If you still don't know how to dupe items...

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imm gay annd ready to ffck
Aren't the majority of South Africans white though...?
Not even sure how to go about responding to your post. English please.
Inkobah said:
I'm not sure I follow...why not use the dupe trick posted above to complete your AGM?? :p


Missed this post earlier...

Sanitarium said:
Aren't the majority of South Africans white though...?

Are you fucking joking ? haha . Shows exactly what you know about SA. Pick up a fucking newspaper. it's 15-1 black - white population. Racism is extremely prevalent there. Just check what happened with the most recent murder of a white political leader. They want to start a war and shit. So fucking glad I am out of there.
Mortox said:
Are you fucking joking ? haha . Shows exactly what you know about SA. Pick up a fucking newspaper. it's 15-1 black - white population. Racism is extremely prevalent there. Just check what happened with the most recent murder of a white political leader. They want to start a war and shit. So fucking glad I am out of there.

Right, South Africa is on the top of my list for countries to read about. I had no idea what the ratio was like. Keep raging though, seems I've hit a touhcy subject.
Sanitarium said:
Right, South Africa is on the top of my list for countries to read about. I had no idea what the ratio was like. Keep raging though, seems I've hit a touhcy subject.

Sorry I guess, just hyper attuned to racism man. Nothing against you personally. I just hate it when people call me out and don't actaully know what I am on about :p
Mortox said:
Sorry I guess, just hyper attuned to racism man. Nothing against you personally. I just hate it when people call me out and don't actaully know what I am on about :p

an american white guy insulting a white european isnt racism. its ignorant maybe + a result of a trash upbringing but it isnt racism. so no we dont know wtf yr on about. sory . maybe u should become hyperattuned 2 the difference between bigotry and racism insteadd
It's not bigotry, it's called xenofobia.

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

A Xenofob is a person with a fear or hatred of persons of a different race, or different ethnic or national origin.

:) Which one sounds more accurate ?
Mortox said:
It's not bigotry, it's called xenofobia.

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

A Xenofob is a person with a fear or hatred of persons of a different race, or different ethnic or national origin.

:) Which one sounds more accurate ?

either, but thanks for pasting some stuff off google
I think you should be allowed to cast spells while moving. know what I mean?
OMG porksoda, I haven't seen that since '93-94? That's some old shit there!

re: avatar of course.
Was there ever an actual dupe method or was it Mazu just trolling everyone that requested the info?
There is. Not sure if it works anymore though.
Sanitarium said:
There is. Not sure if it works anymore though.

If it no longer works mind posting it public? I'm interested in how it works.
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