If wow becomes fully F2P... ?


Well, what would you do if all of a sudden you logged in and started gaining experience again and leveling? To me the question of would I level or not, would be entirely based on the bracket, if suddenly a week later from this happening the que times where just non existent then I would probably level... but that would kind of suck; because it would mean that you would have wasted alot of time on gear and getting heirlooms from pug bgs, because if you would have leveled... most of your gear would turn into trash and it would makes sense to just throw it away... outside of your heirlooms.

All makes me think that it would be better if wow doesn't become fully F2P...
Blizzard earn too much from World of Warcraft I don't think it'll ever happen and there's no reason for it to happen. Really interesting though.
I would buy xp-Lock for all my Twinks immediately and then make a new account/new chars to lvl
I think i would level my char, or at least make it a 24 twink..
There's too many possibilities and since that wont happen soon/ever i see no point discussing it

btw hi miuna :p
The time wouldn't be wasted. I hope you don't play WoW just to waste your time, that seems idiotic.
I think when blizzard make game f2p, almost all private serwers will die in short time due to lack of activity, and World of Warcraft will get quickly lots of new players, and if blizzard findout how to gain money in f2p system, Everything will be like O M G We Are Rich As ... i dont know :D and about me, i would lvl up my f2p toon, to max lvl and have good fun :)
The time wouldn't be wasted. I hope you don't play WoW just to waste your time, that seems idiotic.

Pretty much this.


It's sad to me that people think of playing a game--or any other activity--as a waste of time. It is a use of time, use not waste. If you consider how you are spending time as a waste you need to move on. If the only motivation is the carrot on a stick (being fully geared) I submit that you are playing for the 'wrong reasons'. If one continues to engage in an activity that they consider a waste, that individual is an addict (psychological or otherwise).

To answer the question, the only thing left for me to do in p2p wow is finish leveling a monk--which is currently sitting at level 61. Other than that, I enjoy reading pugs and working with groups that have a completely random component. I've played with highly effective groups at max, its great but the whole thing eventually feels as scripted as pve events. I've done highly effective group work irl too but I get bored easily. Pug pvp is the only place that feels dynamic enough to still hold any interest for me in WoW. For that reason, when WoW goes full f2p I would likely just move to whatever the most active, non-max level, bracket that is available.
I would quit entirely because the game would become too time-consuming if you want to be competitive. The nice thing about current f2p is you don't have to get too much gear to compete.
The time wouldn't be wasted. I hope you don't play WoW just to waste your time, that seems idiotic.

Gearing up a character spending however much time you spend isnt wasted... gearing up a character, then having him be in a bracket no one is queing for, and having enchants and gear you can now beat= wasted.
Well, what would you do if all of a sudden you logged in and started gaining experience again and leveling? To me the question of would I level or not, would be entirely based on the bracket, if suddenly a week later from this happening the que times where just non existent then I would probably level... but that would kind of suck; because it would mean that you would have wasted alot of time on gear and getting heirlooms from pug bgs, because if you would have leveled... most of your gear would turn into trash and it would makes sense to just throw it away... outside of your heirlooms.

All makes me think that it would be better if wow doesn't become fully F2P...

i would lvl to 90 and play the real WoW. The only reason i play f2p is becuase i cant afford it.As soon as i turn 20 [ 6 more years to go!] ill buy the full game.
WoW probably will not as long as it has millions of folks willing to pay 15 USD a month plus occasional expansions every year or so.

BUT - considering for a minute, I am not sure we want a F2P WoW.

Almost all these F2P games are not really F2P. Either they are glorified trials with extreme limits and massive amounts of blocked off content or "pay to win" where if you plop down real cash, you can decimate the competition. STWOR, for instance limits the use of their BGs to a certain number of times unless you are a subscriber since after the campaign is done, BGs are the only replay value part of the game.

Imagine a deal where you did not have to grind the current gladiator gear or raid gear but could purchase each piece for 15 USD in a cash shop. I could see even heirlooms being done that way. Worse, they could go for ultimate cash grab. They could alter the loot tables where only blues drop and epics would be micro transaction or make it where cash store bought gear would completely overshadow anything in game.

That said, I do see a very slight possibility of a level increase for F2P trial (say, 30 or 40, maybe 60) in the distant future with possibly systems in place to limit BG use which is what most of us use the trial for.
I'm in the same position as Oneshot, only I'm 2 years older, that's why I would level up asap :p
Still fully dependant on parents money, and until that changes no p2p wow for me :/
I'm in the same position as Oneshot, only I'm 2 years older, that's why I would level up asap :p
Still fully dependant on parents money, and until that changes no p2p wow for me :/

I disagree.

The whole appeal of being a twink is that while there is a gear grind, your character can be "complete" and at least have some advantage against those that are not "complete", 24s notwithstanding. Even if WoW went F2P, you would still have twinks because some folks absolutely hate the raid/questing/arena game and the grind with it at max level.

If WoW was to go P2P, you would still not get to enjoy "real" WoW. they would still want money and I can guarantee you will not be competitive in the PvP or PvE raid scene unless you were to plop down at least some cash in a item shop or a months long grind. Either that, or you would have to purchase packs to be able to, say, get a new BG or new raid instance access. This is the way a majority of F2P works.
i really wish f2p would go up to 60 but not to 90. it would be fun to play a rogue with shadowstep again

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