Immo-Melee Hunter

Couldn't talk anyone into taking me into Wailing Caverns this morning, so went on a little joy ride with my currently 18 Immo-Melee hunter, I was actually surprised by the outcome of most of the battles like this one.


While I was dying fast, I was raking in the KBs and putting out a shit ton of damage on par with a fully twinked player (Whom I suspect was in a stamina gear set).

Probably get my hands on AGMx2 and the fishing hat, as well as level up after grabbing the leggings of the fang and I should be set HP wise while gaining a little bit more damage for my burst combo.
Lol that's a lot of deaths... but the damage output is interesting, and you did manage to return 2 flags.
The only time a hunter should be doing melee is if they are against a hunter that is as geared as them. Believe it or not hunter vs hunter in melee range requires a decent amount of skill. Not saying it's hard just saying two equally geared hunters, the more skilled one will usually win in melee range, but in a range war the less skilled one could win easier.
Pizza said:
The only time a hunter should be doing melee is if they are against a hunter that is as geared as them. Believe it or not hunter vs hunter in melee range requires a decent amount of skill. Not saying it's hard just saying two equally geared hunters, the more skilled one will usually win in melee range, but in a range war the less skilled one could win easier.

At high levels, I'd be inclined to agree with this.

However, at this low level in the absence of MS effects, I found the possibility of substantial burst potential was too much to ignore and explored it. Now that I got a taste for this style of gameplay and a decent feel for it, as well as having bested a number of fully geared twinks at influencing a match, I think I wanna stick with it for a while longer. Certainly is more fun to play than run around kiting everything to win.
i do agree that it is quite much, and believe me, even at high levels a hunter can dish out much more damage !

my friend back in BC time before he left, he had tryed survival since most were charging him and stayed close to him, so i told him go ahead stop running and get them rolled. i mean you try your best to shoot them down but if you cant run away or kite them, you're just losing time there and giving them back the the advantage you just won by shooting them a far. so he did and in arena at 70 he was doing a lot better then he used to.

its not to be underestimated, after all a hunter at 20 is dual-wielding, meaning it can dish out a lot of good dps with it, even if only armed with 2 abilities for melee. and going all out melee enables easier time setting up a wing clip wo get away in a pinch to either bandage or finish up the opponent by taking back your life advantage !

for my part, BM spec at 19 helps a lot for melee hunters. they are most likely always in AotM and they easily get 35% dodge with it unbuffed. just like warriors benefits more by stance dancing, hunters benefits much from aspect dancing !
Pizza said:
The only time a hunter should be doing melee is if they are against a hunter that is as geared as them. Believe it or not hunter vs hunter in melee range requires a decent amount of skill. Not saying it's hard just saying two equally geared hunters, the more skilled one will usually win in melee range, but in a range war the less skilled one could win easier.

Or better geared. It's pretty simple math tbh, if you're in a short range fight, arcane/multi, run in to take a swipe with mongoose/raptor, back out to take advantage of your ranged cooldowns, repeat.

Not advisable if you're at long range as you'll give up too many autoshots when closing, but if you're at close range you'll likely only take 1 auto in exchange for a raptor, assuming the other guy is decent enough to get off a mongoose as well. Add to that the fact that you waste less cooldown time and it makes impossible fights into winnable ones, even easy ones.

I think I've killed every single decent hunter on the battlegroup, who has been active in the last month, 1v1 with a mongoose, and by decent I mean 'guys who rape me in a straight out shooting match'.

If it wasn't for hunters being so ridiculous in the bracket, I'd keep playing him just because wow has been missing a skirmisher archetype since TBC.
Ymir said:
Or better geared. It's pretty simple math tbh, if you're in a short range fight, arcane/multi, run in to take a swipe with mongoose/raptor, back out to take advantage of your ranged cooldowns, repeat.

Not advisable if you're at long range as you'll give up too many autoshots when closing, but if you're at close range you'll likely only take 1 auto in exchange for a raptor, assuming the other guy is decent enough to get off a mongoose as well. Add to that the fact that you waste less cooldown time and it makes impossible fights into winnable ones, even easy ones.

I think I've killed every single decent hunter on the battlegroup, who has been active in the last month, 1v1 with a mongoose, and by decent I mean 'guys who rape me in a straight out shooting match'.

