I'm joining you...

People like you are one of the reasons I quit. I am so glad I did. You're not welcome scum.
Don't hate the player; Hate the system.

Like people said before Spriesta go try and make atleast 1 f2p (inc looms) to see what people going through. It's new and a refreshing journey!
Wow, the amount of abuse I've gotten from these children in here is insane.
Anyways, I've gone ahead and decided that I don't need looms to play a game. I'm leveling a char up to 20, (it's 14 atm, but I haven't had time to get on) and then I'll be gearing it.
I was pvping a bunch on it and i have just under 600 honor - it's not taking too long, so I don't see BoAs being an issue for it.

Anyways, for the comments about 'spriest' in my name. I was a Shadow Priest twink for a while, then leveled the twink to 90 and made it a disc priest.
But before you discuss how I'm the type of person who just chooses OP classes, then consider this...My new F2P twink is a hunter. Yep! Lol.
Reason it's a hunter: I hate melee, but casters get interrupted a lot, and Survival Hunter has a lot of instant casts/uninteruptable stuff.
I never thought I'd willingly say I'd join the F2Ps because F2Ps are lame and annoying, but I am.
I am quitting WoW (UNSUBBING), but don't have the balls to go offline completely.

So I'm moving my BoAs to some lvl 1s and im gonna lvl them to 20 and do F2P full boa twinking.
This is not a troll by the way. The forces of nature have convinced me to stoop to being at the bottom of the bracket.

If you want to play as a F2P , welcome to F2P twinking ...
Wow, the amount of abuse I've gotten from these children in here is insane.
I never thought I'd willingly say I'd join the F2Ps because F2Ps are lame and annoying, but I am.
Oh I can't transfer BoAs like that? I thought I could just convert my acc. to a F2P?
I guess not... well looks like I won't be playing wow then lol... fuck though ima miss this game

You can . Mail them from your wow1 to wow2 F2P , wait 30 days untill the mail dissapears and ask gm for a mail restore.
Well , Im saying this. If you want to get gear , chants , everything in a F2P , do it , as long as this is a BLizzard problem , let it be. You do what you want , just mail the damn BoA's , Chants , pets , mounts , whatever , so you Benefit from it. DONT BLAME HIM. Blame blizzard.
For me You are more than welcome.

And Now you can all say whatever you want. I just dont care. THis is a game.
Well , Im saying this. If you want to get gear , chants , everything in a F2P , do it , as long as this is a BLizzard problem , let it be. You do what you want , just mail the damn BoA's , Chants , pets , mounts , whatever , so you Benefit from it. DONT BLAME HIM. Blame blizzard.
For me You are more than welcome.

And Now you can all say whatever you want. I just dont care. THis is a game.

What have you been smoking?
Well , Im saying this. If you want to get gear , chants , everything in a F2P , do it , as long as this is a BLizzard problem , let it be. You do what you want , just mail the damn BoA's , Chants , pets , mounts , whatever , so you Benefit from it. DONT BLAME HIM. Blame blizzard.
For me You are more than welcome.

And Now you can all say whatever you want. I just dont care. THis is a game.

Its actually the players fault, any game is exploitable is for the player to choose to exploit it or not.
U need to read rules of blizzard and at end of the day its ur fault ur the one who gets banned not blizz employee for completing ur exploit.

Let me give u an example:

U are walking on the street when u see a grocery and the fruits are outside, u steal one.
Lenny: hey its not my fault, its the owner fault for leaving fruits outside.
Its actually the players fault, any game is exploitable is for the player to choose to exploit it or not.
U need to read rules of blizzard and at end of the day its ur fault ur the one who gets banned not blizz employee for completing ur exploit.

Let me give u an example:

U are walking on the street when u see a grocery and the fruits are outside, u steal one.
Lenny: hey its not my fault, its the owner fault for leaving fruits outside.

Umm , Youre kinda right :) ! You can get banned , i will never do the encahnt thingy cause i cn get banned like some1 here did , i just dont want to say his name ^_^ !
But im just saying that if you want to risk , DO it.
And for the frusts , its a game , this isnt irl.

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