Haha ahhh of course how I could I forget the infamous pizza hut. The biggest names I remember from that time were you, Mythos, Jutsu, and all my guildmembers in Legion of Warsong/Suramar's Finest. I remember you kiting and killing me and my friends from school for like 10 minutes around the horde base in WSG and I would get so frustrated haha. I remember getting destroyed 1v1 in nagrand by mythos and then practicing my dueling everyday after school outside stormwind until I started taking games off of him and making a bit of a name for myself. Gettin real nostalgic over here lol
oh and I remember all the perenolde people too. I think their guild was <Tastes Good>. Belome was the priest and I can't remember the hunter's name. They were both good though, learned a lot about FC'ing from them
The good ol' days man. I miss the Cyclone days.