I miss Ctrlaltsheep

Haha, I do remember you two going at it via the forums back in the day. Unfortunately, most of the people whom were on the receiving end of our wrath never got to hang out with us outside of arenas/gulch which was very disappointing. I'm glad that someone who has been there can relate to what I've went through and how I've developed into a better person. I hope that others will read this thread, both people who knew and didn't know sheep.

Ya, our forum battles were mainly MTU vs Dominate related if I recall correctly. The funny thing is that after all this time, some of the best friends I have made in this game over the years are former forum foes from Vengeance and Vindication.

Thanks for keeping his memory alive!
I had the privilege of playing against him in the Retaliation battle-group (AKA: BGBad) for a short while. He was a very cool and talented player. It's a shame I never got to know him on a more personal level other than through WSG and the forums. Nonetheless, it is great to see that he has set a lasting impact on the community.

RIP Sheep.
7 years ago today I ran into a group of fellow 19 twinks on my server repping the guild tag <DDG>. Fathered by Noein, one of the best 19 hunters of his time, DDG was a new up and coming guild in the 19 world. This was well before cross realm, cross bg, all of that stuff and we were limited to the Vengeance battlegroup. I was a pretty mediocre player at the time, but the guys accepted me and nevertheless playing around them helped me develop into a better player. After being in the guild for just a few short weeks, Joe (Ctrlaltsheep) quickly became my best friend and we probably spent 8-12 hours every single day playing Rogue/Mage 2s and WSG.

These were the days, exploited shoulder enchants, fishing boots with boars speed... Joe and myself made quite the name for ourselves, both in-game and via the Vengeance battlegroup forums. Trash talk, taunting, degrading other players for absolutely no reason at all. While we were young and naive, I regret taking up those personas and talking the amount of trash that we did. We both mutually knew that we were two of the best 19 players in the battlegroup, if not the US but that didn't stop us from further blowing up our egos. If only we could go back and do things differently, perhaps Joe's life would've ended up differently as well. Regardless, I hope that wherever my brother may be he's living a better life than he did when I had the privilege of calling him my best friend.

To all the old-school players from Vengeance/Rampage/Cyclone, I hope you've all matured as I have and look back on the good times in the bracket as a great learning experience. I would also like to apologize if I've ever offended or attempted to troll or degrade you. Life is too short to be living with hate. You never know when your life can be taken away from you, so take advantage of the gift you were given and live to your fullest potential. Never let another human-being drag you down or degrade you, we were all born equally and we all leave as equals.

With all of that said, I hope that people can further understand Joe's cryptic personality. He was a great guy, if you disagree then you're probably one of those people who were on the receiving end of the Sheep and Pwnie train. We weren't terrible people, we just used trolling for attention/ego boosting. I also wish the absolute best for the 19 bracket and whatever it may hold in the future. Unfortunately, my fishing hat will remain hung up as I feel I'll never have near the amount of fun I had playing in 06-07 but nevertheless I'm sure people still enjoy it and it excites me to see that twinking has not died. Best of luck to all of you and your future endeavors, keep twinking fun!

R.I.P. Joseph Cossetti <3

Were you talking to Anarcan last night? Just asking cause he brought up Sheep when we were talking last night, was wondering if it was just a weird coincidence.
I also hope that he's watching, not just me but the twink community in general. I also hope that he sees that it's a much more enjoyable feeling to help people than to hurt them. For every negative thing that happens in life, try to get a positive out of it as well. For instance, I lost my best friend but I also found a part of myself that I never knew existed. For that, I tank Joe and t he entire twink community.
I don't recall if you were there too, but I remember Sheep was on some 49 server that was run here on TI for a little while. It was my first encounter with him since you guys went from being ego-waving maniacs to proper behaving players :p

I had SUCH a hard time believing it was the same sheep at first. I thought to myself "no way, this is the same sheep that did nothing but shit talk my twink?" Complete turn around in online personas, but was really nice to see.
so this guy shouts out a friendly thought to the thread, like everyone else, but suddenly because religion is drawn in to it, you have to be a raging and ignorant atheist.

Saying "RIP" and "I am so sad :(" does nothing either, but it's a friendly thought, to show that they care about the person.

When you start making fun of his post, you're just being a dick to him with no benefits (it won't change his religios views, since you only flamed him), and you also disrespect the dead person by being a douche in a thread made in memory of him.

I just saw your reply to my post, maybe for the second time (don't recall), and wow; That goes up there as one of my douchiest posts yet, you're right.
Were you talking to Anarcan last night? Just asking cause he brought up Sheep when we were talking last night, was wondering if it was just a weird coincidence.

No sir, I haven't talked to Anarcan or anyone from Vengeance 19s in over a year, if not more. Must've been a coincidence, however it's good to see that you guys are still around. Do you guys still play WoW?
I don't recall if you were there too, but I remember Sheep was on some 49 server that was run here on TI for a little while. It was my first encounter with him since you guys went from being ego-waving maniacs to proper behaving players :p

I had SUCH a hard time believing it was the same sheep at first. I thought to myself "no way, this is the same sheep that did nothing but shit talk my twink?" Complete turn around in online personas, but was really nice to see.

Unfortunately I wasn't there. Something happened between Joe and I around that time period and we weren't talking. This "issue" existed until he quit World of Warcraft leaving me no way to contact him other than Facebook. A couple of weeks before his death, I was going to attempt to reach out to him as we were fighting over such asinine bullshit. My biggest regret is only thinking about reaching out and not acting upon my instinct. I know that his death was completely unexpected and nobody got to say goodbye to him, but allowing Joe to leave this world while we were on bad terms is the single biggest mistake I've ever made in a friendship. Regardless, I'm glad that other people got to experience the real Sheep and what he was really about.
Sheep talked a lot and was not honorable at all, he was average in skill and i remember destroying his 29. Karma.
Sheep talked a lot and was not honorable at all, he was average in skill and i remember destroying his 29. Karma.

Trolls unwelcome, read the thread and you'll know why Sheep "talked a lot." Would you say that mocking someone's death because they got under your skin on a video game and likely constantly shit on you is honorable?
Trolls unwelcome, read the thread and you'll know why Sheep "talked a lot." Would you say that mocking someone's death because they got under your skin on a video game and likely constantly shit on you is honorable?

I'm responding to the person that said he was honorable in WoW or on WoW forums, you can look back on things with rose-tinted glasses but its not true.
I'm responding to the person that said he was honorable in WoW or on WoW forums, you can look back on things with rose-tinted glasses but its not true.

However you've already humiliated yourself and proved that he at least made an impact or you wouldn't have even posted here. Pce troll.
I'm responding to the person that said he was honorable in WoW or on WoW forums, you can look back on things with rose-tinted glasses but its not true.
At least read the damn thread.

Sheep talked shit at one point but he'd changed. I witnessed it first hand. He became a great player AND a great person to interact with, there's no tint on these glasses.
It was fun playing with him for the very brief time that I did in realek's guild on arthas. Can't remember the name of it for my life.
I hate to post in a fairly old thread, but I felt like I had to.

It's sad to hear about Sheep's passing. I remember the days of Twinxie and I running into Pwnie and Sheep and more often than not getting wrecked pretty hard. I remember the day I got tired of being on the losing end of the beatings and popped over there and you guys sponsored my lock in DDG. It's a shame that I fell out of twinking and lost touch with you guys. Sheep wasn't always the most mature person when it came to the way he acted in the forums, but if you were friends with him there weren't a lot of better people to hang out with on vent.

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