How will Waw Tawent do this time around?

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I'll premade you.

Kush & Orange Juice #1 Guild US
I'm sure your premade of crutch hunters and paladins will wtfroflstompnoobspwnalllolqq everyone.


Seriously though, I just don't see there being much competition. Not because WT is that much better. Because there just isn't a lot of dedicated twinking going on. In the golden era of twinking you'd have a couple legit guilds per faction on several different servers. Now that we have a dedicated bg for twinks only, people aren't representing like they should. I know I'm not. Bugged que's and some of the worst class imbalance in the history of the bracket don't really inspire me to play my 19. I'm sure there are others who feel the same way so there isn't a big pool of players to draw from. WT won't get a challenge because they are pretty much the only guild organizing full premades. So I'm sure they will do great since they'll just be steamrolling pugs.
Karok said:
I am genuinely curious as to what feedback you actually expected from this post. Were you looking for genuine discussion about your guild, many of whom next to no-one knows about (seems unlikely), or just a casual ego trip?

Edit: apologies, I am EU; I have no say in this.

Well I'm US. And I agree with him. I don't see this as anything else than you reinstating you and your guild of really cool guys are better than us. I can't count the times you've absolutely wrecked me because you're a much better player than me (or maybe it's cuz you play tard), and I respected you a lot, but I have much less respect for you now. You get minus points. If you're sincere about you wanting guild discussion, then yeah you're gonna win everything. If not, go home kid.

Edit: this is my favoite part.

Pizza said:
The 19 bracket needs more of these types of threads to get premade guilds going.

you guys do realize he made this post to make you all mad enough 2 want to try to beat him right?? i mean he pretty much says it outright.
Just curious, who exactly does your 10 man consist of?

As for competition there isn't really any Alliance guilds fielding 10 people.
augiddin said:
you guys do realize he made this post to make you all mad enough 2 want to try to beat him right?? i mean he pretty much says it outright.

If there were enough organized people that actually had a shot at beating him then it would work but sadly I don't think there is, not right now at least.
Khanodruid said:
If there were enough organized people that actually had a shot at beating him then it would work but sadly I don't think there is, not right now at least.

There are people but like most they are concentrating on their mains at this moment. That doesn't mean they aren't around, it's just the inevitable highs and lows of 19 twinks. Honestly you don't see many <Waw Tawent> members running around wsg pugs very often atm, but obviously they are still there (Pizza would straight out say that they wouldn't be premading if he didn't have things under control). Everyone on this site and in pugs talk alot of ****, time to organize yourselves and back it up. <3
My 85 can take your guild on....nekid

oh shit son
Shamageddon said:
I like cupcakes.


I wonder why this forum has a reputation for being so shitty? It seems like all of the posts and content are really interesting and ground breaking. One thing is for sure: I certainly will be posting here frequently because of how awesome this forum is!!!
The Unspeakable said:
I don't know enough about WT as you're all after my time, but I know the 5 man premade cap is going to hurt you. It'll limit performance at worst, and let inferior premades with very lucky pickups beat you at best.

Rolling with only half a team, unless that's changed/fixed, will be the biggest obstacle.

We will make sure that our 10 gets in.

Windsword said:
I don't even know who's in your premade lineup besides you. Haven't seen any of your members pug. Can't evaluate.

If I were to base your premades success solely off of you, yes you are dedicated, and you are a decent flag carrier. However, an organized team versus your team is a different story. Happy now? Did you get the answers you wanted?

My members used to pug back in the day all the time, but they have grown tired of pugs after 30k, 40k, 50k+ kills.

I am very happy today, thank you. :)

Lawlpurge said:
*We know we're the number one 19 guild atm*

*Makes post to stroke ego*

That's not why I made this post at all.

Grody1 said:
I highly doubt Pizza gets any fun out of this game unless masterbating while blowing shit up with explosive shot. Great ego post though, hope it helps the confidence you lack in real life. I am glad to see you'll be back to queueing soon.

Edit: People are anticipating waw tawent's return like the release of a C+ movie.

Sure shows what kind of person you are.

Chanka said:
Haters gonna hate. Waw Tawent #1

There will always be haters. You just have to learn to use them as ambition. View them as a positive instead of a negative.

fochixi said:
I'm sure your premade of crutch hunters and paladins will wtfroflstompnoobspwnalllolqq everyone.


Seriously though, I just don't see there being much competition. Not because WT is that much better. Because there just isn't a lot of dedicated twinking going on. In the golden era of twinking you'd have a couple legit guilds per faction on several different servers. Now that we have a dedicated bg for twinks only, people aren't representing like they should. I know I'm not. Bugged que's and some of the worst class imbalance in the history of the bracket don't really inspire me to play my 19. I'm sure there are others who feel the same way so there isn't a big pool of players to draw from. WT won't get a challenge because they are pretty much the only guild organizing full premades. So I'm sure they will do great since they'll just be steamrolling pugs.

If you're implying that we'll have to stack classes to win, you're wrong. We'll actually be enforcing rules on how many of each class can be used to avoid this.

We don't queue pugs as a group anymore.

Silinrul said:
This. Looking forward to playing ally for once and having my shot against you Pizza. :)

Will be fun. You guys better bring all you got!

Karok said:
I am genuinely curious as to what feedback you actually expected from this post. Were you looking for genuine discussion about your guild, many of whom next to no-one knows about (seems unlikely), or just a casual ego trip?

Edit: apologies, I am EU; I have no say in this.

The players who don't know about my guild must be new. We've been around for years.

Khanodruid said:
Well I'm US. And I agree with him. I don't see this as anything else than you reinstating you and your guild of really cool guys are better than us. I can't count the times you've absolutely wrecked me because you're a much better player than me (or maybe it's cuz you play tard), and I respected you a lot, but I have much less respect for you now. You get minus points. If you're sincere about you wanting guild discussion, then yeah you're gonna win everything. If not, go home kid.

Edit: this is my favoite part.


That is exactly why I made this thread. (the part of my first post you quoted)

augiddin said:
you guys do realize he made this post to make you all mad enough 2 want to try to beat him right?? i mean he pretty much says it outright.

I wouldn't say mad, a better word would be motivated.

Beastly said:
Just curious, who exactly does your 10 man consist of?

As for competition there isn't really any Alliance guilds fielding 10 people.

I won't be disclosing any information regarding our team.

Khanodruid said:
If there were enough organized people that actually had a shot at beating him then it would work but sadly I don't think there is, not right now at least.

I made this post in part to give guilds the motivation they need to become organized and premade. Times when we've gone inactive what brought us back is the urge to beat someone.

Silinrul said:
There are people but like most they are concentrating on their mains at this moment. That doesn't mean they aren't around, it's just the inevitable highs and lows of 19 twinks. Honestly you don't see many <Waw Tawent> members running around wsg pugs very often atm, but obviously they are still there (Pizza would straight out say that they wouldn't be premading if he didn't have things under control). Everyone on this site and in pugs talk alot of ****, time to organize yourselves and back it up. <3


Dominance said:
Pizza, when i get my team up brah, get at me ;P

Sounds good, let us know.
or goto and download this addon. i forgot what it is but you have every one in your premade download it and it lets you join as a raid.
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