I hate drop rates :l


Ive been doing RFC and Deadmines everyday and not once has Crystalline Cuffs nor Gold feckled Gloves dropped. THIS IS NOT A JOKE...but it is my way of getting this NERD RAGE out :)
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You know nothing my friend. 3 months of fishing every damned sunday, its 10-midnight for me, and no keepers anglefish. Of course I have caught 3 dezian queenfish, and 2 of the others, but no keefers. I think it's the wow gods punishing me for going to gw2 :/
you do relize that u can run deadmines and ragefire chasm 5 times every two hours or something so they should drop...then again i had to run stocks 11 times before those god forsaken skeletal gauntlets drop
On average, you'll see about as much loot dropping in 5.0 as you do today in the live 4.3 game. The only difference with the new system is that any loot obtained is guaranteed to be designed for use by your spec (whereas on live you may have "wasted" loot, such as a tank shield dropping in a raid where the only tanks are a druid and a DK). In general, your odds of getting the item that you want will be higher in 5.0 -- often significantly higher depending on how contested your item of choice would be -- than they are today.
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies

Does anyone know if this affects us f2p? Only getting loot we could actually use for our spec seems nice and may improve our drop chance
Ive been doing RFC and Deadmines everyday and not once has Crystalline Cuffs nor Gold feckled Gloves dropped. THIS IS NOT A JOKE...but it is my way of getting this NERD RAGE out :)
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Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Notice the amount of SFK runs
Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Again, SFk runs
Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Notice the amount of BFD runs

Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
And this is what you're complaining about?
You know nothing. Im my priest I ran over 20 shadowfang keeps for Feline mantle. When it finnally drops, a rogue clicks need and wins. He gave me a /lol and left.
Not sure if this can be called a drop rate but thought I mine as well throw my bad luck out here to for a quick laugh.
Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

6 thousand casts have been done at the cave in IF just for Old Ironjaw - Item - World of Warcraft
Notice the comment: After 4000 loots (y = 4000; what I'd consider to be a breaking point for most people) the chance of seeing at least one Old Ironjaw is 98.2%. It's not a certainty, but you would have had to have run over a black cat, causing your rear vision mirror to break, all taking place under a ladder to take this long.

And there you have it. Expect around 800 or so loots before seeing him if are of average luck. The more you fish the more chance you have, but it is *never* a certainty.
You know nothing my friend. 3 months of fishing every damned sunday, its 10-midnight for me, and no keepers anglefish. Of course I have caught 3 dezian queenfish, and 2 of the others, but no keefers. I think it's the wow gods punishing me for going to gw2 :/

3 months?!?!?! pfft. i did 21 tounrments on my 19 warr to get the hat. thats a little under 6 months. i know someone that took 71 tournaments, where he got hat and boots on same day haha!
I caught keefers in my first week on 3 different characters, and on a fourth, I caught all fish except keefers on my first week. Js.
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