If it wasn't for hunters being so ridiculous in the bracket, I'd keep playing him just because wow has been missing a skirmisher archetype since TBC.

When closing from longer ranges, I'll stop every 2.5 seconds to get off my auto shot unless I feel I'm close enough to get to the target in the next 3.8 seconds. Then I turn off Auto-attacks and move into melee and use my Mongoose/Raptor Strike macro before immediately returning to range for a multi-shot and an auto-shot 2.44 seconds after the raptor strike was used.

It's proven to be a complicated play style, but dumping 300-400 damage on a player all at once seems to be having its rewards.
Conrose said:
When closing from longer ranges, I'll stop every 2.5 seconds to get off my auto shot unless I feel I'm close enough to get to the target in the next 3.8 seconds. Then I turn off Auto-attacks and move into melee and use my Mongoose/Raptor Strike macro before immediately returning to range for a multi-shot and an auto-shot 2.44 seconds after the raptor strike was used.

It's proven to be a complicated play style, but dumping 300-400 damage on a player all at once seems to be having its rewards.

I'm still finding delays when I try that. Noticed it when kiting actually, figured I could just stop on 'swing' timer and get an instant shot, but my guy has to do his whole animation it seems. Could be just lag, I play from a long way away, but I definitely have to stop moving for longer than an instant.

Still, now that I think about it, nothing stopping me from doing it to close distance, since you're not in quite as much of a hurry as when trying to gain distance. Plus of course a bat or ravager would really help.
Ymir said:
I'm still finding delays when I try that. Noticed it when kiting actually, figured I could just stop on 'swing' timer and get an instant shot, but my guy has to do his whole animation it seems. Could be just lag, I play from a long way away, but I definitely have to stop moving for longer than an instant.

Still, now that I think about it, nothing stopping me from doing it to close distance, since you're not in quite as much of a hurry as when trying to gain distance.

And if the other hunter is backpedalling, you gain a huge advantage this way.

And I found that about .4 seconds is long enough to get off the shot even if it interrupts the animation.
Conrose said:
And if the other hunter is backpedalling, you gain a huge advantage this way.

And I found that about .4 seconds is long enough to get off the shot even if it interrupts the animation.

Thanks :D And yeah, love it when the guy freaks out and starts fooling around with his s key :)
Lol this thread is full of win, are you able to make vids by chance, I really want to see this in action?
Finally got leggings, dinged 19 and put on all my gear. Gonna start working on fishing to work towards the hat, also near 150 herbing, found I can collect liferoots along the river in Darkshore easy enough and I can easily lvl Skinning by killing and looting with an alt, relog to skin. Have relevant areas of STV explored already. Should have 20% crit chance for Melee and Ranged attacks, 40% on Raptor and Mongoose attacks.

230 melee AP is pushing the top end for my BAR past 150 while Mongoose hits for just above 70.
New image:


Currently have a wolf as my pet (Ghostpaw Runners by the WSG entrance in Ashenvale occasionally spawn as lvl 19).

Got my necklace, still short a 15 agility enchant on gloves, 3 agility to cloak and 4 stats on chest. So still short of 15 melee AP and 14 ranged AP. But its been going pretty well. I should probably stack up some rum as well, I've done all that testing without any of em, lol.

Sorta curious as to how well it would work out as an Orc hunter with that AP boosting racial.
Just got out of a game playing with your immo hunter, you were doing quite well around enemy GY, was very weak horde team unfortunately. But you were killing equally as fast. Suprised that you can put out so much damage with that build its pretty cool.
This makes me want blizz to implement a beastmaster class even more so than before, kind of like what Rexxar is. Rexxar is probably my favorite character out of Warcraft lore, the man is just straight badass. Beastmaster - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft <---- Should be next hero class IMO.

Talent Trees would be something like: Beastlord, bottom talent allows you to tame and control 2 beasts at once, Wildlord, bottom talent is some ridiculously BA melee ability like actually charging the enemy with their claws or horns that they can grow, Forestlord, bottom talent is some wind/nature based BA spell. Since they're apparently like melee hunters without ranged weapons but can call on the powers of nature, basically warrior droods with pets. F-ing saweet.

Rexxarart.JPG <-- is a bad ass, this is you conrose, as like a giant muscled monster of a hunter.

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