Dirt Nasty
After browsing through the forums for a few days, I've decided to make a twink for the 20-24 bracket. The brackets I was primarily looking at were the 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 bracket sections. The 10-14 bracket didn't interest me very much due to a very small spellbook and making a free to play character wasn't an option because I already have a pay to play account up and running.
It seemed like out of these 3, the 20-24 bracket was the only one getting regular pops daily. I'm getting the notion that the quality of the 20-24 bracket may not be as high as the 15-19 or 25-29 bracket section due to the vast population of trial accounts in the bracket. However, I don't want to have to worry about being available to play on a certain time and day each week like I have read in the 15-19 and 25-29 bracket sections. If these brackets become active to the point where they get regular pops, I can just make another twink, anyways. The main reason I have come to low level twinking is to be able to play PvP without having to devote as much time like constantly having to get better gear and planning time in my schedule for arenas, rated battlegrounds, or raids. I've gotten rather burnt out from end-game over the years and am hoping that low level twinking can be a fresh stimulus for me.
With that said, I would like some advice and information from players currently playing in the bracket before I make some decisions.
First, I would like to know how a few classes perform in this bracket. I have looked through each class's spellbook and talents on wowhead.com, but you can't get an accurate judgement of how a class performs just by looking at what spells it has. I'm looking to play a class/specialization that isn't the most overpowered but isn't the weakest class/specialization either. The classes and specializations I am looking at are as follows:
You may have noticed that I chose mainly melee and caster classes. I am curious to know how these classes and specializations do, as well as how melee does compared to casters at this level. Are any of these extremely overpowered? Why? Which classes are underpowered to the point where it wouldn't be very enjoyable to play, if any, and why? Let me know, I'd love to hear. However, please don't respond with a 2-word response like, "Warrior sucks,". I'd like an explanation for why it "sucks". I have never been a healer or flag carrier so I'm going to stay away from those classes/specializations.
I am also wondering what the most active realms/factions are, in terms of 20-24 twinks. I am currently on Illidan but am willing to transfer my twink to a different server/faction that houses more 20-24 twinks after I finish gearing my twink up. Joining a twink guild is something I am thinking about, as it would be nice to be in a guild with other players in the bracket.
A couple days ago I saw a thread regarding a premade between two different guilds. I am wondering how frequently these happen and how many people have partaken in these so far.
So to recap, I am looking for information from people currently playing the bracket regarding:
Thank you in advance.
It seemed like out of these 3, the 20-24 bracket was the only one getting regular pops daily. I'm getting the notion that the quality of the 20-24 bracket may not be as high as the 15-19 or 25-29 bracket section due to the vast population of trial accounts in the bracket. However, I don't want to have to worry about being available to play on a certain time and day each week like I have read in the 15-19 and 25-29 bracket sections. If these brackets become active to the point where they get regular pops, I can just make another twink, anyways. The main reason I have come to low level twinking is to be able to play PvP without having to devote as much time like constantly having to get better gear and planning time in my schedule for arenas, rated battlegrounds, or raids. I've gotten rather burnt out from end-game over the years and am hoping that low level twinking can be a fresh stimulus for me.
With that said, I would like some advice and information from players currently playing in the bracket before I make some decisions.
First, I would like to know how a few classes perform in this bracket. I have looked through each class's spellbook and talents on wowhead.com, but you can't get an accurate judgement of how a class performs just by looking at what spells it has. I'm looking to play a class/specialization that isn't the most overpowered but isn't the weakest class/specialization either. The classes and specializations I am looking at are as follows:
- Druid (Feral)
- Mage (any specialization)
- Monk (Windwalker)
- Priest (Shadow)
- Shaman (Enhancement)
- Warlock (any specialization)
- Warrior (Arms or Fury)
You may have noticed that I chose mainly melee and caster classes. I am curious to know how these classes and specializations do, as well as how melee does compared to casters at this level. Are any of these extremely overpowered? Why? Which classes are underpowered to the point where it wouldn't be very enjoyable to play, if any, and why? Let me know, I'd love to hear. However, please don't respond with a 2-word response like, "Warrior sucks,". I'd like an explanation for why it "sucks". I have never been a healer or flag carrier so I'm going to stay away from those classes/specializations.
I am also wondering what the most active realms/factions are, in terms of 20-24 twinks. I am currently on Illidan but am willing to transfer my twink to a different server/faction that houses more 20-24 twinks after I finish gearing my twink up. Joining a twink guild is something I am thinking about, as it would be nice to be in a guild with other players in the bracket.
A couple days ago I saw a thread regarding a premade between two different guilds. I am wondering how frequently these happen and how many people have partaken in these so far.
So to recap, I am looking for information from people currently playing the bracket regarding:
- Specific classes/specializations that I am looking at
- Good server/factions to possibly transfer to
- Faction Balance
- Premades
- Any other information you think I should know as a prospective 20-24 bracket twink
Thank you in advance.
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