Improve the Bracket

What's wrong with you lol, all he ever does it ask stupid questions to get a discussion going on a topic he doesn't care about, or tell you how to or why you should or why it's good to cheat/hack.

He loves Adal because Adal trolled Izac once , and it was EPIC ,Adal created a priest on AP and named him Physician ,i think ,i dont remember... Izac was like O.O !
The ideal F2P bracket can never be a reality folks. Stop whining about the things that will never change (e.g. 24s, imbalance). If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

As to you, you whine the most on TI.
The ideal F2P bracket can never be a reality folks. Stop whining about the things that will never change (e.g. 24s, imbalance). If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

We need more positive thoughts and actions, not someone who simply shrugs and gives up. That's called "Failure" .

We're not looking for a IDEAL F2P bracket. We want the actual bracket to IMPROVE. That's not far from reality if people step it up.

But i guess in this age of keyboard warriors and people thinking they're awesome with their e-peens over a forum can really destroy any kind of positive intention.
-Every f2ps should play on the same server. A divided community is never a good thing.
-More community events, to bring the people together.
3s tourney? there was a lot of interest the last time we had one going. might be good thing to do during the summer
I think well get more out of this thread if we hold off on suggestions that only Blizzard can make happen. This shouldnt be a F2P wishlist. This should be about the changes individuals can make right now to improve the community and state of the bracket. If the OP intended differently than by all means keep dreaming about glyphs and gold and CR, those things would be nice sure, but they can only be something we are pleasantly surprised by in the future, and nothing we have control over. Its easy to criticize the bracket and its easy to ask for things we dont have. Its harder to troubleshoot and be creative using whats available, turn something into something more. Thats ultimately what twinking is all about, so I encourage you to do just that.
More WPvPs ! More PremadeVpremade , like a 5men Wsg Versus a 5men WSG , HvH AvH AvA! More Arenas, Maybe a 5men F2P Versus 5men P2P just to test skills against them. Its cool to do that. If you are able to defeat them you are good and get some more skill on your actions.A 24 can be deadly and it puts you in a difficult position , that puts you ito pressure. You need to think EVEN IF YOU ARE PRESSURED , that might improve players alot i think. And obvmore guides on different specializations , more macros , more strategys etc !
I am a firm believer that the best games i have come across in my f2p battleground experience have been 5v5 (realmvrealm etc) fight each other along side the pugs they are given in a normal warsong. I encourage group queuing with 3-5 people whenever possible, as it promotes teamwork, makes the games more enjoyable, and last but not least Encourages other groups of 3-5 twinks to queue up and catch another another squad! Unfortunately 10v10 wargames do not currently work in the f2p bracket due to the xp issue, I would LOVE to do 10v10 premade warsongs, but even if that day never comes, there are always steps we can take within blizzards boundaries to promote healthy, active competition!
- HBEdit: Someone previously mentioned all moving to one server, although it is a grand idea for organizing arenas/duels/groups queues etc, the missing ingredient for me personally to reroll a f2p toon would be the ability to queue 10v10 wargames. If this error has been fixed (not sure as of 5.4) I would gladly roll a toon on a new server, but for most people it would be an inordinate amount of work to re roll toons just to have an arena hub.
We need more positive thoughts and actions, not someone who simply shrugs and gives up. That's called "Failure" .We're not looking for a IDEAL F2P bracket. We want the actual bracket to IMPROVE. That's not far from reality if people step it up.But i guess in this age of keyboard warriors and people thinking they're awesome with their e-peens over a forum can really destroy any kind of positive intention.
We have some great suggestions so far. Let's continue the discussion and make use of them. What feedback can you offer towards the posts I have quoted? What can we do to organize?
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The shitty thing about regular bgs is how players are rewarded hks/achievement points. The objective is no longer whatever the game type is (CTF/resources) its just farming points. Its something you dont see in rbgs, because instead of farming, you acquire points through wins. However, even if they removed hks, and had them function like conquest does, there are still achievements tied to farming/camping, 100-250k kills, and a few others, so its possible it would still continue although again, i've never seen a camping session while playing rbgs.

Apart from that, obviously putting bottom bracket players on par with top bracket players would be great. They tried to do that with gear scaling. And then turned right around and fucked it up with enchant scaling, which in most cases is as powerful, or more powerful than whatever gear its placed on. Disabling enchants all together in pvp would be great (They already do this in max level instances, so i believe it's easily doable). Implementing full sets of boa pvp gear, that is obtainable by everyone as well as BiS (trials included) So everyone is playing on the same level. From there to tweaking and balancing classes, specs, skills.

I think everything except the last 2, (cross checking boa gear against leveling gear, and pvp balance) would be easy enough to do.

I also would like to see cross faction pvp, it would eliminate faction advantages/faction QQing altogether.

Spectator mode.

More battlegrounds.

That's all i can think of atm.

Set up a private server where Blizzard can't consistently fuck everything up again alongside any half-assed fix they might somehow manage to get round to eventually doing.


