Hunters lol

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Franchi said:

Reading comperhension.......1


yes, because randomly adding stuff like this to your post with zero context and spelling 'comprehension' wrong really helps you make your point. well said.

err maybe not i just realized i had referred to sunday, and the sunday games were good. I was trying to say the night were we had 3-4 hunters with there entire team sitting in mid for several games, we won, but the games were still lame, sunday games were rather fun, tho the side that lost seemed to be determined by who had the most under geared and not in vent and that gets annoying when the other side is offering good competition.

Hmm cause like i didn't just respond to willy with a valid point.

Until he admits to his past actions he is in my opinion dishonest and I will continue to refer to him as a troll whenever i feel like it.

dude, noone's forcing you to do anything. if you don't want to play against an alliance team that will control mid, don't queue. if you don't want to play against bad alliance hunters, don't queue. if willy, me, or anyone else makes you upset, then you don't need to read anything we write or respond to us. but if you choose to do any of the above, noone needs twitter updates about how you're not having a good time.
Franchi, when have I ever said that having more than 2 hunters per game was a good thing? No, on the contrary, I have stated over and over again, 1 or 2 hunters in a game is perfectly fine. I have also stated, over and over again, that people can take positive actions towards 'problems' and achieve positive results without any of the blow back that we have been experiencing. IE, instead of 'discouraging hunters everywhere' or 'banning hunters' you make the potential problems of too many hunters known, and kindly ask people to not to overpopulate the games with any one class.

You likely won't read this, and even if you do, you'll likely call me a troll, or ignore the point of the post. You'll likely reply with something like you just replied with... like 'willy, a lot of us find having 3-4 hunters per side to be unfun, hunters will kill the bracket.' Could you just once, do me the courtesy of not posting that drivel again?

Hmm cause like i didn't just respond to willy with a valid point.

Until he admits to his past actions he is in my opinion dishonest and I will continue to refer to him as a troll whenever i feel like it.

I don't think you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Everyone alse?

Yes, everyone else. Including me. We all have to take the initiative to stow away our personal sentiments and treat people with respect and dignity. Especially when they are doing something we might not like. Especially when they're having an undesired effect on games.
yeah ill probably miss games tonight but ill try to que thursday on one toon or the other. i dont understand why all the forum drama is needed, i just play to have a fun competitive wsg, the more drama i read going on the more i miss 39's.

tdlr: less qq more pew pew
Franchi said:
Gorrila log in on d maw alliance or horde if your lvl 22 i can chain run you to 29 5-10 minutes per run, then get you all your gear.

i'm on a horde in lost the batteries atm.

That shaman is long gone, but I'm rolling another one on Shadowmoon with some BOAs horde side and I'll be xferring it over next week some time.
roudy said:
yeah ill probably miss games tonight but ill try to que thursday on one toon or the other. i dont understand why all the forum drama is needed, i just play to have a fun competitive wsg, the more drama i read going on the more i miss 39's.

tdlr: less qq more pew pew

yeah 69476 capped threads about QQ over 39 fire mages was gud tyms
Gorillamode said:
That shaman is long gone, but I'm rolling another one on Shadowmoon with some BOAs horde side and I'll be xferring it over next week some time.

I would advise you to get your agm before transferring, d-maw is high pop with LOTS of nerd point fanatics, plus there are 3 29's going for it atm.

and willy here it is

You are a troll, maybe not in this thread or on these forums but in the deleted threads that lead up to the current spam reporting in 29's you WERE the prime culprit, that's why you got a ban on your main account and had to troll on your son's account for a week. just admit it already and maybe just maybe ill bother to take you seriously on the forums.
People wonder why the twink brackets are dying(yes 29s you are next when we get bored of your constant complaining). Spend less time bitching and more time playing.
Fcftw said:
franchi you need to let things go man, holy shit you're the only one still talking about that

I take issue with that kind of dishonesty and trolling.

There were plenty of trolls in this bracket back in the day that I thought were awesome and hilarious.The difference is they were trolling for a laugh not trolling to report and get threads deleted.

Phauren that's awesome.
It's long overdue to move on from both the Kow/amy and the willy trolling discussions. Time to let it die /stabs

@Willy there was more to my post. Don't try to craft a debate. If you read it again you will see what you said and what I said in the end are essentially the same thing. I just want to avoid painting the picture that "everyone" in the bracket currently is a bunch of qq'er, bullys, or w/e else. Which is how your address seemed to come across. There is a huge chunk of our people that simply enjoy pvp and aren't into the drama that sometimes gets drummed up around here. No need for lectures there.

Don't dampen my mojo I'm happy to get out of work today after the building did a shimmy shake. ;)
Phauren said:
People wonder why the twink brackets are dying(yes 29s you are next when we get bored of your constant complaining). Spend less time bitching and more time playing.

Oh you. Always with the trolling.
Willyshatner said:
We all have to take the initiative to stow away our personal sentiments and treat people with respect and dignity. Especially when they are doing something we might not like. Especially when they're having an undesired effect on games.

Hey, or how about just civility? That's all I'm looking for.
Oknobpolisher said:
Your complaint of his complaint makes you a bigger "troll" by your own definition.

If that wasn't Phauren, I might agree with you.
Franchi: blowing shit out of proportion since 2011. No need to self destruct over stupid shit.

@Willy there was more to my post. Don't try to craft a debate. If you read it again you will see what you said and what I said in the end are essentially the same thing. I just want to avoid painting the picture that "everyone" in the bracket currently is a bunch of qq'er, bullys, or w/e else. Which is how your address seemed to come across. There is a huge chunk of our people that simply enjoy pvp and aren't into the drama that sometimes gets drummed up around here. No need for lectures there.

Don't dampen my mojo I'm happy to get out of work today after the building did a shimmy shake.

I wasn't trying to make it seem like that, not at all. I am just taking the liberty to address everyone, even those who are typically bubble gum and butterflies (such as yourself). I don't feel like I should address specific people, as they know who they are without me naming names, and I am pretty sure that the undesirable behavior has stopped. I wish it could go without saying that we all need to be more civil towards each other. Hopefully from now on we can remember our manners and leave the petty squabbling to the XP on players.
I do agree that there is a difference between fun trolling and mean-spirited trolling. On that note:

Trinketsap is garbage because he... trinkets sap; Franchi manufactures weapons of brutal murder for nefarious purposes and has been blowing shit out of proportion since 2011; apparently Kao gets thoroughly demolished by Homerpimpson; Masta Ballerz is a trash guild of former 39s and 29s that can GTFO; Willi's moniker is a grave insult to the real William Shatner; Phauren's baddie guild got massacred by Detox in spectacularly embarrasing fashion (Your gf in that signature?); Kempo refers to an inferior brand of martials arts that can not compare to BJJ/Wrestling/Boxing; and Daydra, oh Daydra... nuff said.

Will be seeing you all in games tonight! Should be fun.
Willyshatner said:
Franchi: blowing shit out of proportion since 2011. No need to self destruct over stupid shit.


if you say that you report people because of profanity, then don't do it yourself, lol
Honestly I dont understand why you guys even have this thread. All the people that currently have 29 hunters are people that think it's hilarious that you guys rage.
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