I apped for epoch


I APPED FOR EPOCH After being fed up with Dietz and Strategy and Glance on Azshara, hopefully I'm accepted. Strategy is a good player but he puts his 80s arena on all his toons b4 our time.

Dietz is just bad, and inexperienced. Glance thinks his good when he is average, and thinks a duel in his full stam set is worth gloating about.
This required a forum post.

Thanks for the free count.
I approve. tried to warn you before the xfer, but as long as 25$ doesnt matter to you thats aite
Lol denied because I told em im 20th ranked warrior in the world..............Kronolas is a fucking tool.
TFRogue said:
Lol denied because I told em im 20th ranked warrior in the world..............Kronolas is a fucking tool.

You and glance deserve to be together. With egos this big maybe you can take over the world
Yeh but there's a reason my ego is huge, I'm better than 98% of the world at warriors. Glance isn't.
TFRogue said:
Lol denied because I told em im 20th ranked warrior in the world..............Kronolas is a fucking tool.

The reason you got denied is because you harassed me AND kronolas with all your E-peen bull****. I don't care to know what rank your 'supposed' warrior is in the world, I don't care to watch your pvp videos on you-tube, and I certainly don't care about your arena rating at 80 (which is completely irrelevant when you're applying for a BC guild.)

Within seconds of talking to you in-game you started to ramble on about how cool you think you are; and then you proceeded to flood my chat box with elitist egotistical statements (like anyone besides yourself would ever possibly care.) I actually lol'ed a bit when you even TOLD me to watch your pvp video's on you-tube.

I could care less about how awesome you think you are, in fact you're probably not all that you make yourself up to be. It seems to me like you're compensating for something.... o_O

If you were looking to make an impression, you most certainly did. An impression that got you denied from my guild. We invite people to the guild all the time. The only difference between yourself and them, is that they don't think they're God's gift to WoW, which you most definitely are not.
Um u have me all wrong, I thought I would get in if I told how good my main is. I dnt think im the best because im not r1 on skgaming.... zz w/e though gl with ur fail pve people then. Guess no room for a pvper in there. Btw Im coming to steal rank 1 off you. Good Day
TFRogue said:
Lol denied because I told em im 20th ranked warrior in the world..............Kronolas is a fucking tool.

*sigh* Where to begin. I'm cutting gems for some guildies and all of the sudden I get whispers from this guy saying his application hasn't been accepted yet and that he posted it 3 days ago. I'm half way through a sentence saying something along hte lines of "I applogize as we have been really busy lately but I can assure you..." Only to read the next whisper from this guy saying "I'm the best warrior in the world bro, trust me. Go watch my you-tube videos. You've probably heard of me through you-tube and from my videos. I'm #1 in 2's on my 80 @ 2800+, I'm 20th in the world to do LK Hardmodes and blah blah blah....."

Bro. No one gives a flying F*ck that you think you're the coolest and most badass person to have ever played this game. I speak to numerous potential guildies applying to Epoch EVERYDAY, sometimes upwards of 10 times a day and not once have I ever come across somebody as full of themselves as you. Typically, when you're applying to a guild and hoping to be accepted, its generally a good idea to NOT spam whisper the very people who will be evaluating you with constant slews of E-peen bullshit and never ending tales of grandeur.

You were denied because our guild is full of friendly and nice people who just want to have a good time, and clearly, you take it upon yourself at every given moment to puff your chest out in a feeble attempt to look important. You weren't nice, friendly, cordial, respectful, or appreciative. Some of the things we typically look for in potential guildies. Instead, you were in my face, telling me what to do, and trying to dominate the conversation to your liking. All the while throwing out arena ratings, server firsts, and references to You-tube videos. Not in my house bro. Hell no. The side of me you saw yesterday was in a direct response to the way you presented yourself to me from the get go. We do not have ONE person who acts like you in this guild, and while there is still a breath left in my body there wont ever be. I can guarantee you that.

Your application on our website was denied, an e-mail explaining why was sent to you, and your application post was destroyed. By me.

But hey, I'm just a tool right?

