Hunters are completely out of control and ruin this bracket

my friend and i tried to play war games last night, but when we went to queue for 2v2 arena, it said that you "need to have the opposing party leader targeted" when you queue. so is it not possible to do war games against anyone but players on your own faction on your own server.....? if so, that renders any kind of organized twinking more or less totally pointless.

we've been away from WoW for a while, so we don't know how it works. can you explain exactly how war games functions?
iaccidentallytwink said:
It was a very minor change for most good players though. And made it even easier for bad ones.

well exactly my point.

C O T U S said:
when i found out that hunters got auto-shot while moving, i thought that it was one of blizzard's april fools day jokes.

lol youre bad
they introduced war games and then made it only available to people on the same server? are you kidding me? did they just get too lazy to finish the product and implement cross-realm function?

how on earth have the people at max level not whined up such a ****ing storm that they've been forced to change it?
Read every other post in this thread and you'll see why. Anyone makes a complaint and you get a bunch of apathetic people complaining about the complaining, trolling, or waving their e-peen and saying it doesn't affect them, so everyone else must just suck.

It's nothing to be surprised about. Lots of WoW players are self-centered, sociopathic, social reject, a-holes.

I however can only raise my hand to the last 2 categories, because I do give a shit about everyone else's enjoyment of the game (so long as they do too).
Yasueh said:
Read every other post in this thread and you'll see why. Anyone makes a complaint and you get a bunch of apathetic people complaining about the complaining, trolling, or waving their e-peen and saying it doesn't affect them, so everyone else must just suck.

It's nothing to be surprised about. Lots of WoW players are self-centered, sociopathic, social reject, a-holes.

I however can only raise my hand to the last 2 categories, because I do give a shit about everyone else's enjoyment of the game (so long as they do too).

If you know how to make addons I suggest you take the addon made earlier - designed to automatically add people in the f2ptwink channel to your friend list - and continue developing it. I got quite a few things and ideas - just not the skills for it (Or I'd definitely make it).

PM me if you're interested and we'll talk.

Best regards,
Yasueh said:
Read every other post in this thread and you'll see why. Anyone makes a complaint and you get a bunch of apathetic people complaining about the complaining, trolling, or waving their e-peen and saying it doesn't affect them, so everyone else must just suck.

It's nothing to be surprised about. Lots of WoW players are self-centered, sociopathic, social reject, a-holes.

I however can only raise my hand to the last 2 categories, because I do give a shit about everyone else's enjoyment of the game (so long as they do too).

i wouldn't get so discouraged. i'm actually pretty impressed that this site has managed to get rid of almost all the idiots that used to incessantly plague it. so far, i've met only cool 20s.

fyi, "Best Rogue EU" is a known troll. i actually remember him from back in twinkinfo's older days. he would constantly talk trash to people, specifically bashing U.S. players for how "bad" they were. eventually, mythos borrowed a european account and humiliated him in a series of rogue duels despite having horrendous lag. the guy is an awful player and an even more awful troll.

don't let the few bad apples remaining get in the way of getting a pvp movment going for 20s.
best rogue eu be quiet lol. I mean we all have the right to hate hunters. We all have the right to love em. Thing is the facts are that they have a defnite buff compared to other classes at low lvls and this lets anyone who plays hunter generally pwn. Yes good hunters are rare. Thing is people have reasons to hate them considering with right gear and spam concussive/arcane shot is enough to kill most no wonder ppl bring the hate. So yes make a hunter if you want. If your good hurray maybe you will be loved. If not just dont expect help. The dif between skilled hunters very large. I can say that in wsg on my resto shammy i was healing 3 hutners consistently. We were fighting rogues/druid and pallys. They did okay dmg its just the fact that once they close the gap in teh dead zone they just panicked and my heals did nothing.
also, back on topic:

i'd like to add that rogues are almost as big of a problem as hunters. they're able to do a player's entire HP pool in an opener + 1-2 specials. sprint at 70% with a 1 minute cooldown is also completely absurd at level 20, and coupled with shadowstep it means that it is *literally* impossible to not die to a rogue if they really want to kill you, unless you have a healer(s) following you around with very good reaction time.

they're not *quite* as ridiculous as hunters, but having to stack HP at all costs just to try and survive openers in this bracket makes pvp kind of silly.
The only time I've seen a rogue as a problem was the one that took out our FC to get a cap. It was the FC's fault for having ~600hp (yes I was sapped because I didn't have a trinket, so couldn't heal the FC, but I can't out-heal a one-shot anyway).

