In b4 Shadow Priest QQ

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(Yes in MoP)
Ive made 100K+ dmg with Lvl24 Retpaly and MMHunter and i didnt farm, horde team just had 6+healers... basicly theres no need to farm to do big scores, u can play objectivly and still do great scores.

When i did it with ret pally i probably taked berserker more then 10times xD.

Zerker is beyond OP it pretty much acts like PvP power removes it almost entirely. Most high damage is attributed to Zerker. I mean the highest crit i have ever gotten was while i had zerker on it was a 1400 Mind blast. The highest burst i had was a 1.2k MB then 1k Plague. I also had insane crits on me mainly by rogues... Rogues are quite annoying with their damage.
Just a wild guess, but I venture to say this probably didn't take 14 seconds. The way you put it makes it sound like it was burst damage.





Somebody in this thread is bullsitting us. Not sure who.
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Rogues do the Highest crits now... its insane... Lvl24 rogue can 1shot ppl. and they shouldnt be able to.

I agree that some burst is a tad high, but rogue mobility is really lousy now and the one-shotting you mentioned was perhaps a zerking 24 rogue with an ambush crit vs a mediocre geared 20? I think healing is a bigger problem than that atm. Rogues should do high damage.
Spriests are honestly a joke atm.. They are just the new rerolls. I /pity every spriest I see in a bg now as in cata I'd see 1 spriest in every 10 bgs now its 1 per 1 bg.. If you have bged with me and got a /pity and you were actually a spriest in cata then ignore it and just know its directed to the other 99% of people playing your spec.

Nerf spriest damage and healing capability. All around most annoying spec/class atm as it can deal out best dmg and still crit for 2k heals

Edit: just thought of this.. for you people who like to have facerolls.. Please make a 5 man 24 Spriest premade. I would stay in that bg just to see the outcome xD
Spriests are honestly a joke atm.. They are just the new rerolls. I /pity every spriest I see in a bg now as in cata I'd see 1 spriest in every 10 bgs now its 1 per 1 bg.. If you have bged with me and got a /pity and you were actually a spriest in cata then ignore it and just know its directed to the other 99% of people playing your spec.

Nerf spriest damage and healing capability. All around most annoying spec/class atm as it can deal out best dmg and still crit for 2k heals

Edit: just thought of this.. for you people who like to have facerolls.. Please make a 5 man 24 Spriest premade. I would stay in that bg just to see the outcome xD

I'm sure Horde Invasion is working on that right now.
Spirest is Dps class with mana like many others but Spriest haves an advantage that other dps´s with mana doesnt... a normal dps haves 160mana and Spriests have 800mana.

Because Spriests rely on that mana to dps, like mages or boomkins.
Spriests are honestly a joke atm.. They are just the new rerolls. I /pity every spriest I see in a bg now as in cata I'd see 1 spriest in every 10 bgs now its 1 per 1 bg.

If I played a 24 priest it'd certainly be respecced shadow. Shadow was terrible at 20 and 24 before, there was absolutely no reason to choose it. They finally get some of their defining spells between 21 and 24 now. You rarely saw them before because most people don't choose a spec that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

If they got Shadowform, DP, Mind Blast and orbs at 20, my priest would definitely be shadow. It'd be by far my most played character. My main's a shadow priest. Its my favorite spec in the game, it sucks that its an absolute waste of a BG spot at level 20.
/pitying Spriests..... gosh

It's like you shat on people for 7 years with your hunter, and ONLY NOW do you actually realise how much it stinks

Then there's Cripz commenting on rogues 1 shotting people... He who boycotted the Hunter class to play Hpala... -THE one shot class of MoP.

If I played a 24 priest it'd certainly be respecced shadow. Shadow was terrible at 20 and 24 before, there was absolutely no reason to choose it. They finally get some of their defining spells between 21 and 24 now. You rarely saw them before because most people don't choose a spec that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Spriests at 20 before wasnt exactly terrible and 24 spriests were still a good spec in cata.. Comparing it to cata 24 hunts or rogues of course it wasnt astonishing but it was still a perfectly viable class (more at 24 then 20)

It's like you shat on people for 7 years with your hunter, and ONLY NOW do you actually realise how much it stinks

I played a hunt for 1 year? Idk how someone could play one single class for 7 years but thats not relevant. Without comparing cata hunts to 24 spriests (no comparison imo as spriests are currently doing more dmg then cata hunts could and still crit healing for full hp along with half hp bubbles). I will continue to /pity every spriest I see every bg unless I know they were a spriest in cata
I'd like to add to this thread.

Lil you didn't /pity me at all. You hit me with /spit.

What's up with that?
Anyone can play a spriest at 24 (with or without lightweave) and get 20+ kbs.
OP why do you feel the need to post your screenshot of getting 20+ kbs?
Is it to inflate your epeen?
So that you can compensate for something? like how you fail at 85? or how you fail at life?

edit: look at nohealsforju alts from his activity feed it looks like he played hunter the most before patch 5.0.4 and spriest the most after patch 5.0.4 fotm reroller much? fotm reroller trying to flex his epeen?

No i played my rogue Micheletto (i still play him i have screenies of me being top damage/ flag returns at times lol). I played my Hunter on occasion when i got tired of being global'd by a bunch of hunters who back pedaled and had names with "Trial", "hunter", "Huntard".

This is an In before thread so this is thread is before up coming threads which will say Shadow priests are OP.

Btw i never used the Light weave exploit i never needed to exploit to get ahead (well may be the herb / skinning because we all know that is annoying to level).

At 85 i got 1700 rbg as a warlock i often carried people in 2s just to get capped. I got bored of it and tired of having to do DS just to get BiS.

as far as my life i have 3.6 cumulative GPA so far in my senior year of high school. I hope to be All league in cross country. Hopefully in Track too.
And i had my priest in Spirestone when Bb was kind of first starting out with 24s. Hunter(s) way before (Vendetta was a 19 twink, Dyrich i made for fun). I mainly enjoyed playing my Rogue, Warlock, Priest at 24. Hunters got boring after 5 minutes of spamming buttons and running in circles.

i may log on them but i do not play them as much since i will need to do Gnomeregan to get the Gun and that is a pain.
hehe you caught me :rolleyes: Also I know who your toons are now. All I gotta do is see someone from vashj with bloodthirsty and 90% of the time it'll be you xD mass target inc


And mass target incoming... Pssh you did that to me all through Cata. I used to (and still do!) put you on focus every game to see who you would target, either Swoops or myself :) It's also how we knew about your roof hiding spot :cool:
And mass target incoming... Pssh you did that to me all through Cata. I used to (and still do!) put you on focus every game to see who you would target, either Swoops or myself :) It's also how we knew about your roof hiding spot :cool:
Hehe you weren't mass targeted or atleast weren't with me knowing.. Swoops on the other hand was. Now I know specifically how to spot one of your toons, you'll see real targeting :p

Also gratz on the hiding spot find.. (Edit: i have a new one you won't find easily) 6 months of D'ing up there and the same people still came through over and over without either realizing I was in the bg or knowing I was ready to strike. With my new handy 800 crit Aimed shots I dare you to try to grab that flag on your clothies >: )
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