Look in the Mirror bro, not a pretty picture.
TFRogue said:
Um u have me all wrong, I thought I would get in if I told how good my main is. I dnt think im the best because im not r1 on skgaming.... zz w/e though gl with ur fail pve people then. Guess no room for a pvper in there. Btw Im coming to steal rank 1 off you. Good Day

Lol... Any more jokes bro? Or are you done making a fool out of yourself? Terrible warrior, I pity the guild that is foolish enough to actually give you a nano-second of their time. Find some server on the ass end of space and go stay there. No one else wants anything to do with you. Good day.
I SAID IM THE BEST WARRIOR U WILL EVER MEET, dnt incorrectly quote me bro. I was nice to Smk what are u talking about? For some reason I thought gloating to leaders would prove im good enough to join Im sorry. Btw I look better in the mirror than you. Im a model..w/e though thats irrelevant point is. Im a nice guy if u get to know me. I guess you think all I do is gloat like that glance guy, shame. What a shame oh well, I cant take back what I said. I look forward to taking rank 1 from your guild. Because it will be like taking cake from a baby.
Btw ypu and ur guild don't count for the rest of the wow population that recruits by skill, so stop talking shit. You call me terrible, yet you get beaten by lumina who has worse gear than u in terms of dps. You're a joke for someone that got warglaives, well I never said pve was hard. But I guess it is for you.
TFRogue said:
Btw ypu and ur guild don't count for the rest of the wow population that recruits by skill, so stop talking shit. You call me terrible, yet you get beaten by lumina who has worse gear than u in terms of dps. You're a joke for someone that got warglaives, well I never said pve was hard. But I guess it is for you.

Stop trying to sound intelligent you downy. You fail. Not sure where you're getting your information from regarding my DPS in raids versus those of other rogues but if you happen to be referring to the screen shots on my guild's web site then perhaps I can urge you too look a bit closer. Luminaa is mutilate spec which I'm sure you know is largely based off of poison damage and allows the player to completely ignore hit/expertise cap and to faceroll the keyboard with Mut Mut Mut Envenom etc. Whereas, if you took more than a glance at the screen shots posted you would see I am Combat swords where unlike Mutilate, the vast majority of my damage is largely physical, requiring me to fine tune my character and his attributes to maximize my damage in order to just keep up with the broken Mutilate rogues who get the pleasure of ignoring basic rogue rules and can still pump massive dps. The fact that I am #1 / #2 on the DPS meters at all is in and of itself a sheer miracle seeing as we have so many Mutilate rogues with the same gear as me. But im sure you knew all of this already didn't you? Please...

By the way, since we are on the topic of e-peen and PvP, I have 100,000 kill achievement AND Justicar/Conqueror Title with arena ratings up the yang, where's yours? Look at me, I can be a D-bag too! *puffs out chest*. Stop compensating for your extra small penis.

Good game sir.
TFRogue said:
Btw ypu and ur guild don't count for the rest of the wow population that recruits by skill, so stop talking shit. You call me terrible, yet you get beaten by lumina who has worse gear than u in terms of dps. You're a joke for someone that got warglaives, well I never said pve was hard. But I guess it is for you.

TFRogue, I'm going to ask you to take it down to a 2, you're at a 10 right now. (you're trying to find a reason why they denied you besides the reason they provided you)

Also, on their screenshot I think Kron did 5.7k dps (more than some/most 80s), and Luminaa did 4.8k, which is also more dps than some/most 80s ;p
TFRogue said:
I SAID IM THE BEST WARRIOR U WILL EVER MEET, dnt incorrectly quote me bro. I was nice to Smk what are u talking about? For some reason I thought gloating to leaders would prove im good enough to join Im sorry. Btw I look better in the mirror than you. Im a model..w/e though thats irrelevant point is. Im a nice guy if u get to know me. I guess you think all I do is gloat like that glance guy, shame. What a shame oh well, I cant take back what I said. I look forward to taking rank 1 from your guild. Because it will be like taking cake from a baby.

Let me take a guess of what your videos are like.

./turn on rap music




<cut out death scene here>

<insert a completely fair duel of you winning, never losing>

and so on.

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