Hunter vs pally


I just read the f2p topic about hunters in duels. Alot of people claimed that a prot- or holy paladin would most likely win a duel against a hunter. Playing a paladin myself i think this theory is flawed. If both clases are played perfectly i predict a hunter to win this duel simply due to range advantage. Hunters can use attacks from a 40 yard range while the paladin's Avenger's shield, exorcism and holy shock have a 30 yard range. Am i missing something here? Isn't it possible to keep max range and make the pally go oom?

Edit: I assume my theory is wrong because the hunter would forfeit if he's staying at max range.
If the pally is anywhere near decent and he uses los to his advantage, as long as he was able to keep himself up while dishing out damage at the same time then i dont see why the pally couldnt pull out a win. If were talking about a duel in an open field where there is no los then unless the hunter is brain dead i dont see how he could loose
Thanks for the response, for a minute i thoughed i was missing something. I still feel like most hunters dont know about our range though, making me facepalm when i exorcism one down.
As a 24 twink pally myself... its all how ya play of course but im 49% for Hunters and 51% for pallys i'd say. The CD on concussive shot is way to short.... meaning that a good hunter can keep you at 40 yards. Pallys can bubble yes but we prefer to save that for multiple targets that our in our faces to live, not for 1 hunter!!! However holy and tank pallys can out heal a hunter or can lure the hunter close. A lone pally when out ranged by a hunter should use a cheap and semi effective heal for mana conservation like holy light. Some hunters can't get enough DPS to out beat consistent holy lights so they come in close for that 20 yard scatter shot. There you can toss a shield or make a break for a stun which will get you in close and personal
Multiple hunters however... bubble run LOL! If there geared anyway, but it's all about the player... a good hunter can keep 40 yards and kill you, but some rely on the scatter shot to pull of steady shot for focus. Mainly because there DPS ain't to good and need more focus for better abilities. Though hunters piss off people, as a pally ... I hate other pally's just as much as i hate hunters!!!
I have to agree the hunter has to make a mistake to lose, wich is easily made considering how long a pally can stay alive.
lmao, the paladin thinks hunters have the advantage and the hunter thinks paladins have the advantage
lmao, the paladin thinks hunters have the advantage and the hunter thinks paladins have the advantage

I actually think the paladin has the advantage of being able to be flawed, if both players are perfect however the hunter should win is all im saying. But i do see the irony:p
good prot pallys should beat hunters good hunters should beat prot.

shoulda woulda coulda

what happens when a good prot pally meets a good hunter?

At the end of the day, the paladins mana will eventually run out, and with the distance advantage i'd say Hunter would win. 5 sec duration/CD on concussive shot.

I think in order for the paladin to win, you gotta get lucky on Exorcism/Avenger's shield crits.

I use a handy addon called RangeDisplay, which basically shows you estimated distance of enemy, so you can keep yourself out of range when needs be. I'd recommend it for those hunters losing to prots.
I can beat alot of hunters in a 1v1 situation, but its a painful process of AS/Flash/Exo that I would rather not have to do. Most of the time in bg's I try to close the gap while mounted on then wait for them to disengauge then close the gap again and stun them, but alot of times before I can get in range the second time I have 2/3 more hunters on me and then its pretty much me standing there healing and CSing anything in range hopeing the rest of my team comes to my aid.

In short, it's horrible and I try to avoid hunters altogather if I can (ha)
Pallys all the way no Challenge.... Hunters would have to literally keep a pally stuned for like 16 secounds for one to die.

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