I'm joining you...


I never thought I'd willingly say I'd join the F2Ps because F2Ps are lame and annoying, but I am.
I am quitting WoW (UNSUBBING), but don't have the balls to go offline completely.

So I'm moving my BoAs to some lvl 1s and im gonna lvl them to 20 and do F2P full boa twinking.
This is not a troll by the way. The forces of nature have convinced me to stoop to being at the bottom of the bracket.
You cant move looms to F2P account, if you are un-subbing you need to make a new F2P account and grind gear like everyone else.

"I never thought I'd willingly say I'd join the F2Ps because F2Ps are lame and annoying, but I am." - You are clearly going to be a great addition to the bracket. Also, if you are going to make a pointless thread (like i do) then make it about chins or whatever, don't make a pointless thread that is boring... no one cares if you are going F2P. :)
Hey guys!

I will be joining you, so here is a series of insults, that I am telling you so I can have a smooth entry into the bracket.

Loli, don't be rude. He'll learn that later. All those pretty restrictions...

And starting with an insult towards a community is always the best way to become friends. So welcome in "getting farmed" land's forums.
Sadly there is bunch of tards like you.
So you are not unique.
Oh I can't transfer BoAs like that? I thought I could just convert my acc. to a F2P?
I guess not... well looks like I won't be playing wow then lol... fuck though ima miss this game

Not having boa is honestly not even a big deal. Quest gear gives such close stats it hardly matters really, and leveling to 20 is real easy even without boa xp bonus. Working towards boas and stuff are fun goals to motivate yourself imo, starting with a completed char is boring (to me atleast) its about the journey, not the finish
Just do it but keep ur p2p account cause if you have a p2p acc and a f2p acc u can flame 24s all u want and they cant counter you, its cotton candy land.
(How should I introduce myself to the F2P community...?)

"You guys all suck"
"Oh, by the way, I'm going to be playing with you from now on, my name is Rick, How are you today?"

Oh I can't transfer BoAs like that? I thought I could just convert my acc. to a F2P?
I guess not... well looks like I won't be playing wow then lol... fuck though ima miss this game

God damnit not another attention whoring /permagone thread. Seriously, get on with the unsubbing and while you're at it change your TI password by slamming your face on your keyboard with your eyes closed.
Oh I can't transfer BoAs like that? I thought I could just convert my acc. to a F2P?
I guess not... well looks like I won't be playing wow then lol... fuck though ima miss this game

Yeah you can't do that, but you should definitely make an F2P acount. We f2p's stick together and help each other out. We would all be more than willing to answer all your questions in game:) Wsg cta starts on Tuesday I believe. If you can get to 20 by then and premade with some f2p I'm sure you could get a couple of Boa's. You should try it out before you quit, as you probably haven't experienced the great feeling after accomplishing a simple task like helping a fellow f2p with something they needed, or receiving wbfh after countless fishing dailies. Not to mention all the cool people you will interact with in game. Give it a go. It's worth it!
Don't deserve my welcoming. Can't say "Hello, fuck you, now I'm one of you." and expect us to welcome you to F2P.

And why am I not surprised that a 24 doesn't want to grind looms like a normal F2P?

You're not welcome.

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