I was wondering about any of you other hunter's preferred pets for PvP.
If you wanna go serious about it:
It depends on bg group you facing. You can not predict the best pet for every occasion.
I can not give you more or less legit answer not knowing your play style.
Healing debuff is great against long mid fights with alot of healers.
Combat ress can be very useful for example if you ress you 2nd healer in mid fight.
Stamina, agill, intelect, crit, multistrike, ver, spell power all can be very useful in specific situations.
BM hunters are very handy with chimeras.
As a middleground i would suggest a
As for pets in legion, well that is easy. Back to Spiders/Crocolisks we march.
Also do note that RoSing your support will go longway.