Hunters are completely out of control and ruin this bracket

Human/gnome/nelf all have their advantages, though I submit that nothing really beats human racially. Having trinket on a 2 minute CD is just outstanding, and in reality all trinkets should be baseline 2 minutes.
Gorillamode said:
Level up your first aid, and start making Anti-Venom - Spell - World of Warcraft

Nova > Cleanse > Poly > Nuke. Save blink for ShS

You won't win a 1v1 versus a skilled rogue, but you shouldn't be trying to run around as a mage 1v1ing in mid anyways. Keep the rogue poly'd until your team shows up.

indeed, i was wondering about anti-venom. i'd also like to use it to remove serpent sting for the times that i blink away from hunters after taking 1000 damage instantly - this way, i won't die before i can get out of combat! thanks for the tip.

the real problem here is 70% sprint at level 20 (lol?), almost moreso than the damage rogues can put out. i'm sorry, but it's completely ridiculous that a rogue can sprint in stealth at level 20 and literally be going as fast as me on my mount. on a one_minute_cooldown.

it has gotten to the point where i've stopped queuing WSG because rogues and hunters make it not even fun. every WSG game, 7-8 of the players on the opposing team are rogues and hunters. even when i can outplay them the vast majority of the time, it just gets really ****ing tiresome having to deal with the same bullshit over and over and over again.

pub arathi basin has always been more fun than pub warsong gulch (and premade vs. premade as well, really), at every level bracket, as every class, since the beginning of battlegrounds in this game. people need to wake up and start queuing AB instead of WSG. i see a lot of whining from other players in my WSG games along these exact same lines. there is a simple solution to this: queue arathi basin, tell your friends to queue arathi basin, and stop playing WSG.

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