If you still don't know how to dupe items...

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Sanitarium said:
There is. Not sure if it works anymore though.

It doesn't work anymore, at least not with the GMs I've seen.

edit: I also heard that they scan for duped items now and delete them when found, can anyone confirm?
they dont remove it. a buddy of mine has a duped miners hat of the deep.

Love ya, that's it

Funny thread somehow
OH and fuck that EU vs US shit

Canada pwnz ya end.
bankbeauty said:
OH and fuck that EU vs US shit

Canada pwnz ya end.

nice sig. not. LOL!
McBankington said:
If you still don't know how to dupe pm me to genuinely learn how.

Sanitarium wants to know so he can stop being mad about not being able to finish his AGM. :)

I would, but I gave up on that character and that agm long ago. I've moved onto better brackets (19 -> 39)
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