If you had a higher level spell...

Hamstring for my warrior.... we used to be Gods..... and now look at us....
Hand of Freedom on my hpally.
I remember in BC when hpally twinks would carry swiftness potions and when hunters tried killing them, they just popped a potion and Hand of Freedom and they were good. No fighting necessary. (Except now pallys have Speed of Light).
Mage : Ice Block / Ice Barrier
Warlock : Shadowburn
Priest : Renew
Rogue : Shadowstep
Druid : Cyclone
Hunter : Frost Trap
Shaman : Grounding Totem
Warrior : Piercing Howl
Paladin : Hand of Freedom
1. Hand of Freedom
2. Hand of Protection
3. Hand of Sacrifice

playing a pally would be so much more fun :)
Gauge,Sprint----------->rly need this back below 20 blizz

Marked for Death <3
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