Important Question!!!

Getting Voidtalon after a 15 hours session with 2 budies has to be my best memory yet .

When you search for "voidtalon" in Tenor GIFs
In almost-chronological order:

Standing in the WSG flag room at the start of a 39 game in TBC, where multiple levelers freaked out over my gear, having never seen a healer twink before.

Drayner eliminating a TwinkInfo guide stolen from my PwnDepot post. He did it sight unseen and no questions asked.

After a few weeks of stirring up enthusiasm and nostalgia for 49s in OG Wrath (even though I had never played 49s), countering naysayers and forum trolls who repeatedly proclaimed the XP-off patch was the end of twinking, us anxiously waiting during the waning moments of the countdown for our attempted relaunch of the bracket...the gong for Warsong Gulch sounded. Both factions ran around the field, in shock that we actually pulled it off. Then the forums lit up with our success. Wrath midbracket organization remains one of my greatest (and most difficult) experiences of WoW. Props to everyone who played 29-59 in those days.

Related to that, helping wrath 49s launch the first ever midbracket XP-off EotS. The game ended in an epic 1500-1499 comeback win for Horde.

Writing controversial articles for twinkinfo and about twink culture, collaborating with tremendous staff members. The gif @Chops picked out for his shield slam rant in MoP remains one of the best "a picture is worth a thousand words" I've ever seen. I still laugh when I think about it.

The inspired twink podcast episode that came to mind while walking home from work. @youbeezy and I recorded it in a single take, did some light editing, and posted what became arguably the best episode we ever did. That episode could only happen after all the time and effort everyone put into learning the craft. ...Later on, Yoube called me from a bar during his birthday, bonkers over that episode and the podcast in general increasing our audience by a couple of orders of magnitude.

Getting recruited to do RGBs in Cata, going through the growing pains of learning serious PvP, and finally reaching our goal of surpassing 2100 in season 12. That remains my single best PvP experience in WoW.

Somewhere in there, @Chops and Kochi talked me into trying this thing called F2P, saying it hearkened back to how WoW used to play. I finally followed up, and the arenas we did on Korgath remain a shining time in my memory.

Watching the next generation of twinks revive brackets using the methods developed in OG Wrath.

Instead of finally quitting WoW in MoP, I followed up an a forum request to coach a backwater server's organized PvP efforts. Using the strategies from my Cata RGB experience (thank you @Beachcomber !) we went from a bunch of aimless casuals to an organized bunch of carebear casuals who at their peak, broke into the top 10% of PvP guilds on GuildOx. The success caused tension with the PvE side of the guild, so some of us went over to raid with the PvE'ers. We got our 10-person Heroic Garrosh achievement three weeks before the WoD prepatch dropped. The evolution of that guild, bringing together PvE and PvP and creating an upward spiral of enthusiasm, came second only to the herculean efforts of their GM. She poured countless hours into their success, yet another reminder of how leadership made more of an impact in WoW than any other factor in the game, inside or out.

I'll always remember a losing Arathi Basin where we stormed blacksmith, then immediately splintered into three groups and soon took three other bases. Nonstop alerts and desperate adjustments via the comms brought us in striking distance in the final moments, and then we conceded a base so that those players could fortify two others. We stole victory in the last half a second, and to this day, I've never heard a louder roar over the comms. Bless their carebear hearts, half of them whispered profuse GGs and praise to members of the other team for such a dramatic game and how well they pressed us. We ended up gaining a couple of new guild members from our behavior.

A few years later, I returned to WoW at the start of BfA, and I knew my 39's grandfathered green lens would undergo a stat conversion. The chances of getting the combination of the right suffix and the stat balance I wanted sat at less than 2%, with only one chance at a roll. I logged in, and almost passed out when I saw I actually got it. I landed the most powerful green lens possible in BfA, with a grandfathered head enchant. To this day, it remains the luckiest gear "drop" I ever got.

The massive stat squish and general reworking of WoW for the SL prepatch rekindled my interest in WoW. I never thought I'd fully return, but Teldrassil Firefighters drew me into a place to play with friends old and new. I made my peace with some of WoW's design by engaging in some of the longest, most arduous grinds I ever experienced, made worthwhile by interesting, prolonged conversations with fun people, or just decompressing after a long week. WoW grinds are like sand mandalas: you create something beautiful with your character, embracing that time will soon destroy your work with the next patch or expansion.

Finishing up a four month rep gear grind on my SL 49 that was hitherto considered next to impossible and arguably pointless. Getting jumped by 60s who thought they discovered a dumb 49 who left warmode on. Reverse ambushing 60s remained a delight through the first content patch of SL.

I'm sure I forgot a couple of other pivotal moments. Regardless, both inside and outside the game, I put more than 15,000 hours into WoW. I'm grateful for all of the opportunities WoW gave me, the hard lessons WoW taught me, and the people with whom WoW connected me.
shitposting on pwndepot twinkinfo xpoff :ez:
9 years ago on some wotlk private server helping my older brother click his abilities (I literally just pressed the arrows that change your auction bar from one to another and clicked on mount since we didnt know what macros were and he run out of free action bars ).

He is THE only reason I am playing lvl 20 and before that lvl 19 twinks. We were playing a lot of wotlk/cata private server and before he became a rated bg/arena player he was a 79 ret paladin and since I liked how twinking looked like at the time I leveled my first character (dreinai paladin) and we played together a lot.

And after private server twinking kinda died I decided to play retail and since I really didnt like leveling back then I only twinked at lvl 19.

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