If it things were the same...

augiddin said:
That playing a gimped spec to the level of a terrible hunter doesn't make you good. That you would be better of playing a spec that is going to help your team win, To encourage kids to victory instead of saying damn you guys suck.

You, sir, type with verbal skills equivalent to that of a retarded 5th grader. I have not yet seen one correctly typed post from you, not even a short one. You either are typing in a fast paced rage or your fingers are too fat to press the tiny buttons. Both are equally likely I think so I guess I'll just assume its a combination of both.
Mildsalsa said:
You, sir, type with verbal skills equivalent to that of a retarded 5th grader. I have not yet seen one correctly typed post from you, not even a short one. You either are typing in a fast paced rage or your fingers are too fat to press the tiny buttons. Both are equally likely I think so I guess I'll just assume its a combination of both.

why do you give a fuck?
Mildsalsa said:
You, sir, type with verbal skills equivalent to that of a retarded 5th grader. I have not yet seen one correctly typed post from you, not even a short one. You either are typing in a fast paced rage or your fingers are too fat to press the tiny buttons. Both are equally likely I think so I guess I'll just assume its a combination of both.

or i just really dont care about what people think about my typing on a wow forum?

Also thanks for taking the time to make another account just to insult me.
augiddin said:
or i just really dont care about what people think about my typing on a wow forum?

Also thanks for taking the time to make another account just to insult me.

It makes it rather difficult to decipher what you are trying to say on, in your language, these hurr wow forimz. And this is the first account I've made on these hurr wow forimz. Really if I had a twink I would post as such, but I don't so I've had no reason to post before.
augiddin said:
That playing a gimped spec to the level of a terrible hunter doesn't make you good. That you would be better of playing a spec that is going to help your team win, To encourage kids to victory instead of saying damn you guys suck.


everyone needs to stop bitching seriously why does anyone give two shits about dako? Hardly anyone posting about him has ever been in a game with him, and if they have its been few occasions. This thread went from "i wish alliance would improve" which is a legitimate concern to "i hate dakoduh" which is a personal issue and shouldnt really be discussed on this forum and generally just shows how immature the whole twink community is.
augiddin said:

Well I enjoy healing in battlegrounds. Thus being resto would be logical for my class right? oh wait... druids suck... so i just fc and return flags.... thanks blizzard </3
Modified said:

everyone needs to stop bitching seriously why does anyone give two shits about dako? Hardly anyone posting about him has ever been in a game with him, and if they have its been few occasions. This thread went from "i wish alliance would improve" which is a legitimate concern to "i hate dakoduh" which is a personal issue and shouldnt really be discussed on this forum and generally just shows how immature the whole twink community is.

Actually my initial point was that literally the night before Dako posted this thread he tried to troll someone looking to get back into this bracket as an alliance healer. His response to this is that Hey man i wasn't the only one doing it.
augiddin said:
Actually my initial point was that literally the night before Dako posted this thread he tried to troll someone looking to get back into this bracket as an alliance healer. His response to this is that Hey man i wasn't the only one doing it.

trolling is trolling and getting upset about it just feeds and encourages trolls so posting about it really doesn't help anyone.
augiddin said:
Actually my initial point was that literally the night before Dako posted this thread he tried to troll someone looking to get back into this bracket as an alliance healer. His response to this is that Hey man i wasn't the only one doing it.

What the faq are you trying to do? You are on me so hard its gross. Give it up, you are trying way to hard. Who cares if I troll the kids... its obvious sarcasm because clearly locks are #1.... They didn't really care after 4 pages of yeah

"Hunters and Priests and pallies etc are most op"

You are annoying. I whine but seeing you cry on me makes it more fun.

Modified said:
trolling is trolling and getting upset about it just feeds and encourages trolls so posting about it really doesn't help anyone.

OMFG ok your missing the point. I'm not upset about it ok. Dako on the other hand is very upset at the state of alliance so why the fuck would he try to troll new recruits. I don't see why this keeps going over your heads.
augiddin said:
OMFG ok your missing the point. I'm not upset about it ok. Dako on the other hand is very upset at the state of alliance so why the fuck would he try to troll new recruits. I don't see why this keeps going over your heads.

8/10 new "recruits" will never see their first pop and if they do theyre terrible. i see alot of "new twinks" who are convinced that hit doesnt matter and boa capes are the way to go. If theyre any good and half half a brain they'll be able to spot trolls easily anyway .
augiddin said:
OMFG ok your missing the point. I'm not upset about it ok. Dako on the other hand is very upset at the state of alliance so why the fuck would he try to troll new recruits. I don't see why this keeps going over your heads.

Its not going over anyones head.... its going over everyones head in that "who gives of fuck sort of way".... ya know?
dakoduh77 said:
Its not going over anyones head.... its going over everyones head in that "who gives of fuck sort of way".... ya know?

wow. your just to dumb to even bother with. I look forward to seeing where alliance goes with people like you leading the charge.
augiddin said:
wow. your just to dumb to even bother with. I look forward to seeing where alliance goes with people like you leading the charge.

You're** tell me im dumb again but with proper grammmar

How am I leading the charge?


Also.... less nostalgia more (geared) alliance twinks.

And guys seriously though, if you want to come play with active alliance for fun or if you're a try hard that's fine too. Just go to Cenarius hop in guild and que your ass up.
Cloud said:


Also.... less nostalgia more (geared) alliance twinks.

And guys seriously though, if you want to come play with active alliance for fun or if you're a try hard that's fine too. Just go to Cenarius hop in guild and que your ass up.

hugs not drugs

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