This isn't just directed to you, but to all the ones that have hopped into the xp split band wagon.
Twinks fought for the merge of brackets since wotlk split them up. Now that they finally are, people can't even appreciate the fact that we have constant pops..?
With the current state of twinking , had the brackets NOT been merged, no brackets would be active and Blizzard would have destroyed us.
All one has to do is look at the OP's account to tell that he barely played WoW lately. In fact, he has barely played WoW at all judging by the number of achievement points the account has accumulated. (Is that good or is that bad? You tell me)
My point being is that the OP is stating he is "done" when he really has not been all that active any way.
To bolster
@Sponsor 's point, the whiners and complainers in this particular bracket have been bitching for over half a decade wanting shorter queue times, bitching like junior high school girls wanting to the brackets to be merged, bitching to hear yourselves bitch simply because that is what immature(not indicative of age) pukes do. Why? They like that is why. They revel is wallowing in their own misery.
Blizzard, in it's infinite wisdom has given 19's what it ask for Open battlegroups, Arenas, Wargames, enchants, merged brackets, players on an even field...
Albeit it is trickle down. Nevertheless, we got it. And yet people STILL cry they are unhappy but offer zero solutions. I will not shed one tear for these moaners and complainers, for people that offer only resistance without cooperation.
If a person is going to stop playing a "bracket", the noblest way to stop playing it would be to simply stop playing it. A person doesn't have to let people know that they have stopped playing. One reason people do this is for self enrichment.
Happy Holidays everyone!