Immo-Melee Hunter

Conrose said:
Anyone make a Hunter using Savage Strikes, 2 Entrapment, 3 Trap Mastery and a Glyph of Immolation Trap with a slow 2h yet? If so, how has it been doing?

I actually used to have a guild mate in my old raid guild at 60 who was full beast mastery with 0 ranged weapon skills. He had leveled from 1-60 without using a ranged weapon or even firing one. He did it purely for fun and to see peoples reactions.

I honestly think this idea is fail, but I guess it would be funny to see someone do it, purely out of boredom.
During BC, my 29 hunter was built around Multi-Shot, moving in for Raptor Strike, then back out into an Arcane Shot. It proved well enough that caster twinks of my battlegroup started to try to keep at range rather than run up to melee to eat a burst combo that may or may not be accompanied by a sapper charge. The result was I was able to burst down alot of players for about 1100+ without Sapper Charges at lvl 29, which gave me alot of important kills on healers, flag carriers and high risk players.

At 19, Savage Strikes is available, entrapment and Trap Mastery are both available with hawk eye or Improved Tracking both available for filler points. Aimed Shot isn't available yet, the only utility available to hunters via talents being imp conc shot and Entrapment, everything else mostly just buffing damage one way or another. 20% crit chance increase to Raptor Strike strikes me as a damage buff that is reliable enough to count on when it'll be important for bursting a player down and that Trap Mastery + Glyph of Immolation Trap should be significant enough to be at least a major niusance. The fact that alot of favored hunter gear at this level includes strength along with agility plays a major part in my curiosity. Also, Raptor Strike is not a normalized attack and thusly has a high potential for front load damage.

60 - 91 Damage 3.80 Speed(20.0 Damage Per Second)+6 Strength+10 StaminaEquip: Improves critical strike ratingby 6 (+2.03% @ 19)

I took a peek at a few 19 Horde Hunters and noticed typically around 215 melee attack power. Translates into 15.35 DPS, or an additional 57 damage on a 3.8 speed weapon. Raptor strike tacks another 21 damage onto that and has that 20% crit chance bonus if specced for it. High End Damage would be around 169, low end around 130. Crits push up past 300 damage easy.

At 200 Ranged Attack Power, your trap gets a bonus of 20 damage, so around 125 damage over 15 seconds. + 30% from Trap Mastery= 162.5

162.5/5 = 32.5

32.5*2 = 65 Damage per tick

65*3 = 195 Damage over 9 seconds.

Not mitigated by armor and accompanied by a root effect.

Using these as filler between Multi-Shot/Arcane Shot cooldowns has some nasty potential I'd like to explore.
Probably fun for randoms PUGs atleast :p I tried to specc melee with Corpsemaker on my 29 a long time ago, and I actually did pretty well if I jousted. Move in to melee, move a bit away to shoot, then move in again. Not viable but it sure was fun.
Conrose said:
Anyone make a Hunter using Savage Strikes, 2 Entrapment, 3 Trap Mastery and a Glyph of Immolation Trap with a slow 2h yet? If so, how has it been doing?

No because the majority of the wow twink community aren't drug addicted psycopaths...
Cookíes said:
No because the majority of the wow twink community aren't drug addicted psycopaths...

Or... the majority of wow twink communities are close minded dolts that don't want to try anything that could be vaguely amusing and slightly viable at the same time...
[ame=]YouTube - Tales of Melee Hunter 1- Melee hunter öyküsü 1[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tales of Melee Hunter 2 - Melee hunter öyküsü 2[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Tales of Melee Hunter 3 - Melee hunter öyküsü 3[/ame]

watch those and it will change your mind slightly on the amusing idea of "melee" hunter. It's funny stuff and the man pulls it off well.
I was a melee hunter and could easy take down any class fairly easily. My spec was:
Endurance Training - Rank 5/5

Increases the Health of your pet by 10% and your total health by 5%.

Improved Aspect of the Monkey - Rank 3/3

Increases the Dodge bonus of your Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Dragonhawk by 6%

Savage Strikes - Rank 2/2

I rolled wsg with 1900 health and around 41% dodge. I'd challange the best 19 rogues on my server to melee duels and would usually win.