Anyone not making use of macros deserves to have problems. You make one like this:


/cast someDoT

and spamming it will target and cast on whatever's in range. That keeps rogues out of stealth.

Back when I started twinking in TBC you had to have 1000hp to be considered a twink and eligible to join <Horde Twinks> (or enough damage stats to make up for having less). I'd say 1000hp self buffed should be what everyone aims for in this bracket too. 1200 at least for clothies.
not really sure where you're getting the "1200 at least" number, because i've calculated that i can get almost 1200 unbuffed with all my best-in-slot all-out HP gear. i'm all ears if there's some kind of other secret way to get more HP.

ps: rogue sap range is larger than your stealth detect range. that macro is not going to do anything.
C O T U S said:
fyi, "Best Rogue EU" is a known troll. i actually remember him from back in twinkinfo's older days. he would constantly talk trash to people, specifically bashing U.S. players for how "bad" they were. eventually, mythos borrowed a european account and humiliated him in a series of rogue duels despite having horrendous lag. the guy is an awful player and an even more awful troll.

lol tell me more i need to hear this
Rogues can only sap one person at a time, so you shouldn't be alone, and someone else should be there to spam that if you get sapped. If you have to cross midfield alone you zig-zag, so they can't get in position ahead of you so easily. I may play clothies now but I spent a very long time playing rogue first.

I've got near to 1400hp unbuffed on a mage with BiS F2P gear on chardev, allowing for hit rating from feet, ring, wand and weapon too.
chardev doesn't calculate stats correctly, so i've been doing it manually. it's still useful for exploring gear options though. i'm not counting BOA gear as BiS, by the way. to be honest, i'm more likely to end up making a 20 twink of every class than i am to spend time gearing 1 character to the max. it takes literally 1 day to make a 20 twink, no's just too tempting and fun to keep making new toons! i'm sure i'll eventually get a couple BOA pieces, but i think it's a little silly that i should have to grind out all my BOA gear just to be able to survive the initial salvos of half-twinked keyboard turning physical DPS classes.

one rogue i can deal with just fine. but when you're getting opened on by 2-3 rogues constantly every time you try to cross midfield, and they're gnome 75% of the time, it's pretty damn hard for a mage. keep in mind that you have scream, so they have to blow their trinket if they want to kill you. i don't have that luxury. the fact that most of these rogues are gnome makes it even more difficult.
C O T U S said:
the fact that most of these rogues are gnome makes it even more difficult.

Try chasing a lvl 24 goblin hunter... disengage, rocket jump - impossible to hit... even as a baddie it's a pain in the royal impossibility butt.
Gorillamode said:
I understand the draw to playing a hunter; its a cool class conceptually, and unique in that it is the only physical ranged damage dealer, and only class which uses ranged weapons as a primary damage source.

If we could just get the people with hunters to also make other twinks, well that would just be peachy.

Working on a holy pally. (currently a 20 hunter) not perfect or even close, just some of my quest gear.

Best Rogue EU said:
lol tell me more i need to hear this

still waiting for the full story! eu servers are almost up :O:O
C O T U S said:
also, back on topic:

i'd like to add that rogues are almost as big of a problem as hunters. they're able to do a player's entire HP pool in an opener + 1-2 specials. sprint at 70% with a 1 minute cooldown is also completely absurd at level 20, and coupled with shadowstep it means that it is *literally* impossible to not die to a rogue if they really want to kill you, unless you have a healer(s) following you around with very good reaction time.

they're not *quite* as ridiculous as hunters, but having to stack HP at all costs just to try and survive openers in this bracket makes pvp kind of silly.

Level up your first aid, and start making Anti-Venom - Spell - World of Warcraft

Nova > Cleanse > Poly > Nuke. Save blink for ShS

You won't win a 1v1 versus a skilled rogue, but you shouldn't be trying to run around as a mage 1v1ing in mid anyways. Keep the rogue poly'd until your team shows up.

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