If it things were the same...

OMFG alliance can win it.. the question is... are they smart enough? the score is 1-1 we cap 2nd flag 2-1 Thecataclysm(me) : ok guys we got this lets turtle!

Random derp : Oh! 1 more people we got this!

Flag room is empty no1 trying to turtle we get flag and no one is helping our flag carryer and then the horde gets flag and has whole team on O helping FC and our FC gets gang banged they cap

other random derp : who cares its a draw! split the honor.

other derp : No! lets all try and get flag!

Thecataclysm : 1 minute left scrubs. next time listen!

Derp that isnt AFK any more : I GOT THIS!

Horde wins!

me ---> >:O!
danceparty wtf died in your signature?
5 horde huntards in that last one. I hope you took a SS Dakoduh.

Like I've said so many times - roll a 10-14. Resilience actually scales nicely now - around 30% in full resil gear (BoA staff users). This is actually kinda nice and good healers can outlast the burst. Check out the scheduled game times - right now Sunday's are popping.
Ioerror said:
5 horde huntards in that last one. I hope you took a SS Dakoduh.

Like I've said so many times - roll a 10-14. Resilience actually scales nicely now - around 30% in full resil gear (BoA staff users). This is actually kinda nice and good healers can outlast the burst. Check out the scheduled game times - right now Sunday's are popping.


hahahahah uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^^^^ (current state of twinks at the moment)
Ioerror said:
hahahahah uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^^^^ (current state of 15-19 twinks at the moment)


Sorry - small correction.

Oh yeah sorry, in the 20-29 30-39 hunters aren't OP as balls so no one has one <3
Dukoduh, I understand your frustration at the distinct lack of Alliance Twinks who are geared and skilled , however a steady stream of criticism at our fellow team members, and snide remarks on the state of someone's gear will not improve the situation.

If a player is overcome with the desire to vent his spleen during the game, I suggest he/she attempts to rechannel these emotions into some constructive suggestion or education of those lesser experienced future twinks.

I am often embarrassed by Alliance players who become rather vicious and personal, if things don't go there way. Hang in there, and learn to lose with some dignity.
crooz said:
Dukoda, I understand your frustration at the distinct lack of Alliance Twinks who are geared and skilled , however a steady stream of criticism at our fellow team members, and snide remarks on the state of someone's gear will not improve the situation.

If a player is overcome with the desire to vent his spleen during the game, I suggest he/she attempts to rechannel these emotions into some constructive suggestion or education of those lesser experienced future twinks.

I am often embarrassed by Alliance players who become rather vicious and personal, if things don't go there way. Hang in there, and learn to lose with some dignity.

Yeah man, just get new gear and i won't slander you.

I love losing with dignity! over and over and over and over and over. I do it so much now.
I've been debating workin on my first 19 twink recently (I play 39's mostly). I almost don't want to just cause of this guy and his thread. U sure don't make it seem very appealing.
danceparty said:
I think I only lost one game total yesterday as alliance. Actually had some pretty fun and close matches.

Same - close games and quick queues - a good night.
allahkazam said:
ya cuz no one has ever seen an alliance team with 4 disc priests 3 rogues and 3 hunters before or one with 3 paladins 4 hunters 2 priests and whatever. it's both sides. i'm so fucking sick of seeing the same people whining constantly about it. if you'd queue past 10pm you'd see the alliance stomp horde plenty.

1: post a picture.

2: stop going on twink info if you hate the whining from alliance, horde aren't whining at all? because... oh....

3: Again just stop going on twink info, Im not going to stop whining till kids stop rolling hunters and play other classes. durpdedurp
Dakodah, if you spent just half as much time learning to play as you do bitching and moaning about how unfair everything is you'd be far and away the best player this bracket has seen.
Rivfader said:
Dakodah, if you spent just half as much time learning to play as you do bitching and moaning about how unfair everything is you'd be far and away the best player this bracket has seen.

lol, what do i need to learn.... >.>
dakoduh77 said:
lol, what do i need to learn.... >.>

That playing a gimped spec to the level of a terrible hunter doesn't make you good. That you would be better of playing a spec that is going to help your team win, To encourage kids to victory instead of saying damn you guys suck.
augiddin said:
That playing a gimped spec to the level of a terrible hunter doesn't make you good. That you would be better of playing a spec that is going to help your team win, To encourage kids to victory instead of saying damn you guys suck.

lol, okay i guess i will go roll a hunter now thanks youve cleared up for me...

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