I love Jesus!

So much animosity towards religion...what's up with that? There's a lot of smart people on all sides of the argument and if you don't ever fully entertain the idea that the opposing idea(s) might be right (and you might be wrong) it's called denial...and that goes for any type of belief (not just the religion topic).

You can believe what you want about religion, but please don't be another condescending internet jerk...that's so 2007.

As for me, I've already stated I'm a Christian...and I've already stated that I know of a good amount of Christians that are crazy, illogical, judgmental, and hypocritical (I'm referring to those you hear about on the news: protesting funerals, burning Qur'ans, making all kinds of dumb statements on their TV shows, and predicting the rapture). Kinda sucks having all these other people calling themselves Christians ruining it for the rest of us...but whatever. And if you've been screwed or turned off by Christianity by a Christian (possibly me), I'm sorry. We've blown it many a times unfortunately.

@my staff friends: Please keep a close eye on this thread please. This subject is a good one but a lot of us struggle to discuss a topic like this without being condescending and hate-filled.

hypocritical (I'm referring to those you hear about on the news: protesting funerals, burning Qu'rans, making all kinds of dumb statements on their TV shows, and predicting the rapture).

I almost thought I actually found someone who spelled it correctly. Alas, I am wrong

It's "Qur'an".

PS: I'm fluent in Arabic (my first language)
So much animosity towards religion...what's up with that? There's a lot of smart people on all sides of the argument and if you don't ever fully entertain the idea that the opposing idea(s) might be right (and you might be wrong) it's called denial...and that goes for any type of belief (not just the religion topic).

You can believe what you want about religion, but please don't be another condescending internet jerk...that's so 2007.

As for me, I've already stated I'm a Christian...and I've already stated that I know of a good amount of Christians that are crazy, illogical, judgmental, and hypocritical (I'm referring to those you hear about on the news: protesting funerals, burning Qu'rans, making all kinds of dumb statements on their TV shows, and predicting the rapture). Kinda sucks having all these other people calling themselves Christians ruining it for the rest of us...but whatever. And if you've been screwed or turned off by Christianity by a Christian (possibly me), I'm sorry. We've blown it many a times unfortunately.

@my staff friends: Please keep a close eye on this thread please. This subject is a good one but a lot of us struggle to discuss a topic like this without being condescending and hate-filled.


I fully respect and in no way admonish your faith, the only thing that I do not agree with is some (certainly a small minority) religious people attempting to convert me when I have clearly stated my view.

I understand that I have no right whatsoever to judge you or your faith. I do like banter though :3
I fully respect and in no way admonish your faith, the only thing that I do not agree with is some (certainly a small minority) religious people attempting to convert me when I have clearly stated my view.

I understand that I have no right whatsoever to judge you or your faith. I do like banter though :3

I understand as I don't like to be around Christians that do that too (and I am one!). To be fair to those people, however, they're trying to follow Jesus' last words ("Go and make disciples..."). I don't know the people but perhaps they're just a little too pushy or weird about it. For me, I just try to live like Jesus in front of people (though fail at it pretty regularly because I don't have that whole Son of God thing like Jesus did
) and that usually opens up some conversations w/o me having to be a pushy religious jerk to anyone.

As for banter, I actually like it too...though it's hard through text on a forum because you miss out on body language, tone, etc. I do like to read satirical stuff about Christianity as well...we all have to be able to laugh at ourselves, right?


Edit: Grammatical error fix.
As for banter, I actually like it too...though it's hard through text on a forum because you miss out on body language, tone, etc. I do like to read satirical stuff about Christianity as well...we all have to be able to laugh at ourselves, right?


Edit: Grammatical error fix.

True dat. :3 Just don't want people thinking I'm an ignorant selfish unsympathetic intolerant ragworm :x
So much animosity towards religion...what's up with that? There's a lot of smart people on all sides of the argument and if you don't ever fully entertain the idea that the opposing idea(s) might be right (and you might be wrong) it's called denial...and that goes for any type of belief (not just the religion topic).

not denial at all, unless if you're talking about a denial of faith
not denial at all, unless if you're talking about a denial of faith

Whether you put your faith in religion, science, yourself, etc, it's still faith. To say that you have no faith is to say that you are not human. We all put our faith in something...it's just different things for different people. A lot of people say that faith in any God is a crutch, but a lot of other people from the other side say that faith solely in humanity is arrogant. For me personally, I just have a hard time placing my faith solely in humanity...we've got a long history of messing things up.

When I said that it is denial I was using it in the sense of a refusal to recognize or acknowledge something. And yes if you refuse to even entertain that you might be wrong and the other argument(s) might be right, it is a refusal to recognize or acknowledge your human inability to fully understand all things without considering the options. The only way you can make a sound conclusion on any given topic is to fully examine all arguments and then make a judgment. Of course, it's much easier and takes less time to just jump to a conclusion. And right now, the FOTM (as my fellow twinks like to put it) is a faith solely in humanity (and our science). You're welcome to have that faith, but I am just encouraging all of us (despite what our stance is) to examine all options instead of being so antagonistic towards other views. It certainly doesn't hurt.


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