You might want to ask those people from MN a few years back about their faith in regards to bridges falling (remember the story about the bridge collapsing in MN?). I'm sure they would tell you that it sure takes some faith to cross a bridge (or to go under it). The human factor in any architecture alone requires faith, because human-kind is fallible. And that's certainly making the assumption that science is infallible (which historically, it has proven otherwise).
that is just such a horrible example. of course bridges break down and will collapse over time, that has nothing to do with faith. it has to do with agencies not funding for proper upkeep...with proper maintaince nothing would have happened
architecture requires no faith. zero. it requires precise measurements and equations and modeling. you dont pray a building stands up, you take the proper steps to ensure it. and do some buildings fall down? yes...but then you look back and examine the cause and its shoddy engineering, construction, maintaince, heck maybe even a terrorist attack....that is the human element, not the pure science and math and natural laws, its humans failing
why would science be infallable? did the christians beat into you that people think science is infallable therefore its bad? anyone who knows anything about science knows its very fallible - and thats its stregth! you figure things out through peer reviewed and documented trial and error. you need the mistakes to succeed. you need people challenging your hypothesises so you can disprove them and strengthen your theory, or fail to and come to see new light. so dont say science is infallable like its a bad thing
Your definition of faith is a little different than how I would put it as well. You assume that faith and rational thought can't both exist. I'd argue that they can co-exist and that any legit faith requires some rationale to it. Certainly faith is not certainty...there is a trust factor. But how long must human-kind claim they understand everything in the universe? Because historically it follows a pattern: someone comes up with an explanation on the universe, life, and everything, it gets de-bunked, and then a new claim happens, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, historically everyone jumps on the bandwagon placing their faith (yes, faith) in the human mind and it's ability to understand all.
Now I know that science is at its best these days, but every other time period thought the same thing. We put an awful lot of faith in the fact that science is infallible, which is my point. If we can't be infallible then our science can't either.
as long as you have faith you will never be fully rational. youll always be partially blind, and in moments when you need reasoning the most, you'll fall prostrate and pray to a voice in your head that never answers back...instead of taking action.
when has human-kind, in recent history at the very least, ever claimed that we know everything in the universe. we claim we dont know everything in the universe, which is what makes people in those fields yearn to experiment in discover (*note, claiming not to know everything in the universe does actually not give religious loons an argument that "well then how do you know theres no creater)
thats science, bud. you come up with a hypothesis, you test get it peer reviewed and they report back either supporting it or showing how its refuted. thats a good thing. you act like one person should just be able to come up with a comprehensive LAW explaining all life, including its orgins and purpose. that likely will never happen. but en route to that, there are going to be people (read: educated scientists) theorizing about life....and most of them are going to be wrong. thats good, they needed to be debunked, to help find the truth. but now people can take pieces of their work that were correct, or did make sense, and try to fit them into another model, and that one will probably get refuted, but then again people try more models trying to explain their theory about life...and after all that trial and error we might get something, or not. but its a hell of a lot better than putting FAITH into someone that claims theyre right and they have the ultimate answeres with nobody else testing his theories
which leads back to my thing in part 1 of the response where we discuss the fallibility of science and how thats a good thing. i really dont know who got your panties in a wad by claiming science was infallible, but they clearly touched a nerve...i guess being infallible is just for deities
and the only reason man is fallible is because were social creatures. i might know somebody i know, for a fact, has led a perfect life, totally infallible, beyond reproach. but thats just my opinion of him based of my personal beliefs and morals. you could think the same man is anywhere from close to perfect (but not perfect, b/c thats sacreligious amirite) to a total scumbag. its all in the eye of the beholder
flawed view aside, how does that have any bearing on science. science is a tool, we didnt invent it we just use it. we dont create laws, we discover them. gravity has always been doing its thing, it didnt just pop into existance when we thought of it. therefore our fallibility, or lackthereof, has no bearing on what is real and true.
where as it actually weakens your arguement. because if you truely believe man is fallible (**** thats been overused...moving on), then so is mans greatest creation - religion. religion is solely man made. the doctrine, the canon, the jobs, the acts of humiliation all of it thought by man. ever since the dawn of history you see people making up religions....why? because they realized that to rule over a large mass you have to unite them, have to blind their rational with faith to keep control. have to make an infallible otherworldy creator to blame for floods, fire, and famine instead of taking responsibilty.
religion is not a tool in the sense that science is. it did not exist before man, and it will be gone once the human race is extinct. you dont use it to find truth, you make it up to hide the truth from yourself, for comfort when you cant think of an explination, for hope when youre hurt or sick. etc
oh and its funny that people profit off faith. like huge profits in the case of those rich evangalists and others. i dont need to pay a church to be fed lies just to feel better about myself and to avoid anxiety about the mortality of man...plenty of other ways to accomplish those tasks