How will Waw Tawent do this time around?

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
Waw Tawent is just around the corner from premading again. We've lost a few players, but I've put a lot of time and effort into their replacements.

I'm curious as to how the community on Twinkinfo thinks we're going to do this time around with all the changes to the bracket. Are there any guilds you see posing a threat towards us?

I want honest opinions from everyone. If you play for a guild and think your guild has got a shot, speak up. Before you say anything though, think to yourself, can you back it up? Will your guild actually play us, because if your guild never premades us then your words hold no merit.

The 19 bracket needs more of these types of threads to get premade guilds going. I'm looking to spark up a flame in our future competitors.

If you play on EU you have no say in this matter. This is for US players only.

Pizza said:

Very, very, inspirational.
my guild can beat you were are all level 85 there are only 2 of us but we could like 1 shot u all or something :p
Twinkin said:
Very, very, inspirational.

Oh, I love that scene so much.
Orcgasm said:
my guild can beat you were are all level 85 there are only 2 of us but we could like 1 shot u all or something :p

ummm were are ??? dude dont be an idiot we are here to talk about Waw tawent geting back in progress not here to talk about a lvl 85 guild that wants to 1 shot lvl 19s because they cant take 85s.
I don't know enough about WT as you're all after my time, but I know the 5 man premade cap is going to hurt you. It'll limit performance at worst, and let inferior premades with very lucky pickups beat you at best.

Rolling with only half a team, unless that's changed/fixed, will be the biggest obstacle.
You can queue two separate groups at the same time, and call pops over vent. I know that TCF do that, might take 1 or 2 queue to grab eachother in the same BG though. I've been up against a couple premades who have queued this way, and they sure as hell make the most of it :p
Well, arrogant like always, but we all know WT is ruling, end.
I don't even know who's in your premade lineup besides you. Haven't seen any of your members pug. Can't evaluate.

If I were to base your premades success solely off of you, yes you are dedicated, and you are a decent flag carrier. However, an organized team versus your team is a different story. Happy now? Did you get the answers you wanted?
Wait, Waw Tawent is a twink guild? that plans on doing premades? it consists of members? what? I thought this was a myth!
Grody1 said:
I highly doubt Pizza gets any fun out of this game unless masterbating while blowing shit up with explosive shot. Great ego post though, hope it helps the confidence you lack in real life. I am glad to see you'll be back to queueing soon.

I thought everyone touched themselves while playing, dayum.
Grody1 said:
I highly doubt Pizza gets any fun out of this game unless masterbating while blowing shit up with explosive shot. Great ego post though, hope it helps the confidence you lack in real life. I am glad to see you'll be back to queueing soon.

Edit: People are anticipating waw tawent's return like the release of a C+ movie.

Haters gonna hate. Waw Tawent #1
I highly doubt Pizza gets any fun out of this game unless masterbating while blowing shit up with explosive shot. Great ego post though, hope it helps the confidence you lack in real life. I am glad to see you'll be back to queueing soon.

Edit: People are anticipating waw tawent's return like the release of a C+ movie.

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