With health pools lowered and the recent changes to melee -> ranged (both share the same GCD now) it isn't worth it. I could probably still hit 40% dodge and 1400 health but meh.

I have some old footage on my computer of melee duels on my computer I'll be adding to the movie I make sooner or later. It was pretty effective!
Yeah I had a buddy that was a 19 melee hunter because he wanted to humilate people. He had crusader on his twisted chanter's staff and I watched him drop plenty of rogues. Only problem now is the changes to dodge and the health pool drops. But having entrapment and a huge dot from immo trap could give you quite the edge vs melee classes especially being able to point blank them with arcane and multi-shots. Then vs casters just range it up if need be, but with mongoose bite no longer requiring a dodge to use it could also come in handy for some melee burst. This would allow you to dance circles around casters before they can even get any casts off on you.
Well, after pondering some, I've come to the problem of what pet to pack. I sorta want to go with the bat for the potential of a spell interrupt with its stun, doesn't affect DR from Entrapment, and because stuns are scarce in this bracket anyways, should be a good effect if properly managed.
Use a ravager, if you are melee yourself this will come in handier than a bat
there was a 2v2 team back i want to say s3 maybe when hunters got the axe.. Hunter sham and the hunter meleed everything got to 2k. I'll see if i can't find it. Whole thing is does it really work meh.. is it funny? a little.. so do something for shits and giggles go for it do it to own people prob not. but thats just my 2cp
well that was easeir then i thought ..

Me and my friend decided it would be funny to get to 2k with me playing as a melee hunter. So we did. It was a lot of fun to play. This project has nothing to do with my 5v5 team, which I spec MM for.

If you don't like hip hop or rap, you likely won't like about half the music in the video. The other music is done by Ronald Jenkees who is pretty amazing imo. His website is Download File

Watching this makes me miss old windfury :(
it is true that melee hunters are better then everybody think. mongoose bite is our best weapon after it was changed to 10 second CD and can be used anytimes we wish for instead of when people dodge it. its the best weapon for melee hunters. it is also true that after 3.1 melee hunters have lost quite alot of their punch, at least at 19.

i like how melee hunters are played, its quite funny to see them chip away your life while slowing you down until they are close to you and giving you the final punch. if anything goes bad they can also go back far and redo the strat. it is just funny !

i also agree on most people being close minded.

but it is how people are, most are sheeps that cannot try things for themselves...

they prefer to go on a site see what they can do and take the options others have tried.

problem with that kind of close mindedness makes things not go forward. look at the int build, someone must have tryed it to begin with and probably that he got the same kind of answer when he proposed it, and now its one of the best build if i follow people reasoning.

hunters are quite good at melee, being able to dual wield at 29 makes it even better as they get stats and dps from both weapons. for a melee hunter agility is quite good as it gives them dodge and RAP, but i'd try to give them STR too if i could... just because it gives them MELEE AP which is what you seek.

i can safely say, since my hunter is all about agi, that having lots of dodge at 19 + monkey aspect saved my hide more often then i can count in melee range and that raptor strike also killed a few of my foes. but i'm not a melee to begin with so this might not be that much.
Okay, I macro'd my Raptor Strike to my Mongoose Bite and have learned that I'll want to have my auto-shot/auto-swing turned off until I close into melee so I've been practicing turning it off after popping most any shot. I determined that attacking either way sets off the swing/shot timer for a duration respective to the weapon. Example, 3.8 2h and a 2.44 bow (After auto-shot haste), use the bow, can't swing for 3.8 seconds or auto-shot for another 2.44, and swinging prevents another melee swing for 3.8 seconds or a shot for another 2.44.

I'll want to Arcane/Conc-shot while closing in, disable auto-attack, raptor/mongoose macro, get out to range again, multi-shot + autoshot for my most common means of bursting.

This would be squeezing 5 attacks into 5 seconds... the hardest hitting of which would have a sizable chance to crit.

Just need to get drops from Wailing Caverns, just got my BAR and finished up the Defias quest line for Tunic of Westfall and Seal of Wrynn.
If you can post a vid up of this, I'd be very interested in watching it.

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