this is probably wrong)- Basically a clique of ex 19s. They killed their bracket with gy farming and drama and I'm sure other stuff idk about so they jumped onto this bracket so they'd still get pops while feeling like they are superior. They will talk alot of trash and make themselves sound like gods however what they've done impressive in this bracket is questionable.

Sanctuary- The GM really doesn't care that much about competitiveness but moreso just fielding the largest 24 twink guild (which it is). Nothing really to say here except that they frequently do 5 person premades vs a pug for easy wins however they have cut down on it lately.

Holy crit- This guild is just a joke all around.. If you want to be taken seriously don't even communicate with the people in it lol. Nothing more needs to be said.

Out of JUST that list RT is easily the best guild. It is the most cocky and egomaniac driven guild as well as being cliquish but to answer your question simply they are the best. If you're looking to be casual just go to sanct and play with other 24s or be in events and what not
Both are middle of the line. Frost mages can 2 shot people quite frequently, fire if they get the right crits can as well and idk about arcane that well. Locks are just like a mage except slightly less mobility and slightly less burst but way better survivability.

As for guilds I'll just say this.. Being the "best" guild for a 24 isn't a very prestigious award. It basically means which group of people can faceroll against f2ps better since GvG premades happen once every year if that while 24 premade vs 24 premade rarely even happens to test which are really better. Like I said in this bracket there are alot of false epeen and 24s rarely face other 24s because the majority of the 24s in this bracket play for the easiness.

As for guilds there are:

Sua sponta- self proclaimed "best guild". No1 has been able to put up or shut up so the leader continues to brag about being the best. Imho they aren't but idc enough to really do or say anything. Was going to face RT this last month but it didn't happen.

Raw talent (they change their name alot so this is probably wrong)- Basically a clique of ex 19s. They killed their bracket with gy farming and drama and I'm sure other stuff idk about so they jumped onto this bracket so they'd still get pops while feeling like they are superior. They will talk alot of trash and make themselves sound like gods however what they've done impressive in this bracket is questionable.

Sanctuary- The GM really doesn't care that much about competitiveness but moreso just fielding the largest 24 twink guild (which it is). Nothing really to say here except that they frequently do 5 person premades vs a pug for easy wins however they have cut down on it lately.

Holy crit- This guild is just a joke all around.. If you want to be taken seriously don't even communicate with the people in it lol. Nothing more needs to be said.

Out of JUST that list RT is easily the best guild. It is the most cocky and egomaniac driven guild as well as being cliquish but to answer your question simply they are the best. If you're looking to be casual just go to sanct and play with other 24s or be in events and what not

Thank you once again. I really appreciate that you are taking the time and effort to give me all this information, same goes to everyone else as well, like #Idiote and Phrontistery and some others. I am thinking about mage because as you illustrated earlier, it is around the middle of the classes I am looking at, and I also want to try it because I have never played a mage in WoW before. Based off of what I have seen on, it seems like mages also have more spells to peel melee off of them.

Also, thank you for the backgrounds of the guilds in the bracket. Could you, or anyone for that matter, also tell me what faction and server each of those guilds are on? My main is currently on Illidan right now but I am willing to gear up a twink and then transfer it to one of those servers if there are no guilds on Illidan.

Once again, thank you to everyone for all of these helpful responses.
just play your fav server and realid with your friends, thats what i do and it is the most fun.Instead of trying to join some clique or the "top" guild out there. If you have good friends who know what they are doing, you are a force to be reckoned with, the guild is just a label, its friends that know how to win together that end up winning that hard fought wsg match.
Thank you once again. I really appreciate that you are taking the time and effort to give me all this information, same goes to everyone else as well, like #Idiote and Phrontistery and some others. I am thinking about mage because as you illustrated earlier, it is around the middle of the classes I am looking at, and I also want to try it because I have never played a mage in WoW before. Based off of what I have seen on, it seems like mages also have more spells to peel melee off of them.

Also, thank you for the backgrounds of the guilds in the bracket. Could you, or anyone for that matter, also tell me what faction and server each of those guilds are on? My main is currently on Illidan right now but I am willing to gear up a twink and then transfer it to one of those servers if there are no guilds on Illidan.

Once again, thank you to everyone for all of these helpful responses.

Sua Sponte, Alliance Lightbringer US
Raw Talent(Now called Skill Ratio), Horde Bleeding Hollow US
Sanctuary, Horde & Alliance Alexstrasza US
Holy Crit, Horde Azuremyst US

Whilst there are a few 24s on Illidan, I do not believe there are any active guilds there, unfortunately.

Welcome to the bracket, I'll be looking forward to seeing you.^.^
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I was surprised to read in this thread that there is not enough known about the Monk at this level to comment on it due to a lack of Monks playing in this bracket, and even more surprised that no one followed up with "wait, I know all about it" and the subsequent assessment. It kind of piqued my curiosity, and I just wanted to touch on it before it gets lost in the thread - - DOES anyone have an opinion on the 20-24 Monk (as related to the OP's query, to keep it on topic)?
The 20-24 monk is already a known quantity. WW is bad, MW is mediocre compared to most other healers, and BM is very effective when played correctly.
The 20-24 monk is already a known quantity. WW is bad, MW is mediocre compared to most other healers, and BM is very effective when played correctly.

Thanks for the quick response Dorigon. This just invigorates my itch to raise a Twink Monk, and BM is definitely what I'm seeing as having the most potential at this level, it's nice to see that idea confirmed/validated by a guide author.

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