If you can learn to stay away from the op classes, you will be fine... rogues can pick who they open on, don't pick a pally, and stay away from the hunters.. unless it's Xenaria, then go for it. But:
Pally is the only class I don't take out every time I open on them. Priests do suck though, but hunters.... pretty easy imo... idiots waste shadowstep to get behind the hunter while in stealth.... mistake number one right there... save shadowstep for after gouge wears off once they use disengage (like all hunters do, which is as soon as they can once they are below 50%) If you're lucky Waylay is still up on the hunter making it very easy to finish him, and you'll have the minor speed boost from shadowstep, if waylay is not active then you may need to pop either sprint, lifeblood, or evasion / trinket out of conc shot as soon as possible.
What I think about hunters:
Hunters are OP in the sense that if you do not get an opener on a hunter, take your hands off the keyboard because you are already dead, unless you want to waste your CDs... then the only thing that can possibly save you, is popping agm, sprint, and running in a direction that will make him look bad if he follows you lol. They can sit "out" of los in mid and shoot through the damn stumps... By the time you can switch directions and run away you're dead. OH and the fact that conc shot basically can be on a target like 100% of the time, and they can autoshoot while running.... My mage can't use his wand while running... or cast spells while my wand is casting simultaneously...
But a pally should be able to take out a hunter almost every single time... especially if you are holy... what I do is los the hunter, 3 shot the pet, heal up while he wastes his focus on me, once he runs out, charge his ass to get a few hits on him, he just used disengage, now stun him followed by exo spam, you survive near 100% every time.