  • Put together a F2P only website, focused more on new players and F2P PvP than general twinking (so skirmishes/arenas/<20 BG wargames). Also wiki + mumble server.
  • Form a guild for P2Ps who play to support F2Ps, and who are willing to help new players who are on F2Ps.
  • Add a couple of features to the addon, like:
    • Cross realm chat and group making, relayed through P2Ps who are capable of communicating and grouping cross realm (only problem is it wouldn't be reliable, as chat would drop out in the middle of conversations if one of the relays went ofline).
    • Take a snapshot of a player's gear when the scoreboard is shown at the end of a BG, and send that data along with all the existing stuff used to build players' databases (it's basically a set of a couple of dozen numbers). This would allow us to build a better picture of what people consider BiS, and basically let anyone look up people and inspect their chars, even while they're offline. You could even link builds in chat from the database. Including mogs. And the same data could be pulled up from the chat name tooltips.
    • Could also inspect the entire team while in the flag room before matches. Would be a great way to get stats on gear scaling.
What if we have a anti 24 strike? We completely ignore them even when they are attacking us. Hopefully they would lose interest in competition that doesn't even do anything. Just a suggestion. Kill it if you want
lol, if you wanna stop p2ps from playing just convince every single f2p to stop queing for atleast 2 weeks... good luck

Set up a private server where Blizzard can't consistently fuck everything up again alongside any half-assed fix they might somehow manage to get round to eventually doing.

  • Put together a F2P only website, focused more on new players and F2P PvP than general twinking (so skirmishes/arenas/<20 BG wargames). Also wiki + mumble server.
  • Form a guild for P2Ps who play to support F2Ps, and who are willing to help new players who are on F2Ps.
  • Add a couple of features to the addon, like:
    • Cross realm chat and group making, relayed through P2Ps who are capable of communicating and grouping cross realm (only problem is it wouldn't be reliable, as chat would drop out in the middle of conversations if one of the relays went ofline).
    • Take a snapshot of a player's gear when the scoreboard is shown at the end of a BG, and send that data along with all the existing stuff used to build players' databases (it's basically a set of a couple of dozen numbers). This would allow us to build a better picture of what people consider BiS, and basically let anyone look up people and inspect their chars, even while they're offline. You could even link builds in chat from the database. Including mogs. And the same data could be pulled up from the chat name tooltips.
    • Could also inspect the entire team while in the flag room before matches. Would be a great way to get stats on gear scaling.
I know very little about private servers..

F2P site would be sick.
Wiki + mumble would be sick too.
Trial really is a meta all on it's own and would really benefit from this sort of organization. Whether a small or large user base, anyone looking to improve would find this structure incredibly useful.

Xrealm ideas would be incredible additons to the addon, offering enormous flexibility in the way players interact.
The gear compilation would also be very useful. I'm guessing it would be fairly simply to integrate such a database with a wiki.

Awesome post Yasueh. What does it take to build an addon and add to it? I really have no concept of the work involved and I suspect I'm not alone.

Set up a private server where Blizzard can't consistently fuck everything up again alongside any half-assed fix they might somehow manage to get round to eventually doing.


  • Put together a F2P only website, focused more on new players and F2P PvP than general twinking (so skirmishes/arenas/<20 BG wargames). Also wiki + mumble server.
  • Form a guild for P2Ps who play to support F2Ps, and who are willing to help new players who are on F2Ps.
  • Add a couple of features to the addon, like:
    • Cross realm chat and group making, relayed through P2Ps who are capable of communicating and grouping cross realm (only problem is it wouldn't be reliable, as chat would drop out in the middle of conversations if one of the relays went ofline).
    • Take a snapshot of a player's gear when the scoreboard is shown at the end of a BG, and send that data along with all the existing stuff used to build players' databases (it's basically a set of a couple of dozen numbers). This would allow us to build a better picture of what people consider BiS, and basically let anyone look up people and inspect their chars, even while they're offline. You could even link builds in chat from the database. Including mogs. And the same data could be pulled up from the chat name tooltips.
    • Could also inspect the entire team while in the flag room before matches. Would be a great way to get stats on gear scaling.

Agreed. The first option is ofc already in progress on Molten, though it'll probably never have enough players to do more than a couple WSGs at a time, even if they are running at all hours thanks to being international.

Oh, and no need to actually build a pserver. Just have to download and get used to using the WotLK client again.
Adding an elo calculator to the F2P Addon for skirmishes would be amazing. You could set it so that it creates a ranked game if and only if:

1. Both teams have only level 20 F2P restricted toons.

2. Both teams have the F2P Addon (assuming it would be necessary to check for said F2P restrictions).

That would be so exponentially helpful to the bracket, assuming we receive access to skirmishes.

Making both teams aware that a ranked game has been initiated would be an extremely useful luxury. As then you could dodge queues against teams that didn't fit the restrictions, allowing us to avoid having to wait the full preparation time only to find that we're facing a 24 hunter / spriest combo.

There are some potential problems, such as stopping players from equipping non-F2P restricted weapons in the middle of the match (If the gear-equipped check was at the beginning and end of a match, for example). I'm nowhere near good enough of a WoW programmer to troubleshoot a fix for that problem.

But regardless, I can say that I would be down to patron the programmer who made this into an addon.
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I think the greatest benefit for this bracket would come from eliminating the Horde vs Alliance sentiment that exists outside of BGs, as well as for many of the veterans of this bracket to return to the roots of why they started to and continue to play this game instead of getting caught up in the never ending hoopla of imbalance yadda yadda yadda, I'm tired. But what do I know? I'm just a simple country boy altoholic who enjoys farming prospector's cloak (I don't enjoy it at all actually, but I'm compelled to do it all the same) and playing with people who tell funny jokes.

TL : DR - The biggest improvement to this bracket imo would be to reinstate (or just instate) an actual sense of community and cooperation (not to detract from those who I know have worked hard to do this, but it can't be a select few carrying the weight of everyone).

In essence, I'd love to see the day when people actually, legitimately care about improving the players around them to foster a stronger, healthier bracket.

Edit: my TL : DR became TL smiley face R

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